BFP Ladies from MAY we all be blessed with baby! TTC May '13 and beyond[Closed Group]

Congrats daddiesgift. I bet you can't wait!

I've just been to my aunts birthday party and now wide awake as I fell asleep on the way home, dad was driving as it was pointless taking two cars down. Whilst I was there I had some excellent news that my cousin is having a boy. I think I was more excited about it than she is, but then I believe its because we won't choose the same name. Its good though as we saw all my other relatives and got to catch up on so much news. But I foresee a busy year with so much going on family wise, but I suppose I do have a biggish family so that is to be expected.

Now just to find out what OH's cousin is having... a boy I hopefully then I can happily go and have my name with no arguments :)
@kksy9b Maybe you can wrap a sheet or blanket around it until you sew your cover. I hope it goes away quickly. :hugs:

@daddiesgift Yay! :happydance: I updated the date on the front.

@mummy2o It does sound like a busy time for your family with lots of births coming! :) I would be nervous every time my sister-in-law got pregnant because I had names picked out a long time ago. She never chose the one I wanted specifically, but now I think two of them are too similar to the one I wanted so we'll be thinking some more.

AFM They won't see me until 10 weeks for paper work, blood work, etc. I'm 7 weeks and 4 days. It feels like so long away, but the only thing to look forward to with it is that I will probably get an ultrasound that day. Baby will look bigger and like a baby already so that will be sweet. I just wish I could enjoy this and feel like everything was alright while waiting. While we appreciate every day and love it already, it sucks that we won't be able to fully look forward to and connect to this until 10 weeks. I know anything can happen even after the heartbeat is heard, but I just wish I could see/hear the heartbeat now even if I had to wait to see baby until 10 weeks. Waiting and waiting some more...
AFM They won't see me until 10 weeks for paper work, blood work, etc. I'm 7 weeks and 4 days. It feels like so long away, but the only thing to look forward to with it is that I will probably get an ultrasound that day. Baby will look bigger and like a baby already so that will be sweet. I just wish I could enjoy this and feel like everything was alright while waiting. While we appreciate every day and love it already, it sucks that we won't be able to fully look forward to and connect to this until 10 weeks. I know anything can happen even after the heartbeat is heard, but I just wish I could see/hear the heartbeat now even if I had to wait to see baby until 10 weeks. Waiting and waiting some more...

Some days it flies by and some days it seems to drag. When TTC, you wait for your period to leave, you wait to O, then you wait two weeks to see if anything stuck...then in first tri you have a LONG wait before you feel you can fully exhale and relax a bit...second tri you wait for the gender, and the 20 week ultrasound...then you wait for the baby to SHOW UP already! There is never really an end to the waiting. I like coming on here and seeing how people are doing, but I feel it def goes faster when I don't let myself dwell on the "being pregnant" whole mindset. It throws you for a loop sometimes.

On a somewhat related note: something I recently started doing is sort of taking time to "meditate" I guess you could say, on positive thoughts, directing it toward the baby. Things I think it will be, like strong, intelligent, playful, etc. (words like "permanent, healthy" can help too). I'm a big worrier and I find it really helps to get my thinking in line. I also made a nick name for baby, so that I can feel I'm "talking to it" more directly... I'm quite liking this for now :)
@kksy9b Maybe you can wrap a sheet or blanket around it until you sew your cover. I hope it goes away quickly. :hugs:

AFM They won't see me until 10 weeks for paper work, blood work, etc. I'm 7 weeks and 4 days. It feels like so long away, but the only thing to look forward to with it is that I will probably get an ultrasound that day. Baby will look bigger and like a baby already so that will be sweet. I just wish I could enjoy this and feel like everything was alright while waiting. While we appreciate every day and love it already, it sucks that we won't be able to fully look forward to and connect to this until 10 weeks. I know anything can happen even after the heartbeat is heard, but I just wish I could see/hear the heartbeat now even if I had to wait to see baby until 10 weeks. Waiting and waiting some more...

