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girl, I feel you - we had the stomach bug this weekend and both boys have ear infections again. And there is a confirmed case of RSV at their daycare sooooooo....ugh.
Baby/family illnesses suck. I feel for you, TTC and Wish!
Wish- Thanks for your continued support (and as always, your wisdom), it makes the daycare issue seem easier to handle. It’s so true, how dependent we are on daycares. I don’t dare give her a bad review, but I’m slowly but surely trying to prepare myself to be able to leave if the time comes. Oh no, poor M and T, I hope their ear infections clear up. And poor you and family, stomach bugs are very un-fun. But what IS fun is toddling toddlers! How amazing that both boys are walking! Gummy just stands there. I don’t think he’s figured out how to move his feet forwards to get places.
Gummy had a great 1st birthday party, and I did have fun too. Thanks for reminding me to enjoy the fun parts!

TTC- Happy belated birthday! I’m sorry to hear about your CP. I really hope that TTC works out for you. Poor Bella, I hope her pink eye clears up soon.

Wicky- Yay, glad to see you back with all your updates! Sounds like your holidays will be so fun, and yes… hectic. We’ve decided on a very low key holiday, and the only thing we’ve planned is to have a little celebration with DH’s cousin and family on Sunday. How’s M doing? I bet she’s laughing and moving a lot these days!
Thanks, gummy’s birthday was a ton of fun! And yes, I can’t believe that a year has passed, and how unimaginable life would be without him. Thank you so much for your support with gummy’s daycare situation, and for the link. I read it, and I realized that my workplace does offer decent backup care, but the problem is that it doesn’t work when you need the care immediately. We get 15 days a year at a backup daycare center, and it costs $15 each day. But it takes several hours for the company to get back with an update on the reservation, and by then it’s too late. Plus there never is space at the nearby centers. Anyway, my productivity has been suffering from my worries about backup care, and I felt less alone after reading that article.

Gummy’s birthday party turned out to be a lot of fun, and I managed to cook lamb, BBQ chicken, roasted veggies and the birthday cake. DH’s cousin helped a lot with the logistics of dealing with kids, and kid’s party food/decor/favors, etc. She was amazing, and the reason the party turned out so well. Gummy had so much fun and was so happy with all those people around.

Here’s a photo of me blowing out the candle for gummy, a photo of gummy "cutting" the cake, a photo of gummy with DH’s cousin’s kid, and the cake that I made. Everything on the cake was edible and made of fondant, except for the candle and the balloons. The kids ate the animals. I looked terrible in all the photos that were taken that day, and I hope that part of the reason was that I was super tired and sleep-deprived. Plus my work holiday party was the night before. We brought gummy for that too. At least gummy had the time of his life over the weekend. Two parties, and one was for him!
blowing_out_candle2.jpg cake_cutting2.jpg cake2.jpg cousins2.jpg
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What a fun celebration!! you pulled it off! AND with another whole party that weekend - you're insane! Well done! :) You guys look adorable. I can't wait for the boys' party. We are being as lowkey as possible but we are extending the invite beyond family to some friends. So our house will be packed again. We are going to do a Monster theme, since I always call them our little monsters. I got a onesie for each of them and a couple decorations so far but other than that, I'm not going to spend too much. There will be some kids too, though - do I have to get them goodie bags if the birthday boys don't even really know what's going on?? Ugh - such a new realm for me!!

Merry Christmas to all - I hope you all have a wonderful, safe and extraordinary day, especially those with the newest littles. May this be the beginning of such an incredible new set of holidays for us all!!
Merry Christmas!! Did everyone have a good one?

We had an interesting Christmas Eve! Mr Timothy ended up having a reaction to his amoxicillin he was on for his ear infection. Day 6, so he was able to come off of it and we were told to just let it leave his system, the rash would get worse but he'd be ok. Well that night his face started swelling too, his hives were out of control. We did a telemedicine visit (super cool, like FaceTiming with a random doctor, but they can see him and assess him from afar). She wanted to call in a steroid for us to give him but our pharmacy was closed. So she said to watch him for 90 mins and if it didn't go down, head to the ER. Of course it didn't go down so at 10:30 Monday night, I packed him up and we headed to the ER. NOT the place I want to be on Christmas Eve!! It was packed but thankfully they look out for the little ones and try to get them in and out as quickly as possible. We got there, were seen and let go within 1.5 hrs. My cousin and aunt were actually there too at the same time for something she had going on so we even popped in for a visit! We were going to take a holiday family photo and post to FB but I didn't want T to be there any longer than he needed to be exposed to whatever was floating around! Anyway - he slept like a champ that night (thanks, Benedryl) and yesterday was SO fun with them. Probably a typical day but I just enjoyed it so much. They worked on their present-opening skills (yay tissue paper!!), only got a couple of presents to open. But just playing with them all day, staying in PJs for most of it, baking brownies, hearing them giggle in the other room playing with heart grew 10 times that day! (I see you, Grinch! :haha:)
His hives started coming back last night - I thought they'd be on their way out since he stopped the meds! I gave him a little Benedryl again but he had a swollen eye this morning. So now I'm waiting to see if we need to bring him in again. The receptionists at the doc know my voice by now and they have so much sympathy for T and M - we are there so much! These first years of daycare are no joke! I hope they have immune systems of steel after 2 yrs though! Almost halfway through!
Wish - totally relating to the daycare illness cycle. Ugh! Hope the little ones feel better soon!

