NG where have you been girlie?
Its so quiet in here how is everyone?
Hello everyone. I hope you're all well...I've been taking my Metformin 3 times a day and just got finished with AF! That makes two months in a row for me.
I'm hoping that I'm getting my cycles back. I've also been losing weight. I'm down 13 pounds since this summer!!!
We've begun 'trying' with this cycle already. I just plan to keep track of our intimate days. We aren't putting too much pressure on ourselves...just going with the flow.
We found out that Hayley was moved again. One of our contact people doesn't work at the place anymore, but we've been calling. They just do not return our calls...
I'm about to call a lawyer. We think it's crap that they won't give her to us, but they just moved her to another family. They didn't even try to call us. I feel like our chances are getting worse...
I have 1 week left till surgery I'm so nervous! I keep freaking myself out about it I'm so scared thatt they are going to remove a tube or an ovary or I'm going to get a full hysterectomy at age 22 or they are going to tell me that I have no chance of conceiving unless we go with Ivf and we don't have the money for that sorry I just had to get that off my chest cause I'm sure my poor husband is tired of hearing it lol...and ng I hope your doctor put you on metformin I think my doctor is putting me on something after my surgery but I forgot what its called I'm going to ask him at my preopp on Tuesday...oh btw af is 3 days late I hope she holds out till my surgery!
Best of luck with your surgery brook oxox
JRC you go girl with your skinny self
Juniper xo hugs to you hun xo Me and DH aren't even trying we are just doing it for fun which is weird!!! But I like it better than trying
About two weeks till I get my frozen eggy cycle started and we try again. SIGH I can't believe it's been two weeks already since my sad news. I have been drinking and smoking like a trooper haha! I was so good for so long it has really been a let down my hair month for me. But I would rather still be preg nevermind...