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BFP! (begging to be fat and pregnant)

Chicken, we missed you! Your new ticker is awesome! :)

Juniper, no worries!!!!!! I was spotting those brownish for weeks and gave birth to a healthy big boy!
Juniper - You are not out until AF arrives!! No giving up hope yet! Also no I don't think I am going to go to the doctors. I was just 5 weeks, and I think it was a chemical pregnancy. I should just go back to normal cycles, but if not I will call the doctor.
Welcome back Stace!:happydance: So glad you can get back in the game with the rest of us.

So sorry Jenn! Hopefully it isn't AF! Keep us updated.

I have nothing to report this morning except that I may be on here less and less over the next week while we're in Las Vegas. Got to get to packing here shortly.
Good afternoon ladies! Stace hopefully we can be bump buddies next month!!! Juniper you better not let Flow get you :af: !!! Amber have fun in vegas win us some money :) Thanks pelle I hope April showers bring me a beanie :hugs: I just wanted to let you guys know your all pretty amazing I love being able to come here and talk to other women who understand what im going through :friends:
Stace, it's nice to have you back. Hope you get better soon :hugs:

Jenn, by the look of your chart I can't imagine AF coming!!??(Kat too) If you're not preggo then that's going to really put a damper on my PMA. I'm so excited for you both to test this cycle!
ok. i don't know what the crap is going on. i am still bleeding. it seems to have picked up slightly. i had a small spot on my pantyliner this morning and got light red/coppery brown when i wiped twice. i am starting to get cramps.. this is not characteristic for me at all. i don't spot. i wake up with cramps and full fledged af.. also, any breast tenderness that i had is gone as soon as af starts.. my breasts are still sore and i realized while dressing that they are swollen. i took my temp and it didn't go down much. it could be the start of a decline...What is happening? is this af? what should i do? also, could someone explain to me what constitutes spotting? how do i know if it is spotting or light flow?
Jenn- Not sure what the difference is between light and spotting.:shrug: For me I call it light if it is red and barely flowing (like just drips occasionally onto pantyliner), and spotting if it is brownish and only when i wipe (like when af is on the way out)...but not sure if that is really correct. Your temp didn't go down hardly at all, so I've got my FX for you! Guess you won't really know if it's af or not til tomorrow. Let us know if it gets heavier or goes away.
Jolene- You and I are on the same dpo! :friends: You managed to catch up to me! Hehehe. Hope you have better luck than I this cycle. I don't think there's any chance for me.:nope:
Jenn, I wish I knew the answer for you. Your temps still look good so that's a big positive. Spotting can be both brown or red blood so you're going to have to wait it out. You must be so nervous. Wish I could be there to give you a hug.

Amber, you got cross hairs, woohoo! Head up, pma all the way!

:hugs: and :dust:
thanks amber and jolene. it is 4pm and it still hasn't picked up.. from what you said i think it is safe to say that this is spotting.. i am a total basket case right now... i feel like i am being toyed with. i cannot imagine it going away but i hope with everything i have that i am on my way to a meracle.
Morning ladies!!

Juniper I'm not sure about your spotting lovey but sometimes that happens women get spotting and still are pg and deliver healthy babies! Only a little while till we can test and know for sure :)

Stace so good to see you back and with a ticker!!

Amber FX'd crossed for a miracle for you xoxox hehehe

Jolene chart looks good lovey...

Brooke get out that sexy underwear BD time is imminent!!

Pelle I love that you go bike riding with your husband and son... Hope you have luck with a sticky bean soon

Good evening ladies.Hope everyone is doing well. Nothing new on my end on the :bfp: front.Any luck with anyone else? I think if I don't get anything this month,I will DEFINITELY try the sperm meets egg method. My cat is finally starting to feel better. I still would love to kick in the face of the jerk who did that to him though.

:dust: to you all.
Daria87 that was going to be my post, too. Any BFP's out there? I also am going to try the Sperm Meets Egg Plan if this doesn't work out for me. :)

Hope you all had a lovely weekend!
Juniper _ I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is not AF spotting. I understand how the spotting can scare you (it scared me too)

As for me....AF is still being weird...sometimes almost nothing....then bam heavy for like 5 minutes.
I just want to get on with this cycle LOL (i know I am only on CD2)
Also DH and I are going out of town from Tues-Sat so AF being gone would be GREAT
i made it through the day. can you believe it? i am thinking that things might actually be slowing down.. i had dh confirm my suspicions about my breasts... they are swollen, also the areola is a darker pink... almost red. we have decided to test tomorrow if i stop bleeding. if i am still bleeding in the morning then we will wait another day and see what happens. praying that things don't pick up!!!!
Juniper those are very good signs you have... I have my FX'd for you good luck in your test I look forward to hearing about your BFP
Hello ladies,

Juniper, :test: :test: :test: I am looking forward to our first BFP so much! :)

Spotting can be the result of lower progesterone level in these early days (and progesterone is needed to be tremendously increased when you get pregnant to stay pregnant), most women "survive" it without any progesterone pills needed, so don't worry. I have low progesterone for years (and I was a chocalic, believe me:.-))) and has a good record of increasing the level with simple natural ways (with the so called fertility diet), I suggest you not to eat sweets, chocolates, bagels, pastas, bakery products too often, because all these and poor nutrition cause progesterone deficiancy. Progesterone is promoted by good nutrition (eat vegetables, B6 vitamin rich foods, tofu, walnuts, whole grains, wheat germ, use olive oil, cold water fish). I think at this early stage we cannot do more than wait if it is a beanie or AF is coming to get us :) My finters are crossed for you, dear!

Kat, when do you plan to test, dear? :)

Amber, you are still in!!!! :))) Don't give up!
Couldn't help myself and did a test today


Looks like its probably not my month after all :(
Kat, a BFN now means nothing. With my pregnancies I got BFN's until AF was due (and yet I would still test early :wacko:) So don't get despondent.

Jenn, my fingers are crossed for you! Your symptoms all sound good!

NGRidley, when I had a chemical my gynae said it will be like a normal AF but it defo wasn't normal for me.
Hey ladies

wow awesome signs and hopes going on in here today! I am fx'd for everyones BFP!!!

update on me dpo 1 today... not stressing out though. DH and I are going wihtt he flow for two - three more monhts and then we will really start TTC trying! he says he wants us to settle in the new house and jsut really feel ready himself... he is worried about funds and finances too. so i understand although we not preventing and if it happens to happen beofer we will be elated... otherwise jsut really try from July i guess! so no 2010 baby for us... but a 2011 baby :) i am still super excited for you all and will chat and comment now and then..... hope i come bakc in july and you ladies have all moved onto being fat and pregnant! LOL!

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