Stace I'm so glad to hear you're feeling a bit better! I pray it will all come back positive!
Well this is it for me AGAIN! I have the worst AF cramps and had a little spotting so she seems to have boarded her broomstick. I can't believe I'm going to hit the 2 year mark. How freakin' depressing!
jrc - Having an anovulatory cycle is very normal, so if you missed a month it is ok.
I also had an anovulatory cycle as well. I had a 75 day cycle
jrc - Having an anovulatory cycle is very normal, so if you missed a month it is ok.
I also had an anovulatory cycle as well. I had a 75 day cycle
Aww thank you! That makes me feel much better, but I find this very spend so much time trying not to get pregnant only to find out when you want to, that it's a lot harder than you thought.
thanks steffy. no, you were not too gross, i think it is nice that we can talk candidlyi do elevate my butt after bding. that is interesting about the orgasm, i am going to have to look that up. i read that having an orgasm throws off your ph levels..