Hello all, oh dear i feel like this is going to be a long post so please be patient with me!
So glad to be back on here btw!
Georgie that is fabulous you manage so many workouts, i'm so jealous. It's truly amazing especially as you're managing alone most of the time. How often do the kids go to their dads, or is it just Josh going? Re his drinking hopefully it's just cos it's hot? But if you feel like it's something more you should def persevere, they can easily do a finger prick test or something cant they?
Hann, the villa looks gorgeous, again i am so jealous! Re Greg it sounds like he's taking the mickey a bit no? How come he gets to go to the gym and you have to get up early with the kids?? Surely that's not fair... regardless of whether or not he actually went! I'm amazed and henry's long sleeps, that is incredible! Sorry about the mastitis though, must be so painful.
Caz how are you, how's the house coming along?? Must be nearly there now!
Maria, you should def persevere with your questions to the doctor, that's what they're there for right?! Sounds like you had fun at your parents, the weather is lovely for splashing about in the garden. Also incredible about Holly moving up a class, you must be so proud!
SB, not long now til you find out the gender, you must be so excited!
Julie, how are you getting on?
AFM... Sorry it's taken me so long to post, things have been hectic as i'm sure you all know with a newborn! Also Leo's been poorly for a week now so we've not been able to send him to nursery, so i've literally not had a second to myself.
All's going well with Sophia and my recovery - i am able to move around a lot more now. There's not much of a birth story given it was a planned c-section, but it was all a lot more straightforward this time. I asked them to pull down the sheet when they pulled her out of my belly which was awesome, I actually saw her coming out and we have some fab pictures. The after-care in the hospital wasn't too great, I think mainly because it was a weekend. I really needed help with latching her and there wasn't much staff around. The feeding's going a bit better now - basically she's mainly bottle fed, but i've managed to keep my milk supply up a little bit through expressing, just to be able to put her on the boob to comfort her occasionally. the irony is that she's latching beautifully now but of course my supply has dwindled! It's not ideal but for me it's better than no BF-ing at all - it's weird but i seem to feel much more sad about it this time - probably because i BF Leo and i feel guilty not doing the same for Sophia. Had a final visit from my lovely midwife yesterday and she baseically told me to stop beating myself up about it - you're never going to be able to offer exactly the same to both your children right?
Aside from that Sophia is not a great sleeper - she wakes up a lot during the night as she wants to be cuddled, and screams when we put her in the basket. She also seems to want to feed very often (and not small amounts either!). So Paul and I are both completely knackered, but even so we're happy as she's just gorgeous.
Hope to be able to post more often now!