Miki - adorable birthday celebration for gummy!

AFM - had a nice Christmas. Just stressing now over my husband's new job. I know it's the best thing for our family, but I will so dread losing the ability to see him all day long anytime I'd like.
TTC - absence makes the heart grow fonder! :) So glad you had a nice Christmas. Must have been a really fun year with Bella being the age she is. I cannot wait for next year with the boys.

Everyone is doing...ok. HA! I'm giving Malcolm Zyrtec every morning to hopefully stave off another ear infection before his tubes surgery on 1/15 (his bday! :( ). But he's got a little cold at least, it looks like. Timothy has another tooth popping through - that makes 8!! Malcolm's mouth looks like he's stuck at 6 for awhile but who knows. The kid pops teeth when no one is looking. They are both a little clingier lately - i think they are in the developmental phase where they are supposed to be getting this way.
Sleeping is still a challenge, but it's flopped - Timothy has only woken up once a night for the past few nights now but M is up a few times and is tough to get back to sleep on his own. Easy to get to sleep in your arms but as soon as his head hits the crib he's up again.
Their party will be next weekend. My folks are coming into town on Thursday so that'll be fun.

I hope you all had a fun and safe New Year! We did nothing - was just a regular night for us with a day off after. It was fine, though - we're thinking about maybe hosting next year. We usually do it with the same group of friends.

Miki - how's the daycare situation going?

wicky - how are you? how was Christmas for you guys?

newbies - any status updates??
Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone has a wonderful year!

Wish- Thanks, gummy did have a blast at his party, and he does well at parties as he loves having lots of stuff going on and people around. Christmas was low key for us, though. We had a lunch with DH's cousin and family on Christmas eve, and that was all.

I can't believe how much you've gone through with the boys' allergies and ear infections, etc. You're superwoman for managing to take care of all that, and for maintaining such a positive attitude! I hope Malcolm's tubes surgery goes really well, the poor little guy.

Daycare has been closed for 2 weeks for the break, so there hasn't been any more closure drama. But I expect that soon! DH is more relaxed now that it's a new year and we may be able to move gummy to a preschool that takes infants. He doesn't qualify until next year for preschools that take 2+ year olds. We had to put gummy in backup daycare for the past 2 days, and he didn't nap at all there! It was bright, and he was only crying in the crib the first day, and only playing in the crib the second day. But he was very cheerful and the lack of naps didn't seem to affect him. He was a hit with the staff, with his constant laughing and smiles. His crying the first day we dropped him off was heart wrenching, though. The backup daycare was really nice, but I know that he only managed to get in because many parents were out of town, and because we applied early. It’s not going to be possible to simply get a backup spot in the daycare center with no prior notice.

TTC- Thanks, it was nice to celebrate his birthday, even if he won’t remember it! I think I know how you feel, as I have worked in the same workplace as DH on and off. We are in the same field of work, and we got together while working for the same boss. I’ve found that I got used to not working together quite quickly, and hopefully the same will be true for you.

AFM- Gummy took his first step on Christmas day. But since then, he’s still stuck at one step. I’ve seen him take two, but it was very unsteady and he crashed to his hands and knees right after. He's good at standing unassisted, and can even throw a large ball quite far from overhead with both hands. But I think he prefers crawling still.

DH and I took gummy along with us to a brewery last Sunday, and it was so nice to be back doing stuff we used to enjoy as a couple. It was a dog and kid friendly brewery, so that was a bonus for us. We also went on a day trip to Monterey with him and ate at a nice restaurant. It’s nice to finally be able to enjoy life as a family without worrying so much about house and baby stuff.

