Good evening ladies. As always, I hope everyone is doing well. First off, only 19 more days until I get married!!!

. Everyday that it gets closer, I get more and more excited.
Anyway, today I went out with OH, FFIL, and OH's brother's girlfriend. We stopped to get something to eat, picked up OH's brother's daughter from his girlfriend's parents, and then did a little memorial day shopping at Sam's Club. I swear the more time I spend with my neice, the more I fall in love with her. Especially the way her parents pretty much disregard her. OH's brother is a HUGE jerk and yesterday, he threw the baby's bassinet at his girlfriend and OH's dad and OH were trying to get him into the truck to take him to jail. Everyone was really upset yesterday since while they were trying to get him into the truck, he ran from the house. Not to mention, he told his girlfriend, his dad, and OH that when he gets out of jail, he's coming back to get them. OH nor his dad were scared. He didn't go to jail. Instead, he's been staying at his friend's house and this morning, he came back for his girlfriend who forgave big surprise there. He treats her and the baby like crap and yet she keeps going back to him. After I found out this morning that she ended up going with him this morning, I threw all compassion and sympathy out the window that I had for her. She wants to keep herself and her daughter in this position, then it's her problem but no one will let anything happen to the baby all because she can't get her head out of her butt (to put it nicely). Then after we came home today, the girlfriend said she was going to feed the baby and stay home with her but instead, she left with the jerk again and I ended up feeding the baby. Not that I minded. I love my 3 month old neice. It just feels like the family raises the baby and not her parents. Hell, the baby's father wouldn't even come to the house to see HIS daughter today because he knows that OH and his dad will go after him. Not to mention, when we got back to the house, the baby's mom took the carseat into the house and left the baby in the carseat and left with the jerk. The baby was still sleeping but she could've at least moved the boxes that were in front of the playpen and laid her in the playpen. Nope, I was the one who took her out and watched her while her mom was fawning over her jerk of a father. If I hadn't gone into the house, the baby would've been alone in her carseat. I'm SOOO tired of them not stepping up and taking care of their own child. Everyone else ends up taking care of the baby more than they do. The grandparents, OH, and myself. Plus the cherry on top of this dysfunctional sundae is the fact that the parents expect everyone to take care of their daugther, buy her the things she needs, and anything else they need and yet they're anything but grateful. All the while, OH and I are getting married and are still trying to have a baby AND we're supportig ourelves.Like I said before, OH works and I've been collecting unemployment. So we both know it'll be anything but easy to have a baby but we know that we would actually step up and do what we had to to take care of our child.
Well, sorry about that, I just really needed to get that out. I hope everyone has a fun and safe memorial day.

to you all.