BD on day of positive OPK

bcp = birth control pill

i'm also not too sure about cm. I think I ended up checking throughout the day! :haha: and record what i think is the overall 'cm' for the day :shrug:
What is bcp?
I am going to start charting my CM too - I've kind of put it off for a while but I know I need to start doing that. Do you test for it at a specific time everyday?

BCP - birth control pills:flower: since I have endo, if we are away and will not be able to ttc, I go on the pill.

I tend to check my cm in the morning, make sure it is before bding. If we bd I do not bother to check the rest of the day. But otherwise the time of day you check does not matter.
But I notice you feel wetter in general when have fert cm and it may show up in wet round patches on your undies.

So as for tww symptom spotting:baby:

TMI yesterday I had three bm's, yes three:blush: I am normally a once a day girl but dr google says increased bm's around Ov are normal. Today I noticed it is softer than usual, not sure if that means anything. Also a wee bit of pain in my ovary area. Think just the corpus luteum making prog. Otherwise nothing new.
How about you?
Hi Gingersnaps!

So I'm so acutely aware of 'anything' that could be a sign of a BFP it's almost comical.

I have definitely noticed an increase in 'soft' BM esp in the morning. (TMI!) I'm also super gassy, I don't think that's normal for me - so I've been drinking Good Belly by the truckload.

Also this morning after I temp'd - it was early (I've been naturally waking up at 5am and instead of waiting or going back to sleep to temp I just temp then, problem is sometimes I have trouble going back to sleep again after that) I started to pay attention to my ovary area and I kind of had the feeling I get right before AF is on its way, slightly upset stomach which went away right after I got up.

My bbs feel a bit swollen but not at all achey or sore.

So actually I feel like I kind of have a 'lack' of symptoms.

On my cycles often I get super moody and weird when I am 10-11 days away from AF, to the point where DH noticed it and would ask me sometimes 'are you 10 days out?' but this cycle I feel really chill and calm which I am attributing to the TCM. I also tried taking my Chinese herbs right before bed last night instead of after lunch, the result of which was getting up a lot during the night to pee.

Do you estimate you are 2 or 3 days past O now?
It is Sunday here, my last post was Saturday, so not quite one day past Ov yesterday if I O'd overnight, as I think. I do not temp.
Last night I had very bad pains in my lower, central abdomen. It reminded me of the pains I had when I have miscarried. I know it is way to early for that but wondered if my uterus was reacting in some way (with endo I have high NK cells). Dunno but I woke at 2 (partner was up) felt a bit like it was constipation, had a BM, pain got worse, stayed bad, managed to go a little bit again and after awhile the pain went away, this morning it feels tender but not painful. I have been on dr google, it may be gas pains, as I have been gassy as well. Not sure though. Unusual for me. I have celiac but my reactions to gluten are bloating but no pain, bowel changes - usually diarrhea and migraines. Was odd...
I notice breast pain only on contact. I normally get aches in my tww and some tenderness, so it is normal for me. Not sure if it is earlier this time tho...hmmm
It is morning for me so will see what the day brings. Hopefully no more of whatever it was :nope:
I love symptom spotting :flower:

I wonder if your moodiness, is at your peak of hormone production? I saw a chart once, if a non preg cycle, the peak of progesterone is about seven days past O. What is your LP like?
I want to try TCM, my partner has done for years. I am thinking that and acupuncture may lower my NK cells.
Sorry to hear you had a rough night. I hope you have a better day. Unless of course its a sign that will lead to a BFP :) I'm just glad you are too early in your cycle for it to be a m/c.

Last night I woke up and I thought it was 6am and time for me to temp so I temp'd but then I realized it was only 3am! So I woke up again at 6.30 and temp'd then but it was .4 degrees F higher than at 3am. I was reading about temperatures and apparently according to circadian rhythms our temperature is the lowest at 2-3am. An interesting fact I thought!

I don't think the acupuncturist I am seeing is the most attentive dr. but below her abrasive Chinese personality she's somehow really intuitive about women - basically her whole business is based on fertility - she's the go to Acupuncturist here if you want to conceive. Which is good but also I find her manner to be rather abrupt as if she's told the same thing to 100 other people and it's getting boring for her or something by the time my turn comes around. I use to see a different acupuncturist and he was super attentive and amazing but he's more focused on everything - ie. I'd even go to him sometimes and say I'm feeling 'uninspired' and he'd do acupuncture points to 'free up creativity' etc. I think he'd be a good doctor to go to during pregnancy, whereas this woman is more about getting the job done - she has a more practical no nonsense approach to conception. I definitely recommend if you have the opportunity to try TCM.

