Happy 14 weeks SB!
Simmy, its funny as we are going to put H in his toddler bed in the next week, im so glad it went well for you and for Leo, it gives me hope! Have a lovely evening!
Caz, lovely names and unusual too which is always a bonus, how exciting you will be trying soon!
Hann, hope you are back safe and sound from the PILS!
Maria, its scary that our babies are two soon! We are having a Mickey T party lol, just got the invites today actually!
So we have all had the cold lurgy the last few days and are slowly recovering. Alan is on lates til wed, so its just been me for bath bed etc, its all fine, but H has been early waking between 530 and 6am so thats not much fun. Other than that, where sleep is concerned we cant complain! Ive taken a couple of days off running due to the cold so trying to keep on top of housework, and studying at the mo. I was able to go into town for a couple of hours on my own this morning and got my hair cut and got a fathers day present for my stepdad, that felt like luxury in itself! Alan has got a top and a phone cover which has a pic of the boys on it for fathers day. Its a shame hes working but i made him a fathers day dinner of toad in the hole the other day to keep him happy.lol
My parents are back from their cruise tomorrow so am anticipating they may pop in on their way home to see the boys so havent planned anything else.
Bit of a manic week coming up, seeing a friend monday with the children, tues im having a mole removed, wed am sposed to be spending a few hours at a local spa yippee! Thurs we are going to the Harry Potter studios and Fri Lucas has his jabs and we have an appointment re insurances, life cover yawn! Looking forward to Alan being off from wed though, this set of shifts always seems so long!