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BFP! (begging to be fat and pregnant)

I was going to tell you too... I love the name Juniper. Is that your real name?
It's changed Amber, sorry.

Thanks, its not my real name :) My name is Jennifer (or Jenn). Juniper is a nickname. My aunt started calling me that when I was little because of the song...
Ok so I'm 6DPO and according to a number of websites implantation can occur now so I think its time we started symptom spotting :)

Today my symptoms are nausea and one boob was sore... yes one boob!

See what tomorrow brings hey :)
Hey Kat, Your chart looks awesome! All you need to do is keep it going like that :) Also, sorry you are nauseous, but it is a good sign. Fx'ed that this is your month!

Hi Ladies, could someone have a look at my chart? According to the scan my gynae said I should ovulate on CD15, which is today but shouldn't I have had a dip in my chart by now?

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Thanks Juniper... i am a little worried because my temps are not high like they were last month but I'm taking vitamins this month which seems to have evened out my temps too! I'm hoping I wasn't anovulatory which can produce low temps but hey we shall see right? And you could be symptom spotting too at 7DPO!! xo FX'd for us in the 2WW.

Jolene I've had a look at your chart and I can't tell which day you O'd (coz I can't see OPK or CM which is what I go by) but you don't necessarily get the dip on O day.. just look for the temp rise after O day and that will tell you if you've O'd... Good luck lovey xox Go an BD then if you are Oing!!! Get to the bed!!
Hey ladies

Thanks for the welcome! Loving the sign!!! nad so true begging to be fat and pregnant! NOT jsut fat anymore LOL!

So no new new from me hanging around waiting for o.. Decided we :bed: this month 9,11,13,14,15 and 17 for good measure. but i usually o on day 14 or 15 so hoping its a good one....

APRIL is gonna be our month girls... Christmas bundles here we come! whoo hoooo. SOOO excited... I have this serious PMA going on at the mo... life is soo good.

Well good luck to everyone in the TWW i pray the outcome is what you dream! and to every on the ttc train.... ride it full steam ahead!
lol, thanks Kat. DH is at work but I'll be sure to get hold of him tonight, haha. I didn't do OPK's this month coz I had gone for the scan so I reckoned I didn't need to, and I have only charted 3 days of cm. I was hoping my bbt would be a good enough indication. Would it be of any use charting my cm today if we bd'd last night?
Yeah I'd check it out and do the stretchy test thingy to see if it looks stretchy.. but if you BD last night they could have already met your eggy! I always find it amazing when I think about conception.. anyways...

Get that DH home haha!
Good Luck Jolene! Im also harrassing the Dh at the moment O day suppose to be on saturday and we following sperm meets egg plan.... so a interesting weekend of loving LOL!
OK so here's the update. My CM is creamy today and stretches about a cm. I read somewhere that fertile cm stretches between 2-3cm????

Another question (sorry), my gynae said we should :sex: every 2nd day since Sunday. So I thought since I should be ovulating CD15(today) we should BD tonight as well??? Tomorrow would then be too late wouldn't it :shrug: ? But then according to my chart am I not maybe ovulating tomorrow coz then we should only BD tomorrow. This really shouldn't be so complicated...
Hey Jolene

Ok creamy is apparently showing you are right before ov and if its stretchy that is good so you are close if not already ovulating. I went and saw the doctor the other day and he said that look for the stretchy CM... I hardly see it but I always see the creamy and know its coming...

Yes after ovulation its too late so they say keep BDing till your temp rises to indicate you've O'd

I hope that helps! If your temp rises significantly tomorrow I'd say have a break from BD because it means you have O'd

I'll be looking for your temp rise Jolene xox
How's everyone doing today?? I'm getting ready to leave with my grandmother and mom tonight to stay with my mom for a couple days since OH isn't home.I'm gonna go next door and visit my neice also.I figure until I have one of my own,I may as well spend as much time as I can with her.She's only almost 3 weeks old and she definitely doesn't look like the newborn that she did :).

:dust: to all of you :)
Jolene - If you Ov today, then it will show up as a temp raise tomorrow. Got my FX'ed for you!! I would BD today. Try not to get too ahead of yourself.. Bd today and then wait to see what your temp in tomorrow before deciding if you need to bd again. Good Luck Sweetie!

Kat - I don't think it matters that the temps were not as high in the beginning. The pattern is looking really great. I think the if you keep that curve upward, then you might get yourself a BFP. I have been symptom spotting, but trying not to obsess this month. I have not felt good for the past 3 days. Dizzy, headache, nausea, and really tired. I have been waiting for some indication that it is a virus or something, but there is none. Not sure if I want it to stay or go.. LOL
Hey gals! Everyone's charts are looking so good. Wish I could say the same for myself...I had the lowest dip ever today (since I started charting) 96.41! I suppose it's just my body getting over being sick?? I had a fever up to 101 yesterday so I don't know.

I sure hope you aren't getting sick Jenn.:nope:

(okay...seriously...I think I'm done fooling around with my siggy!:wacko: If I change it again, please feel free to scold me. I need someone to keep me in line.)
Thanks Kat and Jenn :thumbup: That makes me feel a lot better. Well DH better get ready, I hope he's up for it, lol. I'm getting my BFP this month. I'm really excited about your symptoms!!!

:dust: :dust: :dust:
LOL Jolene, that is how I felt this month too. You go get em girl! :haha:

Amber - I like the changes, but if you want me to keep you in line, I will! :p
Thanks Jenn....I really do need you to keep me in line!:haha:

Do any of you have any idea how long O can be delayed because of illness? Just wondering if I'm out or not. Already cd 24 and still don't know where I stand....:cry:
Amber - From what I have read, illness can delay or prevent ovulation if you get sick before you ovulate. If you get sick after you ovulate, then it wouldn't effect your cycle. It can mess up your symptoms though. I was looking at your chart, and there does seem to be a pattern from cd16. Maybe you Ov'ed then? I would keep temping and waiting. If you don't get AF by the 1st you can test with me :) If you Ov'ed on the 16th then we would be the same dpo. Also, try marking "illness" in your chart and see if that changes anything...
Thanks Juniper.:hugs: I hope you're right. I marked illness for today and the last two days as well as fever on the 22nd and I discarded today's temp (will add it back if any pattern seems to emerge). I'm going to keep temping and see what happens.

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