That makes total sense that the peak of the hormone production corresponds with moodiness. I'm going to search for charts that show that.

I read some of the posts about eating pineapple and implantation! And while I'm not convinced its not just an old wives tale I decided to buy some at the store last night :)

Sending you vibes and baby dust for a BFP end of the month :)
Yesterday, lots of crampiness on and off and no BM. :wacko:
Morning here do not feel cramps but still no BM.
This is an odd start to the tww for me, so will see:flower:
I am sure I will be on the look out for any pos signs today!
People like to say you cannot tell anything till implantation, but the fertilized egg sends out signals and your body knows.

I think the part of the pineapple you want is the middle or core. The substance I think is called Bromelain(?). That is what is supposed to aid in implantation.

What do you take regularly?

I take a prenatal - its one you take 3 times a day - sometimes I don't take all 3 - I just kind of see how I feel and how my body is reacting. But generally I take it once a day.
Also everyday I always take:
- tsp fermented cod liver oil and a vitamin D3 chewable 2000IU.
- TCM herbs once a day (usually after lunch or dinner) as prescribed by the acupuncturist these are dried herbs that come in little packages (lots of them) that you add to hot water.
- magnesium 500mg at night to help relax/sleep.

And I drink a glass of warm water with lemon every morning when I get up.

That's pretty much my protocol.

I'm thinking of adding in Baby Aspirin and maybe trying mucinex next month if I need to.

I'm 6DPO today - but haven't noticed any implantation bleeding. Just a few minor tweaks - that couldn't really be called cramps and boobs are definitely bigger today. But nothing more than what I get on a usual month. Except maybe even a lack of the usual PMS type symptoms.
oo.. what brand of prenatal are you taking? I'm taking New Chapter, which also needs me to take it 3 times a day~ I just take it whenever I eat~ :thumbup:

it's not always that you'll get ib. your temp is looking good~
I'm taking Thorne Research. I was taking New Chapter but it gave me a stomach ache I think I am sensitive to the yeast that food based vitamins are cultured in. I really wanted to take Food based vitamins - (I tried them all garden of live/ NC / Megafoods) the one that I get the least irritation from is Megafoods Wholefoods - in fact I sometimes still take the single B vitamin from this brand. They are even more 'hardcore' in terms of being completely food derived whereas New Chapter and GoL are just cultivated (if that makes sense)
When I realized I wasn't having a great reaction to the food based I did my research on 'non-food based' /synthetic and I found that Thorne seemed to be the most able to be assimilated by the body. In theory I really like the idea of food based but it just doesn't seem to be good for me...
lxb what day are you planning on testing? I just saw you are on 8DPO :) Are you going to test before AF is due or after if she doesn't arrive?
I'm thinking I might wait until after, that would be the sensible thing to do, but then again I feeling impatient!!
Are you having any symptoms?
:haha: i wish I was 8dpo~~ I'm on cd8... still ways to go until O~! :dohh:

I'm pretty good at not testing until af's due date~ Since I temp... if my temp is still up on af's due date.. then I will test~~ :thumbup:
Ooops sorry lxb I read your chart wrong. Lucky I'm not a doctor!!!
Well you are coming up to O soon :) Yippeeeee
What day do you usually start using OPK, if you use an OPK?
:haha: no problem~

~11 'til O day! It's suggested that I start opk on cd10 but I started today!! :rofl: just wanted to poas already! (even though I know it will for sure be a negative since af JUST left!)

how are you feeling? any symptoms?
Do you usually get more than one day of +ve on the OPK?
Last month was the first time I used it and I got one day of +ve morning and night and that was it...I didn't bother using it after my temps rose...although it could be interesting....although I get kind of hung up on not drinking too much water and holding my pee :)
No symptoms except sore boobs which are normal for me around this time. Although now I think about it I could probably go for a nap right now!
I usually just stop testing once I got a +opk and wait for my temp to rise~

sometimes the surge can happened in a small window and definitely depend on when you test too. I usually test once in the morning ~10am-noon. A few times I had a feeling I'm Oing but still getting negative. Decided to test in the evening time and got a +!

