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BFP! (begging to be fat and pregnant)

Amber - i hope that you are right! that is what i have been praying for :)

i am sorry hun. this cycle is so confusing! your cm and cp seem to be saying that you o'd on cd 20... i don't know what to say. i'm sorry.
yes brook, wait till tomorrow and test with fmu. that is your best bet for getting an accurate reading fx'd!!!!!
Thanks Juniper. This cycle has been very confusing, but hopefully it will make my next cycle easier to go through since I'll have something to compare my data to. My cm and cp do agree with cd 20...but if my temp is up again tomorrow I think cd 24 was the actual day....it's so difficult to figure out since cd 23's info is missing. Plus I took 4 opks throughout cd 20 and they are just plain negative. The two from cd 24 (at 5 and 9 pm) are definitely positive.

Sending all my babydust to you girls!
Amber, I'm sorry it all looks so gloomy but ultimately it's not in your hands so if it's meant to happen, it's gonna happen :hugs:

Can someone look at my chart? I have dotted lines. I want solid lines, lol. Jenn I noticed you have dotted lines too but I don't remember seeing them before.
jolene - your temps look awesome! you have dots because you didn't have ewcm. my chart changed to dots today because i had wateryish cm. i changed it to dry and it went back to solid. i wouldn't worry about it. your temps are great and your bd timing was great too :)

Thanks Jenn, that makes me feel better! Your chances are looking good this month!!
i hope so! i keep staring at my chart. i just hope those temps keep going up.

Amber - i am going to have a nephew!:thumbup:
Yay! Jenn's having the girl :pink:

Ummm I better get to bed :sleep:. It's 12:45am here and I have a wedding in the morning and it's about an hours drive from here.

The real reason I want to go to sleep is so that I can wake up and check my temp. This is all so exciting.
"dear God, please let Jolene be right!" ;)

good night. have a good time at the wedding.

Another day ahhh and it is Saturday I love that I don't have to go to work today :)
OK so I've been stalking everyone's charts and they all look very very good!

Amber you know its funny I had the same thing happen to me with OPKs. Last cycle I thought to myself ok well O is on Day 14 so we bd Day 12, 13, 14 and sure enough I get a +OPK on day 19 *sigh* and that changed everything. Me and DH had thought it was all over so did BD but I think it was too late... Really helped us this month with planning to BD later coz we are not able to BD every two days which is like the "secret formula" to getting pg apparently...

On the bright side at least you know that you can get +OPKs so next month if this one is not lucky you can find out timing easier... :) xox I'd BD anyway just in case heh heh... but the temp rise looks like you might have O'd.. and when you get 3 solid high temps your chart will start to look normal and only 14 days from O to AF so if this cycle is no good, not long till a new one begins :)

Juniper and Jolene we are all in the 2ww/1ww so won't be long now and your charts look very good like everything is working normally..

God I want to test... at 9DPO I know I'm going to be disappointed and only 5 days till AF due surely I can wait that long!

BWilliams keep those leggies crossed sweet don't let that witch get you!! I have everything crossed for you lovey..

Pelle how is everything going with you sweet?

Good evening ladies. Hope everyone is well.I haven't been on in the last couple days because I was visiting my mom.Not a great homecoming though.I came home and saw that my cat was hurt.Took him to the vet and the vet said that someone must've kicked him in the face or hit him since he got out because OH's stupid 12yr old sister left the door open.He's alright though.He just needs time to heal.I wanna kick whoever did this to him in the face though.

Anyway,no symptoms lately.OH and I are gonna keep trying. Got two bottles and another box of hpt's in the mail today.While I was down visiting my mom,I picked up a cute pair of little shoes with skulls on them :).And I also got a neutral fleece blanket.
I'm so sorry to hear bout your cat Daria... Just give him plenty of love and don't let him out again.. damn OH's sister
Trust me Kat,I DEFINITELY don't plan on letting her anywhere near him EVER again.I do plan on giving him tons of love and helping him heal :)
Thank u girls im really hoping she stays away but if not there is always next month :witch: STAY AWAY!!!!
Thanks Kat and Jolene. I'm certain I will be better prepared next cycle for timing bd'ing and not wasting so many opks (I used almost 40 of them!!!!:shock:)

Sorry about your cat Daria. Hope he gets to feeling better.:thumbup:

Where is Pelle and Stace?? Hope they're doing well.

Yay Juniper! I'm glad she's having a boy! So you can be the one with the little girlie!:kiss: I also want a girl. We already have one, but I guess I'm partial:haha:. But of course I'm sure we'd all be happy with whatever we're given.

Praying my temp stays up in the morning.
oh Daria, i am sorry about your cat. i hope gets feeling better soon.

No af yet Brooke? is it normal for you to stop or does af just arrive. still got my fx'd for you!

Amber - you are right. i love my boys and would be overjoyed with either. but i live in a house with 6 boys (3 human/3 not :)) and would really love to have a little girl. my boys also want a sister.
No af yet but I just know she is coming :-( I did want a boy but my sil just had a girl and she is super sweet and she makes me want one. But idk i already have 3 nephews and 6 nieces so i might need a boy lol
Juniper normally i brown spot for a couple days and cramp then she hits hard but earlier today it was pinkish when I would wipe and now its nothing
Hmm.. it is good that it is not typical. Are you still going to test in the morning?


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