Back TTC #2 at 38. CD1 anyone else want to join me?

My daughter was a cd25 baby. And that was an early ovulation for me :)
Thanks rmsh. I guess I'm worried because I had ewcm from cd18 so I feel my body was trying to ger tge egg out but failing. I thought about the harmony test but to be fair I'd probably also do the nt scan etc and the harmony test costs $1000.

How are you doing?
Hi Ladies - so fun to see all the BFP's here! I am currently 7dpo (I think - first month on clomid and had a three day surge) - so not sure when I should count DP1. I should have tempted.

My son is asleep and my DH is away - man it feels nice to have a nice quite place to myself. Good luck everyone! I hope this is our month!
TLK - good luck this month! When are you going to start testing?

Spud - I never O before CD20 so if a late O is a bad thing I'm screwed. lol But with DS I didn't O until CD29 and he's a happy and healthy 15 month old.

AFM, CD6 today. Boring times. Anyone have anything special planned for this father's Day weekend?
Megan - thank you for the reassurance. I normally ovulate cd18 to 22 so 26 was late for me. It's good to know. Father's day in NZ is in sept but I did have to organise cards for my dad in england. Instead it's the shortest day on sunday so we're going to have a bbw.

Tlk - not long now until testing. Good luck. My dd has just given up daytime naps so I miss that quiet time.
May I join your group?
My DD is 19 months and we've decided to start trying for #2. First month has gone badly when I was 15 days late before AF arrived and I'm always like clock work, so I've become a little anxious about the whole thing and whether I've missed the boat.
It took us 9 months first time round, so we're not expecting anything to happen quickly!
I've just turned 38 and feel like my clock is now ticking very loudly!

Baby dust to all! :thumbup:
Welcome La Bergere!!! Glad to have you in the group. I know what you mean about the ticking clock. It took us over 2 years to conceive DS. I know having babies past 40 is totally fine for some ladies but 40 is my cut off date so I really feel the pressure. Where are you at in your cycle?
I'm 38 (39 in December) and just finished my 1st round of clomid and had a negative HPT this morning. I can't stop crying. We dtd almost every day from day 10-20. Had beautiful positive OPK on CD 16 and 17. Used preseed. All tests done at the Fertility Clinic are normal. I'm devastated. And losing hope. I know I'm lucky to have a healthy 2 years old but I still really want a sibling for him. My friends are all pregnant with their second. They are all younger than me. I wish I started this earlier. Now, I'm wondering if I should even consider IVF. Ugh. I just can't stop crying. And I have clients in an hour - How do you guys stay positive and hopeful?
:hugs: TLK. BFN's suck so much. FX next cycle is the one for you. I too struggle to stay positive and hopeful. It took us 2+ years and over 10k in fertility treatments before I got pregnant with DS so I get real doubtful that we will ever get pregnant again. Now that I'm a SAHM and we live off one income there is no way we could afford even one round of clomid :nope: My only hope is that my crappy ovaries start working properly and that we get another miracle baby. Can you afford to go down the IVF route? Have you thought about doing IUI?
TLK - I am sorry this has been so hard for you but hope you are feeling better today. We struggled to get pregnant with our first with 2 miscarriages along the way. What really helped me, both emotionally and physically, was getting acupuncture and doing Mayan Fertility Massage. Of course, with an almost 13 month old at home i have no time for acupuncture this time around but maybe, if you can squeeze it in, it will help.

Another thing we do is SMEP (Sperm Meets Egg Plan). Between the above treatments and this plan we had a successful pregnancy within a couple of months.
This cycle will be our second month ttc our second baby so we'll see how it goes.

La Bergere - Welcome and good luck!!

Megan - Hopefully your body will now know how to get pregnant. How is your cycle going?

I got a +OPK this morning so should ovulate Saturday. Hoping for a good cycle, healthy sperm and a healthy egg!

How is everyone else?
Hi all!

I'd love to join if there's any one still around :winkwink:

I just turned 37 and ttc#2 for the past 4/5 months or so. Wasn't really using opk's (not properly anyway) and only doing it half-heartadly.
So this month I bought the smilie face ov kits, got a smiley on Thursday evening so only got the chance to dtd Thursday night and Friday morning. Hoping i'm covered but I don't think it was enough.

I have an almost 3 year old and would love to give him a sibling. It breaks my heart seeing him playing on his own. I think there's a few here that feel the same.