Thanks! Unfortunately it's not the pillow like we thought. I think it's just a normal pregnancy rash. We pulled the pillow,the sheets and blankets off the bed yesterday and it has continued to spread. It's now down my arms, across my neck and i have a couple spots on my abdomen. I'm going to call the doctor today to see if I can take some Benadryl and if there is something I can do for the itching! My mom had the same thing with my oldest brother and it's common in your first pregnancy or if you're having multiplies. Just have to stop the itching! lol

It does seem like a long way off to that first appointment, doesn't it? It's really difficult because you're still trying to connect with baby which can be hard when you can't feel them or see them yet. It helped me pass the time (we had a 6 week wait!) to focus on what was happening that week with baby. I have a book (and a couple apps) that I read each Monday night. I read it with my husband and find out what is going on with baby for the next week (which helped him to be a part of everything too). It is amazing how quickly they grow in the first trimester! There are so many new organs and systems developing on a weekly basis. It really helped to relax me knowing that baby needs this time to develop their kidneys or liver or brain pathways, etc. It pulled me to what was happening NOW instead of the long wait to getting to hear the heartbeat. And remember that your nausea and fatigue and crazy emotions, etc are all a sign that baby is growing and progressing like they should be. It will go by faster than you think! Just hang in there! :hugs::hugs:

Raechay- I LOVE your meditation idea and speaking and thinking positive thoughts towards and about the baby! I am a worrier too and I think I'll start doing the same to help calm some of that down!
@RaeChay Thanks! :) I definitely say a little something every night before sleep. I think it's just such a stressful time because it would really hurt to get so attached and make plans only to find out it wasn't going to happen. I don't think I would have ever been this way if I didn't know so much about ttc and being pregnant or if I didn't see so many sad stories. Having the chemical loss in June really made me feel differently about it too. That was very early and the test never got dark that time. It seems completely different from now, but it still worries me. I'll take it one day at a time and plan for the best. My hopes are for the next two weeks to go quickly and for everything to be perfect once I go in. :thumbup:

@kksy9b Oh no! It's good that it's not your pillow then. Hopefully the doctor will have a quick fix for you. :hugs: Thanks! Reading about the weekly developments is probably one of the best things I can do now. It's amazing to think about all of the wonderful things going on! I also like looking at the photos of what baby should look like. It's finally getting to where it would look like a baby! :) I think I just thought they would do the blood work or something before 10 weeks to confirm so that probably shocked me a bit. I try to comfort myself by thinking of symptoms. I really think the fatigue is getting even stronger lately. I sleep a full night and then fall back asleep for another hour or two after being up for a short while. I fall asleep during my favorite shows. I love and appreciate it all though! I do take my temp once a week or once every couple of weeks too. :blush: I know that it's not great to do, but it does make me feel much better when it's where it's supposed to be and that buys me some days of comfort too!
@Hopeful, in case you haven't already found it, there's a great site called Family Education. I just google the exact gestational age I am (29 weeks 1 day pregnant) and it's usually the first thing that comes up. There's usually a picture and a nice description for the day, plus tips and ToDo's. Other sites just go by week and in those early days it can feel like an eternity to get to the next week. I still look at it frequently and scan forward to look forward to extra milestones other than the big ones which can seem FOREVER away. If you lived closer ( I think you live out west?) I'd just send you my dopplar and even my Boppy pillow when I'm done... Hang in there!
congrats mummy2o on your little girl how exciting! did u do the chinese gender predictor and if so was it accurate?

im also wondering if anyone started buying stuff for baby yet? and what things are ok to buy used? i also plan on co-sleeping for the first few months any tips on how i can do it as safe as possible? (just me and baby, hubby is gonna sleep in the spare room on an air mattress).

list of things i plan to get soon:
bouncer seat
carrier/sling (that goes over your body)
breast pump (i heard of women renting breast pumps and buying used ones, is that icky?)
and just a few clothing items like basic onsies, hats, socks, and recieving blankets.

oh and i just noticed my ticker moved up a box! yay :) i hope all you ladies have been doing fantastic!
oh i have an appt. in 2 1/2 weeks at 16w6d so iim hoping i can find out gender then. also i am planning to change from my ob/gyn to a midwife facility so ladies wish me luck. hope its not to late and they can squeese me in.:shrug:
@melann13 I really like that site! I did look at it in the beginning, but I had forgot about it. Thanks! :) I do think it's helpful to focus on each day. You're so sweet! I do think I will get a Dopplar. I know it can vary, but when can you normally start hearing the heartbeat?