How’s everyone else?
Happy New Year, miki!
Go Gummy, go!!! I'm sure he'll take off soon and be running around like a maniac! Of COURSE he hit it off with the staff at the backup daycare! I'd think they fell in love with him and might sneak him in fulltime! ;)
Isn't it so fun to get back into those things you used to do?? We've done that a few times but it's getting better. As long as we are armed with snacks and toys, we're good to go! We've gotten so many compliments on how good the boys are. I just hope it's not b/c they just haven't hit the tantrum stage just yet and pray that they stay good boys like this.

We have the boys' birthday party this weekend and I'm kinda stressing. We're going to have like 50 people here, including kids!! My cousin is making us cupcakes - they are awesome. All frosted into little monsters. And we're going to do apps and pizza. But I don't think we've thought enough about this and I'm completely stressing on lack of space for everyone. Our living room is completely taken over for the boys - we'll have to clean that up. And though we have a sizeable colonial home, it's still not going to fit FIFTY people. I don't know what to do but we don't really have the money or the lead time to change it to another location. I guess we'll just have most people standing! GAH!
I did get a craft for the kids to do - make your own monster mask. So that's a little something. I'm sure it'll all be fine but I'll be happy when it's 3:30 on Saturday and it's over!
Wish- Wow, 50 people! I bet you'll have a blast with this many people. And... I think that more people fit into a space than you can imagine (I used to live in small apartments and could hold decent-sized parties in them), so I think that your house may be fine for that number of people. Going from what you say about the size of the house, that is. I was the most worried about the kids, as adults can always fend for themselves. It turned out that the kids were easily amused by the funniest of things. Kids as old as 7 and 9 were in gummy’s playpen and playing with his toys. And this plastic stacking ice cream scoop game was a hit, it was the simplest of things. We got a few extra foldable chairs, and it turned out that some adults were on the floor with the kids. It was all very relaxed. And talking about relaxing, it sounds like your boys are really well-behaved and a joy to bring out! Gummy was really great in his stroller, but now he seems to want to get out of it and be at the table.

The woman who looked after gummy did look very crestfallen when we told her we wouldn't be back the next day. I could imagine her keeping him there! Actually, I really liked it there, but it's too far from home to consider as a possible place for gummy. I'm upping the search now, as daycare is closed yet again today, this time for apparent flooding and her back acting up for the 100th time. We got the text at 8am. Both DH and I had important meetings in the morning, so we texted her asking if she'd consider remaining open for the morning. She of course said she couldn't, but she also texted that she understood if her daycare was not a good fit for us at this point! Umm... it wouldn't be a good fit for anyone, at this point. I appreciate all the other amazing things about the daycare, but this has become a deal breaker. I'll be so sad to move gummy, but I think it will be much better for all of us. We're on 2 wait lists, but the chances of him getting in this year for those schools are virtually nil. I have to get him on more wait lists, and it costs so much to do that. It's really so difficult in our area.

TTC- I forget if you mentioned this...When does your husband start his new job?
Miki - first Monday in February. It’s both exciting and terrifying!

I’m so confused guys. Lend a girl your eyes. I can’t seem to duplicate this. Is it a dye run or something? 11 DPO Early Result Wondfo.

Now that it’s dry . . . It appears to be a crack in the test or something. ‍♀️

TTC- Don't worry, I bet you and DH will get used to the new situation really quick! I can relate to the anxiety, though. I'll keep you in my thoughts! Sorry that the line on that test turned out to be a crack... did you test some more?

Well, I emailed our 2nd choice preschool on Friday and got a call back Friday evening with the news that there is a slot starting Feb 1! While this school isn't as shiny and impressive looking as our 1st choice, it has the same philosophy (Reggio Emila) and the same wonderful activities and diversity. I was hoping to be able to wait till Feb/March, when our 1st choice starts to inform parents if they got accepted. But then again, this school has a crazy waiting list... it can take 3 years! The only reason I'm hoping we got in is that they strive for diversity and therefore sometimes take in certain kids earlier. Anyway, DH and I decided that we should go ahead and sign up, as it is so ridiculously hard to get accepted into preschool in general over here. We could be stuck in our current daycare situation for over a year if we turn down this spot.

I forgot to mention that the preschool is less than 2 blocks away from our house, and next to a public pool and very close to an amazing park. So the kids walk to the park a lot, and they have swimming lessons during the summer. DH and I are visiting the preschool again tomorrow morning, and we'll sign up then if all looks ok. I think that we can't afford to take the chance and give up this slot in the hopes that we get our 1st choice. It's difficult enough to get in anywhere, so we should be delighted. But I find myself feeling so apprehensive and sad...

