Thanks. I have a very close family member who was beaten up by law enforcement while they were taking them to jail. They didn't resist arrest at all...and were still handcuffed. There was quite a bit of verbal intimidation beforehand, so my family member knew it was coming before it happened. It's been a very upsetting time. My family member is in jail right now, and I'm visiting weekly.
I'm actually quite good at not letting myself be 'hormonal,' which I dislike the term very much. I don't think I'm much different pregnant, than the regular me. I've been very positive throughout this experience, and I've monitored my stress because I don't want anything bad for Harper. It's just been a difficult time. By crying everyday, I was, but not the entire day. Just a few minutes here and there. I just felt guilty because it was every day. I actually think it's pretty understandable.
When I posted previously, I was at a place of not giving much information, and honestly, it still worries me to do so. If you can trust the police, who can you trust?
Everything is going fine though, as fine as can be. I'm finally able to relax today and tomorrow. I was on duty all week. All I can do is pray, and it's made a great difference.
Just thought I should share a little with you all, so you know. I wasn't just having a bad day. It's been a not very good couple of weeks.
Good news: My family member doesn't need facial surgery or eye surgery.

Everything that happened should heal on it's own.
I hope you all have a great weekend. I appreciate you thinking of me.