sore boobs are good.. means good/strong O! Man.. I can always use a nap! :haha:
morning from Moscow

fire and lxb~ in my research on opks, I found you should take twice a day, early afternoon and then in the eve. LH peaks early morning and if you take two early you may miss it. If you get two days of pos opks it can be because you caught the surge on the way up and down. This cycle I got my pos Wednesday afternoon.

fire- ah you are an expert on food based vits:flower: I first heard about them on another ttc site, they were recommended by someone. I thought it would be especially good for me as I have celiac. She had mentioned Rainbow light so I found them at whole foods. Once I also bought New Chapter off of Amazon. I liked them but taking three a day was hard because I had to space out also with my B complex, Vit D and thyroid med. So I take the one a day fromRainbow light. Would you recommend another Vit for me to try or to stick with RL?

Well this morning I finally had a BM:wacko: nothing else new to report, twinges here and there , a bit achy on my right lower abd.
ginger - yay for bm! :haha: twinges are good sign too~ I was a bit put off by taking the vitamin 3 times a day too! But I eat 3 meals a day... so it helps me there. But I kept forgetting to take them whenever I go on vacation and my meals weren't consistent~

fire - temp still looking good today~ :thumbup:

yeah, i also read that it's best to do opk twice a day. i usually do it once between 10am-noon and if i feel like I'm Oing but still getting negative opk, i would test it once more in the evening time (between 6pm-8pm)~
lxb - I think sometimes skipping the vitamins here and there is okay - I mean they have these 'standard' recommendations but we aren't 'standard' people right?! So I feel it's best to go by what your body is telling you.

I have been taking a teaspoon of fermented Cod liver oil in the mornings (the kind they recommend on the Westin Price website) but I was noticing I felt very slightly nauseous afterwards. And then I got this crack on the side of my mouth - I can't describe it any other way - the side of my mouth kind of split. So I thought maybe I was deficient in vitamins - so I started taking the vitamins more regularly and the Cod Liver Oil - 2 tsp. After 2 days the split felt like it was getting worse so I did my google research and apparently it is something called Angular Cheilitis and one of the reasons for getting it is TOO MUCH Vitamin A from Cod Liver Oil! Basically vitamin poisoning or vitamintosis.

So I lay of the Cod Liver Oil for one day and it went away. I guess this highlights for me the need to be super careful with vitamin A because it can cause birth defects etc. and taking too much is actually pretty easy. So maybe the amount I was getting with the prenatals in addition to the fermented CL oil was too much. I also think that the fermented CL oil is probably stronger and more easily assimilated than normal run of the mill CLO.

Gingersnaps - I was going to suggest my recipe for a pretty much clockwork BM every morning. When I get up I have half a lemon squeezed in warm water. That's it!! 20-30 mins later - BM!! I didn't start doing it for that reason though - I started because the acupuncturist said I was 'acidic' and if you are acidic it can also mean your CM is acidic which is bad for sperm etc. And lemon juice apparently is really good for alkalinizing the system.

Also I think the RL prenatals are good. They were my next stop if the Thorne ones weren't good for me. I still may try them when they run or, or even before they run out.

lxb - your August temps look really perfect - in fact I think if you took that chart to my acupuncturist she would say it was spot on. That's what I'm aiming for this month. I need a secondary goal besides the BFP!!!
thanks firebaby~~ I feel very lucky to be able temp at the same time everyday and my cycles seem to be consistent~ :thumbup:

interesting fact about too much vitamin A. I guess I've had Angular Cheilitis too (but didn't know what it was before).

Canker sores are pretty common for me... and I suspect it's something acidic that I ate but couldn't quite figure out what exactly. Because I feel like I'm eating the same thing thing throughout the year... so maybe it's just some tissue issues :shrug:
lxb - does waking up in the middle of the night have any effect on your temping?
I often wake up at 3am to pee esp if I've had my TCM herbs late at night and then I go back to bed and wake up again at 6.30 to temp. I wonder if my temp is higher on the mornings after those nights....

Gingersnaps - are you TTC#1?

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