Kat, NG, Jrc, I'm sooooooo excited for the 3 of you!!!!!!
Kat, congrats on your little boy! Have you thought of names?
Jrc, awesome pics. It all becomes real when you see a little person in there.
NG, when is your scan?
I can't believe Mackenzie will be 5 months next week!
Its going good I'm 3dpo just playing the waiting game! We finally moved into our house
jolene - I have no idea yet.....supposed to be sometime between 11-14 weeks
i hope I make it that far. Right now I am terrified that I may be having a MC. There are some details in my journal. The hospital was useless and I have to wait for my blood test results and go in the next couple days for a trans vag scan since the ERs machine couldnt even find my uterus let alone a baby
Congratulations NG!!
Oh NG, I'm sooooo sorry about your loss How are you holding up? How is your hubby?