BFP! (begging to be fat and pregnant)

Congrats Kat! I know how long you wanted a baby. What a blessing!

Congrats on your boy Brooke. God is good!
Congrats Kat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yipee: That is wonderful! Welcome to the world little man, you have a very proud mommy and daddy :kiss: I'm so glad it all went so well. Enjoy every second. I look at Mackenzie and just can't imagine her as a newborn anymore! And take everyone's advice with a pinch of salt. Do what you think is best for your family.

Yay Brooke, it's so awesome finding out baby's gender cos now you can go out and shooooooppppppp. Oh, and start decorating the nursery!!!
Oh gosh! I've been happily emotional lately, and seeing that Kat has had her little one and Brooke is having a little boy just makes me cry with happiness!!!

Kat - I'm at the point now where I'm a little scared of the labor, because I prefer not to get the epidural. I hate the idea of being numb, getting a catheter, and want to be as safe as possible. There is a non-narcotic medicine I can take at my hospital. I'm really hoping for that. I feel like I have a pretty good pain tolerance anyway. Do you think that will be enough? They said it will take the edge off. Actually, my hubby got that while he was in the hospital with his gallblader. He said it made him feel great (haha!) and he had no idea it wasn't a narcotic, since it behaved so much like one. I'm planning to stay flexible, though, and do whatever is necessary. I just want to be as safe and natural, as possible.

MrsKC - Seeing Baby M walk was wonderful! I'm so glad you shared that!!! He's growing way to quickly, but I love all of his changes. :)

How is everyone else doing this week?

Any thoughts and advice on labor and delivery is welcome at this point! My goal is to pack my hospital bag this week. Oh gosh. It's getting close! :)

I'm so happy for you ladies, and for all of us. We have come so far on our journeys and we've all made such good friends. I really appreciate you.

Lots of love! :)
Hello dear girls,

It has been a while I posted here, right? :-) But I will come until every one of you becomes a Mom!!!:-)
Kat, congratulations, I am so happy for your baby you must be over the moon!!!
Jrc, you are going to hug your baby in weeks, how fantastic is it!!!
Brooke, I am a bit lost, the last time I was here I remembered you were expecting twins, what happened, dear? Happy and healthy pregnancy for you, dear!
Mrskcbrown, your son will be an athlete:-)))

My twins are 9 months now, time goes so fast! they are such sweet children, I got so much love from them that I don't care about tiring days, waking ups at night. My daughter is still breast fed, she is 10 and a half kilograms! My son is not that big, but he doesn't wake up in the evening to eat, he sleeps 10 hours in a row! My elder son is 5 now he is playing soccer and wants to watch Car2 all the time!

I hope you are doing fine, dear, I remember how supportive you were when I was looking forward to be pregnant and give birth again!!!!!!
Big hugs for you all!!!!
Hello dear girls,

It has been a while I posted here, right? :-) But I will come until every one of you becomes a Mom!!!:-)
Kat, congratulations, I am so happy for your baby you must be over the moon!!!
Jrc, you are going to hug your baby in weeks, how fantastic is it!!!
Brooke, I am a bit lost, the last time I was here I remembered you were expecting twins, what happened, dear? Happy and healthy pregnancy for you, dear!
Mrskcbrown, your son will be an athlete:-)))

My twins are 9 months now, time goes so fast! they are such sweet children, I got so much love from them that I don't care about tiring days, waking ups at night. My daughter is still breast fed, she is 10 and a half kilograms! My son is not that big, but he doesn't wake up in the evening to eat, he sleeps 10 hours in a row! My elder son is 5 now he is playing soccer and wants to watch Car2 all the time!

I hope you are doing fine, dear, I remember how supportive you were when I was looking forward to be pregnant and give birth again!!!!!!
Big hugs for you all!!!!

I wish my son slept all night:shrug:. He gets up at 2am every nite. I hope this passes soon! Glad all is well with you!:hugs:
Nope pelle its always been just one! Stace is pregnant with Twins! Jessica I'm with you I want no pain meds I really want a natural birth! So you get to do it first and give me advise because I don't know what to tell you yet lol just PUSHHHHHH! I really don't wanna be induced either I want to be suprised when my water breaks and be in a panic to get the hosiptal lol! I'm sorry Kcbrown I hope he starts sleep through the night very soon! All you ladies that have had babies on here where did the time go they are all getting so big! Juniper I hope everything is going well with you I continue to pray for you always!
Oh gosh! I've been happily emotional lately, and seeing that Kat has had her little one and Brooke is having a little boy just makes me cry with happiness!!!

