mrskcbrown - he's absolutely beautiful.
I have some news. I talked to the doctor's office today and they said my numbers were low and I needed to get bloodwork again on Monday. I took that news ok, but when I called back to ask a few questions, the lady who answered the phone wasn't very nice. I ended up just bursting into tears. I also have a dull ache in my back. I have no idea if it's from the way I slept or if something's going to happen. I still don't think my pregnancy is over, but I feel like they've already given up on me. I thought we were doing ok, and that's why I called back to speak to the office.
I'm just upset this morning, I guess. It's going to be a long wait.
DH wrote "Happy 5 weeks and 1 day." on our dry erase board for me to see this morning. That just made me want to cry even more.