hello ladies, I am so overwhelmed that I am out for a while and I found three new preggo mummies in our group!!!!!! COngtatulations!!!

Kat, ten weeks already, wow, you are very close to the 2nd trimester now!
Stace, I am superhappy for you, I missed you a lot and it is great welcoming you back with such news! Twins are just great, believe me! A whole new world, a miracle, you will enjoy being mother of twins you will see! Yes, it is tiring in the beginning, but you get back love in double, too...!
JRC, my dear, your time has arrived, I send you a huge virtual hug!!!!! So you are having a little winter baby?
Juniper, you come next, honey!!!!
Mrcbrown, your son is so handsome!!!!!!!! I am sure you are very happy with your newest family member! Good to hear you are opened to another baby, we are thinking of it, too, but only from next summer! I am home now with 3 small children