Our current daycare is really lovely, the level of care is wonderful, and the carer to baby ratio is 2:1 at the most. It was 1:1 since August, but now she has 2 new babies. The daycare center will feel so much less personal and cozy. I feel sad leaving gummy's second "home", and I feel sad thinking of how they'd probably miss gummy. I really wish it hadn't come to this :cry:
Forgot to add that gummy isn't really starting preschool, these are the preschools that have infant and toddler rooms. There are really few preschools like this in the area, I guess that's why it's so hard to get in.
CD1 for me today.

Bella pushed a kid in school today! Not hard. DH said it was more like a warning to get out of her personal space.
hi all!!
miki - I'm SO HAPPY that you got into a daycare!!! Yours sounds just like ours - I can see how moving from the current ratio to the new one will be an adjustment but just remember too - Gummy is on the MOVE! He's going to make friends, they are going to become more independent with each other. So there will be less of a need for him to 'need' his caretakers that much. And really, if the caretakers are doing a good job, they'll make you feel like he's their one and only so you get that level of comfort. I ADORE the boys' caretaker. She said she's going to cry when they move to the toddler room in March but she did request that they get a certain teacher who is softer than the other (the other is more like 'tough love' and she said our boys are good boys and don't need that - they need snuggles! :)) But I'm not supposed to know any of that. I'm friends with her on FB too - she really makes me feel like the boys are her only ones.
Also, i cannot believe your current lady cancelled AGAIN!!! She clearly knows she's impacting you negatively or she wouldn't have opened the door for you to leave. I think everything about this new place sounds wonderful - location, philosophy and it'll be a place for Gummy to grow. AND he'll most likely be in the same class now with his classmates he'll go to actual school with since it's local. That's my one sad thing - our boys are in the town we work in right now, not our home town. So I'd like to switch them out maybe around kindergarten into one in this town, though it might be ridiculously expensive, but to make friends before they go into first grade. (choke - I don't even want to think that far out just yet!! :cry:)

TTC - what a weird test! So sorry for AF. And Bella - strong little lady, I hope that's all it was was her sticking up for herself. How's your GDD doing? How's the situation with DH moving jobs working out?

wicky - how are you doing?

missing all of the other girls who I assume have moved on! <3 I just can't seem to give this up. It's a nice break in work sometimes to pop in. :)

So the boys are ONE!! As of yesterday! CRAZY. I cannot believe I can even say the words "I have one year old twin boys". It's still a shock to me.
Their party went really well! And you were right TTC - we actually did fit everyone pretty nicely. It was packed, but people were mulling around and socializing. I got a craft for the kids to make their own monster masks, so that took up some time. It was 3 hrs and the first hour was people getting there, eating and drinking. 2nd hour was craft hour and then around the 2 hr mark, we did the cupcakes/sang HBD. The boys didn't dive into their cupcakes like everyone wants. Malcolm even made a 'EWWWW' face when I put some frosting in his mouth! HA! this was their first sugary food like this, so I figured it was going to go this way. That took probably about a 1/2 hr and then I took the boys up to bed and people started filtering out. By 3, just some family was leftover. It was great!!

Malcolm got tubes in his ears yesterday b/c of all of his ear infections. Hopefully now he'll have some relief. The whole procedure was ridiculously quick. I couldn't go back with him so it was about 5 mins from when they took him from me til she came back and said he was asleep and he did great! They read a book and he passed right out. Then it was about 13 mins after that (I literally was able to get coffee from the coffee machine and sit down) that the doc came in and said he was done and in recovery until he woke up. 5 mins later I heard his scream coming down the hall - I had a bottle ready for him b/c he hadn't been able to eat since 3am (it was almost 9:30) and he settled right down. The screaming was completely normal for a baby coming out of anesthesia. After that, he was a little cranky getting into his carseat to go home, cried a teeny bit leaving the parking lot but once we got going he was fine. And perfectly happy by the time we got home. Easy peasy! Then we had a snack, played a little and then he napped for about 2.5 hrs. It was a fun Malcolm-Mama day! :)
Wish- Thanks! I'm excited and sad and afraid at the same time. It's emotionally hard leaving a daycare, and scary to move to a new one. We set a start date on the 19th, so there's still time to get used to the idea. Thanks for sharing your experience, I was hoping that I'd feel that way about the carers. Oh, that's tough that you have to think about moving the boys before they go to kindergarten. Caring for our LOs is so fraught with heartache. Luckily, they will be completely fine and make new friends easily. It's the parents that have a harder time moving on!

Happy birthday Malcolm and Timothy! It's so wonderful that they're now a year old. Your party sounded fabulous, I knew you'd pull it off! I'm so glad that Malcolm's surgery went well, and he recovered so well. Poor thing, I hope that his ears are much better from now on.