@ALiKO I know one of the things they say not to get used is a car seat because you can't be sure what condition it's in and if someone didn't take care of it. That sounds like a good list. I'm already looking at the baby section when we pass by, but I haven't bought anything yet. We'll probably buy some gender neutral items once we have the scan. I LOVE when my tickers update! I just made it to 20% on the percentage ticker! That makes me so happy as I've been waiting to get to 20%. :haha: I hope you get to find out gender then! That will be so exciting. Good luck with switching to the midwife facility!

Here are a couple websites that have suggestions for used vs new.
Consumer Reports
Baby Essentials
I think it depends on how well cared items are. Some which are like brand new should be fine. Although I agree on the car seat. Make sure you have some barrier on the side so the baby doesn't full out. It depends what kind of sleeper you are also. If some moves to me I moved away. My son had a habit so doing cartwheels on my back whilst I was a sleep and he had a club foot so had a metal bar correcting his feet at night so that hurt like hell! But I didn't co-sleep until DS was older and instead of getting up and playing on the computer or watching the tv (he was 1 and a half when he could climb out of bed at 1am) I retaught him to come in my room and sleep with me.

Congrats on new milestones. Aliko hopefully you'll be able to find out the gender.
Hopeful only 4 more weeks then you can move to 2nd trimester!

AFM its my second anomaly scan to see if we can get the spine today. DS is coming to so it will be the first time he'll see his baby sister due to school holidays. Not sure how much he'll understand as he's 6 going on 3/4 at times due to his autism, but other things he gets right away.
Aliko, I definitely recommend having a plan to borrow or buy a breast pump, if you feel strongly that you will try to breast feed. I know some insurance companies (mine did) cover rental of a hospital grade pump for a period of time (and the hospital grade pump is wonderful). I breastfed for over a year but had to pump for the first 6 weeks due to my daughter having a hospital stay, which led to issues with latch that took a few weeks to get corrected.
@Hopeful, I got my dopplar just after they used it at the doctors the first time at 10 weeks. I struggled a little bit with it, sometimes it would take a little bit to find the HB, but after seeing the doctor do it, I knew MUCH better where to aim and that it's much LOWER than you'd think (mine was around the public hair line). I actually put a dot on my belly with a sharpie, for a week or so :). I definitely recommend waiting to try til you see/hear what the doctor does. You just have to swear to yourself that if you can't find it in a few minutes, you'll turn it off and know that the baby is just wriggly, and nothing is wrong. After 12 weeks it's much easier. I have the Sonoline B one from Amazon. It was supposed to come with gel, which it didn't, but a giant bottle of Aloe Vera from Target works just fine.

@Aliko, we got a used crib- gorgeous oak off Craig's list, and my co-sleeper which is an Arm's Reach Co-sleeper, Bassinet, Playard. It was only used for a few months before their baby grew out of it. I went to a HUGE consignment sale here almost two months ago and got my Graco pack and play, a jogging stroller, swing, bags full of clothes, an Ergo carrier, a Baby Bjorn, a Moby, carseat cover and more. $1300 worth of stuff (I looked up retail values) for $275.
I agree that a carseat should be new, unless you know the people it's coming from and can guarantee that it's not past it's expiration and has NEVER been in even a small accident as it can wear down the straps inside where you can't see. We bought ours new.
Most used baby stuff is in great shape as it only gets used for a short time.
My breast pump is coming from my insurance company, although I can't request it til after my post-partum appt, so I may get a manual to use the first few weeks to get baby used to a bottle from DH etc.
Hope that helps!
Here's the co-sleeper I have, except mine is ivory. DH and I only have a double bed, so we wouldn't have been able to get the in-bed kind. It attaches TIGHTLY to the side of the bed and has a 4 inch ledge to prevent baby from ending up in my bed, but I can still reach her/pull her out without much issue.
Aliko- I don't find anything wrong with buying used baby items. Everything can be washed or sterilized. They say not to on car seats as they could've been in a car wreck but I'm thinking if they've been in a wreck you'd be able to tell! :haha:

As far as breast pumps you can buy new shields and tubing. No milk ever touches the motor which is most expensive part, it doesn't go in tubing either. Just the shields then it leaks down into a cup, those are cheap items to buy. Sometimes you can find pumps people sell cheap and they never even used them. I just recommend getting a GOOD one as the cheap ones can cause more problems than you want!

