Its cd 14 and still no Olast month I O'd on cd15 I have a gut feeling my body won't respond to it this month and then what do I do
I can't afford iui or ivf right now
Ok well I just tested on my digital cb stick and guess what a smiley face haha what the heck a silent ovulation that never happens whatever we did it last night and we will continue to do it or a few more nights!
I just scared the crap out of myself. A student just jumped out from behind a dumpster and scared me! I screamed so hard. It kind of worried me. My back hurts and I had a slightly off colored discharge when I went to the bathroom. I totally freaked out. I was crying on the phone with my mom. I think it was probably nothing, and my back pain was probably from sitting on the hard floor during a meeting a lil bit ago and the wedges I was wearing. I'm using our heating pad now, but I was so upset.
I don't think I should be worried, but do you? I know if I'm cramping/bleeding heavily and have major back pain I should do something. I think I'm just looking for some reassurance. I'm sorry. I think this week is scary for me and I just couldn't shake it today.
Jrc - You have a Sweetpea!Love it.
Sorry I have not been on much. I feel like my life has completely changed in the past month! Going back to school, now as a momma is a Lot harder than I expected! To make it even harder, the hand that I broke last year started hurting the 1st week of school and just keeps getting worse (Its my dominant hand, of course!). I went to the dr and she thinks that I might have broken a tendon as well... I have an appointment with a hand surgeon tomorrow morning, so we will see. Also, next Wed (27th) is Derek's urology appointment, so we are anxiously awaiting that! Hoping that things will settle down soon!
YAY!!! Catch the eggie!!!