Bagpuss I know how you feel, I can't imagine getting that bfp anymore myself, let alone a bump and a baby. That's what a long time of bfns does to you...
Traskey yeah it's funny how hard those diet myths are to shake! So many people believe them with all their heart. I've read up so much on the topic that I've shaken those particular myths long ago. Which just means I know all the theory but it's the practice that's hard!
Marking today down as cd1 though af kinda started yesterday. My least favourite day of all time, cd1. Gah. Been off diet today, with chocolate and stuff, but I'll be back and toeing the line tomorrow. Just had to give myself a day off, feeling very bad today.
Lots of coworkers have either had babies this past year, or become grandmas (a few of those the past few weeks...) and often it seems there's no other topic for conversation at lunch time or during coffee break except babies, how wonderful they are, how wonderful it is to be a mother/family/grandmother etc etc and I just feel like stabbing myself. Nobody knows we're trying, of course, and I'm finding it harder and harder to deal with all this baby talk these days. During af it's hardest.
Good night to all you lovely ladies!