We co slept with both our boys till about two months ago so oldest co slept from birth to two years old and the baby till 9 months. Only reason we moved baby when we did is we didnt feel it fair to move our oldest and not him. They also share a room so it just made more sense! With our oldest when it was just him he slept in the middle of us. We dressed him warmly and laid him on top of covers and didnt have a pillow by him. We never had a scare or anything. It's easier than most think! When baby was born since we only have a queen bed we side carred a crib to our bed. You can google how to do it. We pretty much bought a cheap used crib, took off one side and match his cot height to our beds height so it was level and pushed it up against the wall and bed so it was just an extension. He now sleeps in that crib in his and brothers room. So he slept in that and toddler still slept between us. New baby will co sleep as long as it works for all of us so probably at least two years. I'm hoping to get a bigger bed for Christmas so new baby will just sleep our bed.
I also bought a lot of used stuff for my daughter - especially things like swings, carriers, toys (that are washable), clothes... I was very happy with the things I bought new that were on the cheaper end (like our high chair). I bought a nice stroller (read: expensive) because of living in a place where cobblestone sidewalks are the norm. I'm sure I could have found that used if I had been more resourceful. Baby things get so worn if you actually use them, and some things like swings are used for such a limited amount of time. Go used when possible.
hopeful- thanks for the the links they are very helpful im actually reading through them now. and no worries i actually bought a pack of onsies a few days after my positive pregnancy test and a few weeks before my first scan. i just could'nt resist, i wanted something to remind me of a baby besides staring at my pregnancy tests all day :haha:. and when i would gaze over at the pack of onsies it would actally put my mind at ease and i would just imagine my baby having it on in a few months :flower:. so if you feel like maybe just getting one thing i say go for it. and hooray for being at 20%! you'll be at 30% then 40% and beyond before you know it!

mummy2o- yea im a pretty good sleeper so i do trust myself, i jus dont trust DH since he sleeps like a log thats why im making him sleep seperately from us. thanks! every milestone crossed is a huge relief. i hope your next anomaly scan goes great and baby cooperates for all the measurements. and that should be a nice treat for your DS. :flower:

katyw- that sounds good im gonna have to see what my insurance or the clinic provides as far a like breast pump rentals and stuff. now that i see other women rent or buy used breast pumps i actually feel so much better about it. thanks :)

melann- all that for only $275 wow! ergo carriers are pretty expensive i've been eyeing one myself. i need to really start consignment and thrift shopping im missing out on so much. i dont know why i was thinking most things had to be new. boy was i wrong. and thanks for the link to the arms reach sleeper that looks perfect. i gonna defintely look into it and if its sold here.

daddiesgift- interesting crib idea to make it extend as a part of your bed, very resourceful. you ladies have definitely made me feel better about buying used items especially breast pumps. i also feel such a relief and am looking forward to a used pump as a good new one is soo expensive.
@Aliko, in my massive haul of stuff from that sale, the Ergo was the most expensive thing I bought. It's about $130 new, and I paid $50, but it's in perfect shape. The Baby Bjorn is nice for a tiny baby and I plan to use the Moby for being at home or at work, but the Ergo I've seen people use with kids even after 1 year as they go up to a 35 or 40 lb weight limit. Most people would not buy all three kinds of carriers, but since I got them all for cheap (Bjorn was $20, Moby, still in the bag was $15 I think), I figured I'd go for it and see which I like the best. My husband really wanted the Bjorn for tiny baby girl after he saw someone else with one.
Spine is fine. So she's healthy :) It went pretty quick, I was in and out in 10 minute compared to the 2-3 hours previous times. I ended up down the GP's last night as I scratched my eye and ended up with blurred vision. Its not pregnancy related as I was reading it could be with gestational diabetes or pre-eclampsia. Got eye drops which I'm using for a week. Thankfully it went in a couple of hours but my eye is full of sleep trying to heal itself at the moment. I'm contently wiping it clean!

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