at the hospital over those three days I was examined by 6 midwives who all concurred I was 3.5 cm's,this midwife one week exactly after coming ou of hospital said I am 2cm's outer cervix 1cm's inner so basically closed,so i said to her the hospital said I was 3.5cm's what does this mean? She said "Oh dont listen to them you obviousley werent dilated to that stage,I have been doing this job long enough" She then said I was 100% effaced.
I knwo this sounds like something from eastenders and very strange but it is the truth I dont know what it going on at all. The midwife yesterday examined me at home and she used a speculum too to see if my waters has broken.
I feel like a standing joke at the moment with the midwives,one of my friends (who just had a baby) asked how I was to one of them and they laughed and said oh yes Rebecca,we all know her now (there are 12 in my team) I mean how nasty.
I dont know what I have been doing wrong,I have been in incredible pain and like anyone went to hospital to be told I was having baby and was 3.5 cm's which is good,am so mixed up? I cant stop crying as am confused and feel so much of a pillock.
I am considering ringing the private hospital in the same town as the NHS one today just to get a second opinion and just get it out of the way,it has to be worth the money (even a credit-card) just to stop being made to feel a paranoid mother-to be,but what do you do when your husband cant stand to see you suffer and rings them?
Sorry ranting,anyone who can find info on net,on whether your cervix can close,this will be much appreciated as my head all over shot.
Thanks Bex