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BFP! (begging to be fat and pregnant)

Kat, a BFN on DPO11 doesn't mean you are not pregnant, your chart is beautiful, keep your faith, dear! :)
I so wanted a bfp :( Have to hide the other test till the weekend if AF doesn't show
Kat AF is not here so you are not out. :hugs:

today I just have brown blood....so a 2day AF?!?! Yeah definitely not normal AF LOL
Kat- Your temps look so good still! Just give it a few days til you test again and see how your temps look. FX for you! :hugs:

Juniper- You have some really promising sounding signs!! Your last luteal phase was 14 days so I'd say wait a day or two and see how the bleeding goes then test again. FX for you!:hugs:

It sure is getting exciting in here!

We leave for Vegas this evening and will be back on Saturday. I'm taking my MIL's old laptop so we can get use of the free highspeed internet at the hotel so I can keep tabs on you gals! Seriously!:laugh2: That's the only reason I'm taking it (oh, and to chart my temps on FF). Don't you all feel loved?:kiss: Hehehe!
We leave for Vegas this evening and will be back on Saturday. I'm taking my MIL's old laptop so we can get use of the free highspeed internet at the hotel so I can keep tabs on you gals! Seriously!:laugh2: That's the only reason I'm taking it (oh, and to chart my temps on FF). Don't you all feel loved?:kiss: Hehehe!

Have an AWESOME time in Vegas!!! Hopefully you win some money!!

I am going to Niagara Falls Tomorrow morning - Saturday and I am bringing my laptop as well :)
ok ladies. i think that i am out, but still not sure. i had a really low temp this morning. i am still just spotting, actually less made it to the pad than it did yesterday.. i would definitly think that this must be af, but my bb are stll sore, swollen and red! i guess i am going to have to wait it out a bit longer :( what are your opinions? could i still have a chance with a low temp, or am i out?
Aw Jen im sorry hopefully its not the :witch: tell her to stay away :af: ....and about your temps i wish i knew those answers but i know nothing about them.
Good evening ladies :). Hope everyone is doing well. Sounds like some of you have some promising symptoms.

Kat-Don't despair about :bfn:. It may have been too early for you to test. Keep your head up and I send you tons of :dust: your way.

I have a question for all you ladies. Since OH and I have decided to TTC,I've been doing all the research I possibly can on how to be healthy and how to prepare my body and whatnot.I can't wait to get pregnant and feel the baby kick and then give birth and hold my baby in my arms but at the same time,I'm terrified.I'm scared that I'll lose the baby and miscarry,I'm worried that the baby will die somehow in the womb and so on and so forth.Someone please tell me that I'm not crazy for thinking this way and that I'm not the only one who has these horrible thoughts.
ok ladies. i think that i am out, but still not sure. i had a really low temp this morning. i am still just spotting, actually less made it to the pad than it did yesterday.. i would definitly think that this must be af, but my bb are stll sore, swollen and red! i guess i am going to have to wait it out a bit longer :( what are your opinions? could i still have a chance with a low temp, or am i out?

I am hoping I am wrong, but that dip doesn't look good :(

Daria87 said:
I have a question for all you ladies. Since OH and I have decided to TTC,I've been doing all the research I possibly can on how to be healthy and how to prepare my body and whatnot.I can't wait to get pregnant and feel the baby kick and then give birth and hold my baby in my arms but at the same time,I'm terrified.I'm scared that I'll lose the baby and miscarry,I'm worried that the baby will die somehow in the womb and so on and so forth.Someone please tell me that I'm not crazy for thinking this way and that I'm not the only one who has these horrible thoughts.

I dont feel that way, but I am pretty sure there are MANY women that do. You are not crazy, just worried
Can someone give me the link to the [Team]BFP banner

Hey Juniper.. I had a temp dip this morning too and crampy AF feelings in my stomach :( ...... in a word... gutted... :(
No No No that :witch: better not get anyone else!!! Hold those legs shut tight girls!!!
ok ladies. i think that i am out, but still not sure. i had a really low temp this morning. i am still just spotting, actually less made it to the pad than it did yesterday.. i would definitly think that this must be af, but my bb are stll sore, swollen and red! i guess i am going to have to wait it out a bit longer :( what are your opinions? could i still have a chance with a low temp, or am i out?

I am hoping I am wrong, but that dip doesn't look good :(

Daria87 said:
I have a question for all you ladies. Since OH and I have decided to TTC,I've been doing all the research I possibly can on how to be healthy and how to prepare my body and whatnot.I can't wait to get pregnant and feel the baby kick and then give birth and hold my baby in my arms but at the same time,I'm terrified.I'm scared that I'll lose the baby and miscarry,I'm worried that the baby will die somehow in the womb and so on and so forth.Someone please tell me that I'm not crazy for thinking this way and that I'm not the only one who has these horrible thoughts.

I dont feel that way, but I am pretty sure there are MANY women that do. You are not crazy, just worried

Thanks for the reassurance.I'm not going to try to stress myself out and so far it's working but every so often,I get a weird little thought but like I said,I'm not going to stress out.
daria - i have the same worries. i best thing to do is get close medical care and get checked out before you get pregnant. you are not crazy..

kat - i am sorry, hun.

pelle - thanks for the info, i am going to look up that diet :)

ok, the bleeding stopped. but i poas and got a bfn. i am going to the dr tomorrow for my hand am going to ask the dr what she thinks.. i was thinking about taking a test with fmu, but i don't know if i want to bother..
Juniper-I have a doctor's appointment on April 15 so hopefully he'll tell me that everything is fine and I'm perfectly healthy.That's how every other appointment has gone for me :)
Amber, have fun in Vegas!!

Ladies, please don't give up until you all get AF for sure! I'm staying positive for you! Jenn, your symptoms kinda sound like implantation bleeding and the sore boobs really seem like a big sign. I don't want to get your hopes up and I think seeing your dr will be a good idea.

Same for you, Kat. Hang in, babe! :hugs:

Tomorrow (CD4) at 8am I have my fertility spec. appt. for bloodwork and ultrasound. Then they'll let me know if I can start my 150mg Clomid round. Ahhhhhhhh. So nervous. I hope it works this time. :(
thanks stace, i would be totally convinced if i still had a high temp. i know that the temp could be a fluke, but i am used to being let down. yeah, i am so glad that i had a drs appt scheduled for tomorrow. hopefully she can tell me something..

good luck at the dr!
Good Afternoon!!! I hope your all having a better day then me i just wanna pull all my hair out today!!! 10 three year olds all going wild today stupid rain grrr... anyways Jen and Stace hope you doctor visits go well today!!! And all you ladies going on vacation an such your so lucky i need one BAD!!!
Someone really needs to get a BFP on here. My PMA is running low. Stace, Jenn, how did your appointments go?

Kat, how are the cramps?

Brooke, I agree with you. I need a holiday too. :boat: A cruise would be ideal
sorry you are stressed brooke. are you a preschool teacher? 10 three year olds is a lot to handle at once.. when my sister's kids and my kids are together we have a 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 year old... they lived with us over the summer, and that was a lot to deal with :)

ok, about me - i took my temp this morning and it went back up to 98.2!?! i checked my cervix and it is still high and i am not sure of the texture. it is really firm near the base and soft on the tip, so i put medium... i took a test with smu and i swear that i see the faintest line! dh says he cant see it. i tried to take a picture and cant get my camera to work! do i have a chance for a miracle? i am 14dpo today, so i will wait for tomorrow and test again..

jolene - off to the dr soon. i am not sure what to ask her now... should i ask for bloods?

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