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Bellys to Bumps

Congratulations Reba, that's great news.

I think if your OH/DF/DH isn't on board with the weight loss you are fighting a loosing battle, He needs to be supportive in every way. You shopping list will be more when you are trying to eat healthy balanced diet. I hope he comes round and starts being more supportive. xxxx
I was apart of this thread in the beginning and had to take a step back due to a loss in my family.
Sadly, I gained all my weight back, and then some! So here I am again. I see alot of new names.
Hi pinkee!

Urgh I'm so not feeling it right now. I'm going to join sw I think but I can't afford it till payday on the 23rd. Part of me wants to start now, part of me (the sulky part) thinks I'm having a couple of weeks of eating shit and I just don't care.

I think if I start now and do a WI at home then join group I'll count my WI as the official weight/lbs lost and I'm not sure the group would benefit me if I don't take it seriously enough. So I'm avoiding my scales so I can join and use that weight. And eat shit until then :dohh:
23 months
70lbs lost
gained more regular cycles and a BFP!

That is WONDERFUL NEWS!!! Congratulations!!!

I was on this thread a while back.
Starting in August 2012, Over 4-5 months, Lost almost 40 pounds, bringing my BMI to 30 (just overweight and not obese anymore lol)

Started getting regular 35 day cycles after YEARS of 100+ day annovulatory cycles with PCOS, and after 7 natural ovulatory cycles, :bfp: (It took us Ltttc over 3.5 YEARS total!!! But as soon as I lost the weight, that's what did it for me :) ) I've had a few cp's while on clomid and never made it past 4+2 with spotting. Now 5+1 and all signs look good. :)

I'm trying to stay healthy now by eating healthy and walking at least a 5k 3 times a week with my friend. It's actually very relaxing :)

Ok so today has been a bit of a write off food wise. Not a disaster, but not as good as it should have been. So tomorrow, I plan on being super good and having a focused day :thumbup:

I have 12 weigh ins until my dress fittings. Now, do I set myself a target of 14lbs or aim a bit higher and go for 20lbs?
14 lbs is a stone so I think that's a nice round figure. But if you aim for 20 we'll be here to cheer you on and help you succeed :)
it will only give me 2 weeks to maintain, so if my weight fluctuates I shouldn't do that much damage with the dress having been altered :D
Congratulations mindy :)

14lbs sounds like a nice round figure to aim for. Definitely doable :)

I lost 1lb at fat club this week. I was chuffed with that because the week before i had been bad so would have been happy with a maintain. I have a wedding in 6 weeks of a good friend so im hoping to lose an average of 2lb a week before then. I really wanna wear a dress xx
:happydance: well done hun that's a brilliant start :hugs:

have you got any dresses in mind?
Ill need one that doesnt cling to the hips coz mine are mahooosive lol xx
Would a floaty maxi dress do Lisa? Something in chiffon maybe?

2lbs off when I wi this morning :happydance:

Have started the day well with grapes and watermelon followed by a yoghurt. Think I'm having a ham salad pitta for lunch. Not sure about dinner yet though.
I have tried those before and because i have no boobage they dont seem to look right.

I have been shocking today :/ naughty Lisa xx
23 months
70lbs lost
gained more regular cycles and a BFP!

That is WONDERFUL NEWS!!! Congratulations!!!

I was on this thread a while back.
Starting in August 2012, Over 4-5 months, Lost almost 40 pounds, bringing my BMI to 30 (just overweight and not obese anymore lol)

Started getting regular 35 day cycles after YEARS of 100+ day annovulatory cycles with PCOS, and after 7 natural ovulatory cycles, :bfp: (It took us Ltttc over 3.5 YEARS total!!! But as soon as I lost the weight, that's what did it for me :) ) I've had a few cp's while on clomid and never made it past 4+2 with spotting. Now 5+1 and all signs look good. :)

I'm trying to stay healthy now by eating healthy and walking at least a 5k 3 times a week with my friend. It's actually very relaxing :)


Congrats to you too! That's awesome!
Ya PCOS stinks! Started the journey with no cycle and lost weight which brought my cycles back - still took almost 10 months with regularish cycles to get pregnant.

I love success stories!
Just to continue with the success stories I lost over 10kg bringing my BMI down to 30 and that's when it happened for us :happydance: so it just goes to show how much weight can affect your chances of getting pregnant.

I was in complete denial that weight affected fertility but my cycles were 100 days at one point. I saw the best fertility specialist in the area and he refused to help me until I had lost weight and said if I wanted a baby that badly I would lose the weight. It isn't easy I can tell you but I lost just over 10% of my body weight which is what he said to aim for and he was right. Once I started losing weight my cycles became more regular (around 28 days :happydance:) and I actually started ovulating.

Ladies, it is really hard losing weight, but is sooooooo worth it, believe me!
Well after my naughty week i have lost 1lb. How the chuff does that make sense :shrug: I best be super good this week so it doesnt catch up with me xxx
I can't take too much credit, I did get a bug and have not been feeling well.:wacko:
I only hit the gym 1 time the whole week but my throat was so sensitive and i slept so much my main diet was water, and lentil soup.

I'm feeling better, so i plan on kicking up some cardio later today. ALSO: I start the OPKs today, and this is after my very first round of clomid so i *might* actually see a positive opk for the first time in real life, and not just online. lol.
Well done on the loss Pinkee, keeping everything crossed for a positive opk for you soon :hugs:

Well done on your loss too Lisa, it all adds up :happydance:

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