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BFP! (begging to be fat and pregnant)

good luck girls, wait for AF to be late... cuase then it seems real to me I always wait till im late before i test.

Soo hold it out and just hang in there a few more days.
Im trying I really just want that :bfp: but im going to wait it out only a couple more day fx!!!!
Thanks Juniper and Kat.Even though it was :bfn:, I still feel the way that I have been feeling. So maybe the preggo fairy will smile upon me and sprinkle me in :dust:. I'm not going to lose all hope because like I said,I woke up and still feel like I have for the past how long and I didn't sleep well because I again,couldn't get comfortable. Plus I have my appointment on April 15 so even if he tells me that I'm healthy and whatnot,I'll still be happy :)

Hope all you ladies are doing well today. :):hugs:
Hello everyone! I hope you are all well. AF still has not seen me, yet...I feel like that's my daily update = nothing. I'm really keeping my fingers crossed for all the ladies testing. I hope you all have more luck than I have!

I think I'm going to test again on Thursday.

*Babydust to you all!*
What do you girls think of something like this for our siggies? Crit welcome....

LOVE it Jolene!!! Thanks :)

Things are pretty quiet for me on the ttc front today.. I had another good temp today! :happydance:

Brooke - I am not sure when i am going to test. I think I will around the 1st. That would be 16dpo. I am hoping that all the packing for moving will keep my mind off things in the 1ww :)

:dust: for all!!!
Oh my goodness.....It has been a trying past two days for me. I ended up really sick yesterday morning with lots of vomiting :sick: and (sorry tmi) had lots of watery diarrhea. It got so bad that I had difficultly breathing and my hands and feet went tingly and numb. DH rushed me to the ER last night and they did all kinds of labs and xrays on my abdomen. Turns out I have some kind of bad viral illness.:sad1: They hooked me up to fluids and drugs, and gave me prescriptions for some meds. I feel 100% better than I did last night, but I'm still quite exhausted and sore and my head is throbbing.

But I just couldn't keep myself away from this forum for too long. :haha: Had to check up on you girls.

Your temps look great Juniper and Kat!:thumbup:

Sorry for you BFN Daria. Maybe it's still too early.
I hear several of you all are testing soon. I have my FX for you gals!!

I didn't temp last night (obviously!) but I doubt I've ovulated with this illness. Haven't checked my cm or anything either. I suppose I'm out this cycle unless I ovulate later. I'll start temping again tomorrow...and see what happens.

Jolene- I love the siggy! How do we put it on our thingy? Save it and then insert as a picture?

Welcome GailyBaby!! I'm glad we have so many great ladies on here.
Juniper your going to test on april fools day hehe...Amberdawn im sorry you got that bug its horrible!!! Jolene I love the sign!
Amber, hun that sounds awful. I'm so glad you're feeling a bit better today :hugs:

Brooke, if everyone agrees on that one I'll post the BBcode to copy into our siggies.
Amber so sorry to hear about your sickness I bet that has been why your temp has been so whacko...

Still waiting here to test but worked out that I'm not going to test until the Saturday before Easter if AF hasn't come and my temps are still up... damn FRERs cost me a fortune last month not doing that again xoxo

Jolene nice work on the siggy!
Evening ladies.Hope everyone is doing well. Anyone testing in the next couple days?? I tested last night as I stated in another reply on here I believe but it came back wih a :bfn: but I know my body and I've NEVER felt this way for this long.So I may or may not be pregnant but I told myself that I'm not going to test again for another couple weeks and if I really hold out,I'll just see if the doctor finds anything when I go to my appointment next month. Any opinions ladies? I still have most of the "symptoms". Indigestion,cramping in my stomach,hunger,fatigue,backaches,and headaches off and on.

P.S. I got some stuff in the mail today to get ready for when OH and I do have a little bean and that just made me want one even more. :baby:
What goodies did you get in the mail, Daria? We have a 3 bedroom house and what will be the nursery is currently our storage room. I desperately want to get all that junk moved into the garage or attic and start working on the nursery....but I know I have plenty of time to get it done...but I'm sure tempted!
What goodies did you get in the mail, Daria? We have a 3 bedroom house and what will be the nursery is currently our storage room. I desperately want to get all that junk moved into the garage or attic and start working on the nursery....but I know I have plenty of time to get it done...but I'm sure tempted!

I just got a box of wipes,a pack of two pacifiers,and a box of 100 bottle liners.I know what you mean about a storage room.OH and I live in a 3 bedroom house with his sister (unfortunetly,we got stuck with her when OH's brother,his girlfriend,and their daughter moved in next door so we got stuck with his sister) and the room across the hall from our bedroom would be the nursery and everytime I walk in there,I start imagining where everything would go.
Wow Amber, I am so glad that you are feeling better. That might explain your wacky cycle though...

Yay for baby stuff! :) I wish that I could start buying stuff! My DH will not let me buy anything until we get a BFP. He is afraid of what it will do to me if we end up not ever having a baby. Also, he is cheap :p I have bought a few things that were on clearance ridiculously cheap and hidden them in our closet :p I think that not being able to buy stuff has helped fuel my desire for a BFP. We have designated a nursery in our new house and I know that it is going to be terribly difficult to restrain myself!
I would LOVE to be fat and pregnant right now!!!! :)

I may or may not be pregnant right now -- BFN but late.
But if I am not pregnant I would LOVE to join you ladies
OH isjust the opposite. If I said that I wanted to buy nursery stuff tomorrow,I'm pretty sure that he'd bring home a crib on friday when he comes home lol.
Welcome NGRidley! Being late is a good sign! fx'ed for you!

Daria, lol. I am jealous :p Well hopefully I do not have to wait too much longer...
Juniper- Can you change my name on the list? No biggie, but it's 723 (my birth date) not 773. Thanks!:thumbup:

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