Back TTC #2 at 38. CD1 anyone else want to join me?

Hi girls, just popping in to say hi,

Spud good luck today, I really hope everything works out for you. You'll be in my thoughts, everything crossed for you xx

Megan I never heard of Vitex, must check it up. Does it do the same as agnus cactus (sorry not sure how to spell it)?
I think if I don't get a bfp this month I might need to start using something to maybe ov a bit earlier as at the moment everything points to cd16 / cd17. I don't think that's too bad but it couldn't hurt to try gear my body up to ov earlier.

ItsaWonder, I know, 6dpo here too. you must be the same as well? I'm really trying not to test as well.

Anyone any sympotoms? I have sore boobs is all, nothing unusual there though! Due AF this day next week so we shall see.
Hope everyone is well, the weather here is scorching, well compared to the rain and cold we're used to :haha:
Spud, thinking of you today. Hope all goes well. :hugs:

Jess, Vitex is also called angus-castus or chaste tree. I'm taking it to help regulate my crazy hormones since I have PCOS. If FF is right I O'd on CD12 this cycle. I usually O on like CD20. I hope this means I will start having shorter cycles but we shall see. As for symptoms, I'm 7dpo today and so far nothing. But I've had a terrible stomach bug for the last few days so who knows. DH is off work for starting today for the 4th of July weekend!! And my best friend is coming with her kids to stay with us for a few days. So excited!!
No symptoms here but I never had symptoms early - pregnant or not.
Hello ladies.
I am the happiest person in the world today. We heard a heartbeat of 160bpm. I cried and then my midwife cried. I think I had convinced myself, dh and the midwife that the news was going to be bad.

thank you for thinking about me today.
Awww spud that is just great news! Delighted for you. It must be a huge relief. Lol at the midwife crying as well!
Wonderful news Spud!! Congrats! I hope this helps you enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.
How's everyone else doing? I'm 9dpo or so today. Been testing lots and all bfn's, really feeling out this month again. Boobs sore and the usual af cramps. Not testing again until I'm due on Thursday. So so sick of seeing the stark white screen 😬

Hope everyone is well x
9 dpo here as well but not testing yet. It's weird though - my stomach has been a little queasy the past few days. I never had symptoms with my previous pregnancies (losses or my daughter) until 6 or so weeks and my DD has a bit of an upset tummy so I don't think it's anything but.... maybe....

I was going to wait until AF but I think I might test on Wed as DH and I both have the day off of work.

Jess - good luck to you! 9 dpo is still really early for a positive test so hang in there!
If FF is right I'm 11dpo today. Tested yesterday and got a BFN. I'm starting to think FF is wrong and that I'm just getting ready to O in the next day or two. I wish I had an OPK to see if it's getting positive or not. I guess it's a waiting game at this point. I'm going to wait until Saturday to test again. Good luck on Wednesday and Thursday Itsawonder and Jess!!!
I have just felt off and decided I couldn't wait any longer. Only 9 dpo! Won't be able to tell hubby until Wednesday but so excited and hopeful he or she will stick!


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Omg omg omg!!!! Itsawonder I'm so happy for you!!! Stick beanie stick!!!
Whoop whoop itsawonder. Congratulations. I'm very happy and excited for you.
Aw congrats Itsawonder!!! Woo hoo! Sticky dust to you. That's a great line for 9dpo..:flower:
I have just felt off and decided I couldn't wait any longer. Only 9 dpo! Won't be able to tell hubby until Wednesday but so excited and hopeful he or she will stick!

Aww! Congrats to you!!! x
Thanks ladies! I actually had a few minutes with DH and got to tell him. We are so excited but will feel even better when I miss AF and/or see tests get darker. I still can't believe this happened so fast!
Congratulations itsawonder. H&H 9 months to you xx
How's everyone doing?

I'm doing good. 3dpo today according to corrected O date on fertility friend. I'm feeling blah about my chances this month. We've all been off and on sick this month so we hardly got any BD'ing done. By some miracle we did manage to BD on O day and two days prior so I think I have a chance but we shall see. I'm particularly bummed if we don't get preggers this month as it will mean DS will be over 2 years old by the time the baby will be born. I really wanted them to be close in age. Also, one of our friends just found out she is having twins and I'm super jealous. If I could pick what we get, I really want twin girls (call me crazy, I know).

Sorry for the vent there.

How are you? Feeling pregnant yet?
I get a little queasy still in the AM but nothing major. Just like the first pregnancy though, I am really bloated and not able to button many of my pants or zip my skirts all of the say. Two people have already looked right at my belly, made a funny face and turned away. When I said "what was that about" they said "oh, nothing...." I wonder if we will have to announce early.

Bd'ing two days before O and the day of sounds great! I only get pregnant if we bd the day of O! Can't wait to see what happens!

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