I had a chemical before I conceived my little boy and also a mmc @10.5 weeks. I had a chemical last July as well. These were all from just one time dtd so I knew it was as soon as I actually went to try it wouldn't happen!
I'm really worried my age is against me now. Anyway baby dust to all, fingers crossed for lots of :bfp: soon :flower:
Welcome Jess_11! Our cycles are on a very similar track as I got my smiley Thurs. AM so, for me, I most likely ovulated on Saturday. I am using OPKs but no other form of tracking this time around.

Age doesn't have as much to do with it as we are made to believe. My doctor was telling me how most of the studies were done on one color/class of women in the 50's and with a small test group. He doesn't believe that age comes into play until 40 and then there is a higher change of miscarriage b/c more eggs are substandard but pregnancy can and will still happen. Of course our fertility is declining but we have all had kids and can do so again.

Good luck to you!
Well said, Itsawonder!

Welcome Jess!! So sorry for your losses. I hope you get a sticky little bean soon.
Jess - welcome. I hope you get your bfp too. I feel the same way about giving my daughter a sibling. It also breaks my heart too to see her playing on her own. That exactly sums it up and that's what keeps me going.

It's a wonder - great post about age and pregnancy. So often we hear it's doom and gloom after 35.

I'm having a stressful week. I have a bad feeling about this pregnancy. I hope it's just being pregnant after a loss . I wish I had bought a doppler. I'm 12+1 and I still have a squishy tummy. I can't fewel my uterus yet and ms has eased. These were my mmc symptoms last time. I have a midwife appointment on Thurs amd a scan next Monday.
:hugs: Spud. I bet you are just nervous since you have had a prior loss. Not sure about the squishy tummy but I think ms is supposed to fade by the second tri which you are fast approaching. I'll keep you in my prayers. Hope Thursday comes quickly for you.
Thanks Megan. I'm really hoping the midwife can pick up baby's heartbeat on a doppler on Thursday. I've been so tempted to call her to see if I can get my appointment sooner but I'm trying not to be THAT person ha ha.
Thanks for the welcome girls.
Itsawonder when will you test do you think? I'm so crap at waiting it out but am really trying this time. I poas this morning and negative of course! I'm only like 4dpo!

Megan where are you at in your cycle? I'm on my phone so hard to scroll back.

Spud you poor thing, I hope Thursday comes quick for you. It's a constant worry, we worry about getting a bfp, then we do and it's a whole other set of worries! I can imagine you are nervous but try keep calm for now.

Afm, I booked a pelvic scan for next Tuesday just to make sure all looks ok with my insides 😀 After ov every month I've been having niggling pains in my right ovary so just want to rule out cysts and the likes.

Hope everyone is good girls 😘 xx
Meant to say spud, it's probably no harm you don't have a doppler. You would drive yourself mad if you couldn't hear the heartbeat. With my son it was 16 weeks before I heard it, me being me I started trying to find it at 8 weeks😳
Jess, I'm 5dpo according to FF so we are super close on days. I'm not fully convinced FF is right though. I usually don't O until late in my cycle (like CD20-CD25) and it says I O'd on CD12 which is crazy town. It might be attributed to the Vitex I'm taking but I guess we will see. Good luck at your scan. Hope you get the all clear.
Spudtastic - sorry you are so concerned but I remember feeling the exact same way when my symptoms subsided. I remember many women here saying the same thing. From about 12 weeks until I had a bump and started to feel movement I was really worried. The good news is that your MS subsided! What this really means is that you are moving forward as you should be. You are almost in second trimester which is the easiest of the three and when you finally get to tell people. I agree with Jess - you will probably drive yourself mad with a doppler b/c often times you won't pick up the heartbeat.

If you can't wait until Thursday just call your midwife. My ob started doing ultrasounds for me at 4 weeks when I was pregnant with my DD b/c I was so worried. He wanted me to stay relaxed so I could remain healthy. Who cares if you are "that woman". You have been through a lot.

In the meantime, take a hike, read a book, run, gt a massage - do whatever it is you do to relax and get a babysitter while you do it. You deserve it!

Jess - good luck with your appointment, I hope you are having O pain and nothing more. I am going to try to hold out for AF but if I do test I will let you all know!

Megan - I hope this means the Vitex is working and your cycles are shortening.

AFM - 3dpo, 10 or 11 more days to go..... ho hum.....

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