TTC- Sorry about AF. I agree with your DH, sounds like Bella just wanted to set a boundary!

AFM- I'm going for a consult at the clinic in 3 weeks time! Then we can start the process to prepare for a FET cycle. I can't believe that we're already at this point again, time has flown!

I hope everyone else is doing well, and I miss hearing from all of you!
ooooh let the games begin!! How many frosties do you have again? So crazy to think you're going to start again. I hope it all goes so quickly for you and you get preg quickly. I often think about our last frostie (who is no more :() and if I was younger, would we have tried one more time. I don't think so - the cost is astounding for 2, I can't imagine paying for daycare for 3. And diapers. And college (HAHA just kidding wecan'taffordcollege :rofl:). As much as I'd love to have another cherub around here, I ultimately don't think it would be very fair to everyone. It's fun to daydream, though. :)
Hi ladies!

I hope you are all doing well. I have been keeping up, but haven't had time or energy to respond. I'm going to start with my updates, then post some responses to your recent stuff after.

Time goes by so fast! M turned 9 months on Saturday (which happened to be my birthday, too). She is so much fun at this age - lots of interaction, expressions, babbling, and movement. Although she has yet to actually crawl or say a real word. She also doesn't have any teeth yet. She has been teething FOREVER but nothing has cut through yet. I wonder if that means she'll have a whole bunch pop through in a short period of time.

Anyway, we are feeding her some purees and trying some BLW, but she hasn't figured out how to pick up small pieces and put them into her mouth (or anywhere else, for that matter), so it's mostly us putting little bits of "regular" food in her mouth to taste. So far the big winners are bacon (just the flavor) and whipped cream. With the purees, she loves most of the fruits and veggies we've given her and even tolerates the meats. The only things she hasn't liked were avocado and egg.

We're still nursing, but just at bedtime, as my supply was so low it was getting really annoying to pump at work and she doesn't seem to want to go to the breast any time but bedtime. So I guess we're going with what she wants. I'm kind of sad about it, as I'm thinking this might not last very long and then BF will be over, but I'm also a little relieved since it has been such a struggle for me.

Sleep has been pretty good at night. She sleeps about 8-9 hours at a time, more if I can sleep late with her. But NO naps during the day or sometimes a couple of 20 minute snoozes. On the rare occasion whens she naps during the day, she sleeps for 2-3 hours. So I know she's got to be sleep deprived, but I am not sure what to do about it if she refuses to nap. Ugh.

Unfortunately, I've had some setbacks with the post-partum depression symptoms and had to increase medications. We think it might be a combination of seasonal affective disorder and the post-partum symptoms making things worse right now. It made the pre-holiday season a bit blah, but I started feeling better around Christmas and I think it's evening out now. Thankfully, it doesn't seem to impact M much, as I can get my mom to help out when I'm not feeling up to handling everything at home. DW is so supportive and has been taking great care of M during the day. I just miss our "us" time, since we still work opposite schedules and have very little overlap of time that isn't sleeping.

We graduated from physical therapy so M's torticollis is gone and she is at least meeting the milestones for her adjusted age and a bunch for her actual age. We're still in occupational therapy because she seems to have lots of sensory sensitivities that have made transitioning to solid foods more challenging. But at least we only have to go once a month and not every week anymore!

The holidays were good. M seemed to enjoy presents - or more specifically, wrapping paper - and got a kick out of the festivities. She did a lot of smiling and laughing. She also got to see her grandpa and grandma from Indiana as well as her grandma in Maryland, so that was nice for all of us. I can't believe that it's almost February! This time last year, I was miserable and pregnant, thinking there was no end in sight. What a change a year brings!!!

Now I'm starting to think about 1st birthday party and what we want to do. I have lots of time yet, but don't want to wait until the last minute because it would be more stressful to me. It's been great reading about the recent birthday parties on here to get ideas!

I'm so excited for you, DH, and Gummy that you got into a new daycare! I am so sad that the first place you had him wasn't working out, but you definitely gave her plenty of opportunity to fix things so it could work for your family. It sounds like the new place will be great for Gummy and will be a good step forward in his social development. Also, happy belated birthday to Gummy!!!

I have been thinking a lot about you with the fires in CA and remember you having one near your lab last year. I hope you are safe and sound and that things aren't scary where you are this time.

Also, congratulations on starting again with the FET process! I am so excited for you and hope things go smoothly this round. It's hard to believe it's that time again, but wow! We'll all be here waiting for updates as you go through it and will support you while you're PUPO! :dust:

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