Kat - I'm at the point now where I'm a little scared of the labor, because I prefer not to get the epidural. I hate the idea of being numb, getting a catheter, and want to be as safe as possible. There is a non-narcotic medicine I can take at my hospital. I'm really hoping for that. I feel like I have a pretty good pain tolerance anyway. Do you think that will be enough? They said it will take the edge off. Actually, my hubby got that while he was in the hospital with his gallblader. He said it made him feel great (haha!) and he had no idea it wasn't a narcotic, since it behaved so much like one. I'm planning to stay flexible, though, and do whatever is necessary. I just want to be as safe and natural, as possible.

MrsKC - Seeing Baby M walk was wonderful! I'm so glad you shared that!!! He's growing way to quickly, but I love all of his changes. :)

How is everyone else doing this week?

Any thoughts and advice on labor and delivery is welcome at this point! My goal is to pack my hospital bag this week. Oh gosh. It's getting close! :)

I'm so happy for you ladies, and for all of us. We have come so far on our journeys and we've all made such good friends. I really appreciate you.

Lots of love! :)

My advice on labor is to trust your body and dont try to be the one who has to "prove" something. If you get to the point where you need pain meds, so be it! Dont beat yourself up if you do have pain meds. I had pain management with both of my kids via epidural and neither one of them are "crazy" or lacking in any area. They are thriving just well. The medication that takes the edge off is ok and will make you a little sleepy but it didnt work great on pain for me, but it may work well for you:-). Labor pain is a pain that you have never felt me.

I hated when I was on certain threads on BNB that talked negatively about women who used pain meds. It made me mad:growlmad:!

My advice is to do what is best for you because no one can tell you what you need but you when you go through YOUR birthing experience.

Enjoy every moment, take your husbands lead and let them nurture you during the labor process. It is a great experience.....

JRC - it really is mind over matter, you will be ok without pain relief if you want to be, just do some classes and learn some techniques... do lots of reading. Think of when you get a cramp in your leg sometimes.. well that's what it feels like but stronger. And the best part is you get to rest between contractions, they come on little by little, then get stronger and closer together.... I used gas and that did take the edge off and I probably could have continued with it if my labour was longer and more gradual... so don't worry you'll be fine if you want to be and if you don't feel well then take the drugs lol.

My birth was very different from a normal birth because I was induced, but in a normal labour you have time to get used to the contractions each time they come they are a little stronger... you can manage better over 8-12 hours... When I got the epidural my whole body was still contorting but it didn't hurt, I felt everything all the pushing but no pain.. so I didn't feel like I missed out on anything. And they didn't have to put a catheter in either because my babies head was already there only 1/2 hour after epidural so we just kept going and then it was time to push... but I'm thinking of you because in those weeks leading up to it its really scary and your hormones are ramping up.. I remember crying just thinking about holding my baby in my arms in those last few weeks... hang in there.. soon little Harper will be out and you won't care how she got here.. I promise..xo

Lovely to hear from everyone and congratulations on all your news (BWilliams a Boy awww beautiful)
Thanks ladies!

I definitely think medication is up to each person. I don't understand the threads on here sometimes. They can be so judgemental! One lady was discusted that I drank Mt. Dew before my gender scan, so I could help Harper be a little active. I only had about 1/4 of a can! She acted like I was on drugs or something. I haven't really visited any other threads since. Just our group.

I think my hang up about the labor etc. is the fact that I've never done that. I don't know what to expect, and I like having a plan! The most I've EVER been through was getting 1 wisdom tooth pulled. I've never even had a broken bone. I often wonder if early labor will feel like what I felt when we lost our first little one. I was in quite a bit of pain then...back and otherwise. I am planning to be flexible, and who knows, maybe I'll end up getting an epidural. I just prefer not to. I honestly think bless any woman who has no fear getting one! Needles kind of freak me out, so I'll try the IV meds first. :)

Harper has been so active lately. I love feeling her do her kickboxing and tumbling. haha.

