I did notice many differences. I had no morning sickness with my son or my miscarriage so I'm thinking he was suppose to be a boy also. This one it started before my BFP, then again I tested late due to unpredictable cycles but it was really early at just over 4 weeks. This one I've had swollen feet most evenings from about 8 weeks, never with DS. Craved cheeseburgers from McD's with DS, this one has been ribs, salted things or sweets. I'm drinking loads more this time also, compared to DS.
I don't think the shock of having a girl has sinked in yet. I've waited 7 years to get her and really hoped DS wasn't a boy (he made us team yellow last time, but gut told me boy) so really hoped I was wrong. I love hello kitty so she'll get a lot of hello kitty things, especially if I can bribe my dad buying some every time he goes to Japan!
As for names since I became pregnant I've wanted Hana May. Now I'm not so sure. I have 20 weeks left, so plenty of time to think of something right.