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BFP! (begging to be fat and pregnant)

sounds good. i will be anxiously waiting for you to post that bfp :)
hello girls!

I could not wait to come online to see Bwilliams's test:) My fingers are crossed for you! Pinkish spotting can be the result of pregnancy as well, don't worry! :flower: AF is prohibited from our lives this year!!!!!!!! :ban:

Juniper, so you are going for a little girlie? I have the feeling I am to have boy again, but my husband would like to have a daughter very much.

Amber, who knows... never say never you know:)))

Daria, I hate everybody who has the nerve to hurt an animal!!! Our little cats were poisoned by an asshole neighbour. I hope your cat get better soon!!!!!!!! :awww:

Kat, my hat off if you can stay away from testing, really! I am sooooo unpatient..... :rofl: especially that test can show pregnancy at DPO 10!

Jolene, your chart is amazing!!!!!!!! wohooo!

I try not to spot symptoms (not easy, right? *sigh* ) so I plan to do a big house cleaning this weekend and not behave as I might be pregnant, I will move the furniture etc. :)

Have you made the Easter decoration in your house? I love to decorate and I also plan to go and buy some new spring flowers!
Pelle, just 6 days til testing for you!

I've been having pain in my lower abdomen for the last two days?? It's too early for implantation, I'm only 3DPO so I'd love to know why.

Kat, Juniper, almost time to test.

Brooke, how did it go?
:witch: got me this morning :-( Sorry i didn't get on sooner i was crying my eyes out...ugh why does this have to be so hard? I hope you guys get your :bfp: this month
So sorry Brooke! :hugs:

My temps are looking crazy. I'm totally confused.....We are going on a 16 hour car trip to Las Vegas starting Monday afternoon for a cousin's wedding. It should be fun and will probably get lots of bd'ing in, but I don't know if it will matter or not with this crazy cycle. Might poas opk later today just to see if it's still positive or not. If it is than maybe I still haven't O'd. Ohhhh the craziness of TTC!:wacko:
Oh Brooke :( That sucks! I'm sorry Babe.

Amber, 'Las Vegas?' Awesome. Enjoy your road trip and the BD'ing, you never know ;)
brooke - i am so sorry sweetie. remember, there is always next month! and we are here to get you through it :)

Amber - that sounds great. we have been trying to get down to vegas for a couple years, and have just never made it ;) it is about a 16hour drive from here too! have fun!
heh, i forgot to update on myself. 11 dpo. another great temp! i am really hoping my chart is a sign pointing to great things
Thanks u guys im doing a little better about it now...still upset but already making plans for this cycle might try the sperm meets egg plan
Thank you ladies for all the well wishes for my cat. He's starting to feel better today :). No :bfp: this cycle but Oh and I are still going to keep trying.Possibly consider the sperm meets egg plan next time around. OH and I stopped at Kmart today and picked up a 3 pack of 4oz. playtex bottles and two boxes of wipes.One to wipe the dried blood off of my cat's face and the other box to put away in the box that I'm stocking up baby stuff in.

Hope everyone else is having a good day. :dust: to you all
Hello all!

Brooke I'm so sorry AF got you this month... sperm meets egg plan apparently has good success rate so go for it girl get planning for next month's BFP!! And it doesn't help that we get a rush of sad hormones when AF comes also...

Juniper Jolene I'm on about the same cycle dates... not testing either even though people get BFPs at 10DPO I am sick of using so many tests with no result with one disappointing result after another so still no testing for me!

AF due in 4 days... I'm nervous as ever.... please stay away AF... Please let there be a beanie growing in there... I felt like a twinging happening yesterday in my tummy and have been very tired.. I hope that means something...
Hi Everyone!!
I introduced myself a few days ago briefly....and said I would return if AF arrived.

Well I got a very faint BFP one day (well 2 of them)....and a few days later got a BFN. After some of the symptoms...I am thinking that I may have had an early MC.

Well I am here now....ready to be Fat and Pregnant :)

DH and I have been TTC for 8 months (6 cycles). We live in Ontario Canada, and I am 26 and he is 28. We have 3 furbabies (2 cats and a dog).
ngridley - i am so sorry. you are more than welcome here. are you going to go to the dr?

kat - i am sorry that you don't feel well. yeah, we are really close in our cycles :) i believe that i am 1 day ahead of you. i am proud of you for not testing. i did not buy tests yet this month so that i wont be tempted. it turns out that my drs appt for my hand is on the day af is due. i am wondering if i should ask for a blood test if af doesn't come that morning... i probably wont though..

ps - your chart just gets better everyday!!!
Sorry you don't feel good Kat!:hugs: Hope it's preggo symptoms though!

Welcome NGRidley!:wave:
hey, i had no idea what the sperm meets egg plan was, so i looked it up. it turns out that is exactly what we did this month! well almost exactly.. we bd'd on cd5, 7, 10, and 12. got a +opk cd 13, bd'd cd13, 14 and 16. i had no idea i was following a plan other than my own :shrug: well, hope it works!:thumbup:
Bwilliams, damn witch:((( April showers will bring your baby, ok? :hug:

Juniper, wonderful temp! I had no idea of the sperm meets egg plan as well, but we had a similar pattern, too :laugh2: /CD5 is missing though, because I had the witch that day./

NGRidley, welcome here, dear! Get your BFP soooon!!!!!!!!

Kat, I like what I read, very promising! :thumbup:

We go cycling now with my husband and son, have a nice day everybody!!!
well, i just went and checked my cm and i found this brownish stuff :( Af is not due for 3 more days :( i know that this could be a good sign, but i have a feeling that it isnt...:cry:
Hey ladies! I've missed you all so much! Sorry I've been away, but I've been really, really sick. First the flu and now I have a sinus infection. LOVELY.

Anyways, looks like I'm on the same cycle day as Brooke (Sorry to hear AF got you, by the way). :witch: came yesterday afternoon. Have to call the fertility dr to schedule an appt to come in on CD4 for ultrasound and bloodwork then they'll call me to let me know if I can start my upped dosage of Clomid.

I have my everything crossed for you pretty gals that you get your :bfp: this month! I've really missed you guys.
Chicken! you make me feel a little better :). we missed you! i am glad you got the :witch: (weird to say) now i fully except you to get back in the game ;)
Aww Jenn! Glad to hear it, even though I don't think I did anything special. haha You hang in there love! I'm pulling for all of you! And Kat, hope you're feeling better asap, unless those are some pg symptoms! :hugs:

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