I have started feeling not very attractive. I feel pretty and pregnant, but I don't feel like my hubby finds me 'hot' at the moment. We talked about it, and he sometimes gets a little freaked out because he thinks of Harper. I'm worried that it'll be 3 months or so before we are intimate again! I told him he better get over it, or it'll be a long drought. We are running out of time.

I'm not totally unhappy. I think I'm just self-conscience. He's wonderful. He treats me like think fragile little thing. You can tell he feels like I have the most important job in the world. :) He makes me feel so special, and he tries to wait on me hand and foot. I think my hang up has a lot to do with my hormones, though. I've been quite emotional. I think about Harper and I get so excited and scared and nervous. I think about how my hubby will be with her, and it brings tears to my eyes. We both had some difficulty with our fathers, and I feel so blessed to know that Harper will have 100 times better than the fathers we have.

Sorry for rambling. That's just where I'm at right now. I still haven't packed my bag! I'm freaking out. I need to get a few breastfeeding items, too!

I hope you're all having a great week!!!
Jrc - I totally agree with you. As long as what ever you are doing doesn't hurt the baby, then it is no one else's business. I also share your apprehension about getting the epidural. I whole idea really freaks me out, but I have known several women who have had if done. My dad also had one when he had lung surgery and I have never heard of anything going wrong. I think that keeping an open mind in the best thing. Just listen to your body and trust yourself to do what it best for you and your little miracle. <3
Juniper - Your hubby looks great! The pounds are just falling off! I bet he feels good, too. :) I'm so happy for you all!
Hi ladies

I posted a private message, hope you get it...

JRC I know exactly how you feel, but don't worry there will be plenty of time for lovemaking once baby is out, sleeping well and your husband will survive just send him to the shower to "look after himself" :) It's only natural haha! And those hormones will get you all teary in the next couple of weeks until Harper arrives, just remember it's not you it's your body just changing... I'm thinking of you-these last weeks are tough xo

Love to all
Omg he's adorable I love his name! You look great also! Aw I'm so happy for you and it only makes me more excited to see my baby boy!
He is really cute Kat! Congrats again. He looks so teeny. And you looked great with your big bump.
Kat - He is adorable! And I love his name. So Precious

Jrc - Thank you. Yes he is losing the weight fast! He feels so much better already. Our dr has also put him on testosterone injections because his levels were slightly low. She is not sure if it has something to so with the fertility problems, but said that it wouldn't hurt. It is kind of crazy how big of a change the combination of the weight loss and the injections have made in him. He has so much more energy.
Kat - Your little one is beautiful, and so are you! My goodness I have pretty friends. :) I'm going to see if they have that book on my Nook. I really want Harper to be on a good schedule. Thank you for the information!!! :)

I finally seduced my hubby last night. haha. He said he's just been tired for the most part. He has been working 17 hour days. Everything seemed to be working just fine though. :) I think I was being sensitive. I feel WAY less stressed now. lol. I'm not sure how many more times it'll happen, but I'm happy either way. I think I just needed to feel like he's attracted to me. Now I'm sure.

As for being teary. It's daily! When someone's nice to me or mean to me, I cry! I think about Harper and our long journey to get her, and I cry! But in a happy way. I've also had a few times where I feel a little guilty about the first pregnancy. I had a dream that the first baby asked me not to forget about it. That one was tough. I never forget. I think about it every single day. Oh yeah, and I cried.

Juniper - One of my fertility problems was that I had high testosterone. They told me with my hormones being out of whack, I wouldn't be able to get pregnant. I really think that will help you, to be honest. It definitely won't hurt to try and see. :) Good luck on your positive steps. :)
I'm 1 cm dilated. Harper is head down. I'm so jealous that my doctor got to feel her today!

According to my doctor, Harper's official due date is December 6th. Only 4 more weeks. :)

Hope all is well with everyone else! :)
So exciting Jrc!!! Little Harper's going to be here soooon :dance:
JRC - Has Harper made her appearance yet? I hope everything is going great. You are in my thoughts and prayers!!! (hugs)

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