BFP with or without Soy Iso after a Loss!!!!!

Hi Hollie,

Got to go to the early pregnancy unit first thing tomorrow morning and get my blood drawn. If the HCG is over a 1000 which I suspect it will be they will then do a scan to see what's going on. It seems to have tailed off now. Just a little bit of watery pink when I wipe :shrug: Not had any cramps or clots and I still feel very pregnant, ie sore boobs..weeing etc. I need an IC and it's as dark as yesterdays etc :shrug: Had a few sharp needle like pains in my cervix but that's it. The weird thing is I knew something was wrong this morning, don't ask me why. When I wiped I had minute bits of brown in my cm. I was worried but not too worried. I asked to take a half day at work and as soon as I got home I felt the gush....there was enough to fill a pad but it was watered down blood.
Suppose only time will tell :cry:
Glowstar hang in there sweetie it could just be bubba burrowing further in and ive read sooooo many stories on here of bright red blood and massive clots and bubba ok :hugs:
Thanks Poppy :hugs:

I just feel in limbo now which is a horrible feeling :nope: it keeps tailing off and now looks more browny pink with tiny bits in it :shrug: I am not in pain but my lower tummy does feel like I've been doing sit ups and a bit AF like.
I suppose I always knew I was high risk because of my age. The thought of going through all the TTC business is depressing and thinking it might take another 8 cycles or more is even more depressing. OH came home from work to lie on the bed with me this afternoon as I was shaking and so upset.
The weird thing was I just didn't feel right somehow this morning but still have all my pregnancy symptoms...mega sore boobs...tests same colour as yesterday...just did a Digi...still 3+ but maybe that's because hormone levels will take a while to come down.
I asked to take a half day was like my mind knew something was going to happen. I stopped at Costa for a Latte on the way home and standing in the queue I suddenly felt a warm wet gush. I went straight to the ladies and it was watery pinky/red blood enough to make my knickers wet.
Got home more watery pinky/red blood. Which then seemed to stop. Got a panty liner on and nothing on it....only seems to be there when I wipe but not really red now. Feel like I am just waiting for 'it' to happen now which is horrible :cry:
Good luck Glowstar ....fxd for you.

Holly I have an appointment Friday ....guess I just have to wait and see.
Truth my thoughts are with you :hugs: I am sure you will be fine :hugs:
The worry of being pregnant is 100 times worse than actually trying to get pregnant. They say stress isn't good but seriously how can we not stress :wacko:
Truth the placenta starts taking over now so your body maybe already use to the hormones hence not as sick.... i was only nausea in week 8 and 9 then it went and i paniced but read about placenta x
I hope everything is okay poppy. I hope its just paranoia.
Glowstar :( x x x my heart is in my mouth thinking of you. X how do u feel
Glowstar dont think its your age sweetie im with you in age, one of the members on another loss thread is also 40 and she had bleeding n spotting and everything was fine :hugs:
Glowstar!!! Don't lose hope!!! Are you gonna go to the docs???
Glowstar~ I will for sure be praying that everything is ok hun! :hugs:

Truth~ I was eating my lunch this afternoon thinking about what you said and I was thinking the same thing Poppy was saying about the placenta.. I read quite a bit about it when I had that small area of placenta separation and that IS when the placenta starts to pick up. I'm glad you have an appt. this week though! :hugs:
Hey Truth - Got my first doc's appt booked for June 29th so you can update it on the first page :) No ultrasound that day tho :(
Glowstar try not to worry too much I have had spotting and bleeding with all my pregnancies, the only thing that was different with my missed miscarriage is that the bleeding was bright red all the time not pinkish or brown. With Emily I got it at 5+1 with the mmc 5+6 and with this one 6+1. When I had an ultrasound on each occasion they sid all was well as the bleeding was not around the baby.? breakthrough bleeding or implantation bleeding. With this one it subsided within 4 days with Emily 4 weeks. It just so frightening when it happens. I really feel for you hun.

Spell yeah I had a scan at 6+5 due to the spotting saw fetal pole and hb

Truth funnily enough there have been times today when I did not feel pregnant, no nausea today or sore boobs feel normal.

Still cannot find the hb on this doppler either but I know it is early and I am a little chubby around the mid section.
Glowstar just been thinking if there is any pattern to when I start spotting and is is usually around the time I would have ovulated I suppose that does make sense as your progesterone levels will be lower just a theory? Hope all is well this morning I have been there so many times do know exactly what it is like. Update asap I will be stalking. x
Debzie - thanks so much for thinking of me :flower: When you say you bled what was it like? This was a sudden gush of watery pinky/red blood...followed by pinky blood but only when wiping. Had the same pad on all afternoon and all night and nothing on it. Just got pale (hardly any) brown discharge when wiping now...tiny little bits in old blood.

Well slept OK...woke at 3.30am...prob just because stressed...went back to bed after half hour. Got to the EPAU this morning and taken straight away for blood to be taken to check my levels, get the results on Thursday afternoon but in the meantime have to go back Thursday morning for a 2nd blood draw so they can see if the levels are rising. Not sure when I will get the results back for this but got a sneaky feeling they will make me wait until Monday :nope:
If the levels are rising normally they will then get me in for a scan.
The nurse was lovely and just explained to be prepared for a failed pregnancy but she said she was hopeful because the bleeding has stopped and I'm not in pain but I do feel like I have been doing situps :nope:
Now I just have minute amounts of pale brown discharge and only when I wipe. I suppose at the moment it's 50/50 which way this will go. I'm desperately trying not to get my hopes up but at the moment I still feel pregnant and had a VERY positive HPT this morning :shrug:
I've taken the rest of the week off work as can't bare the thought of sitting at my desk and people asking me what's wrong or waiting for more bleeding to start....flip side is I am now sitting in the house obsessing :nope:
I kind of feel awful that I am making all you ladies worry about yourselves :cry:
Just thought I'd add that these are IC's I have taken over the last few days as I am a POAS-A-HOLIC, can't remember exactly which days but the 2nd to bottom one was done yesterday afternoon. The bottom one was done this morning after getting back from the EPAU so not FMU, what do you guys think :shrug:
I think the lines are lovely Glowstar.... surprised you not getting your blood results sooner, when i had mine done i was allowed to ring after 4pm for my results same day cos i was stressing. Im sure everything is fine :hugs:
Well she just phoned me back (lovely lady) and said my HCG is 15822 which is excellent. She has booked me in for a scan on Monday morning at 8.30am. I forgot to ask if supposed to go for 2nd blood draw but should probably just go anyway.
Just waiting now to see what happens next :wacko:
That is great levels... I know when i had the 48hr bloods drawn at week 8 they were 15000 then only went up to 19000 with my angel baby, so your level is good for 5wks :hugs:
Glowstar those levels look great but yiu will have. togo back for the 2 nd ones then at least you will.know more by the weekend. My bleeding was much the same with emily as yours a gush then tapered off to just when i wiped then a wrek or so later anothet gush always pinky watery fading to brown. With my mmc it started brown then quickly became red but only when i wiped. This one I had one gush of pinky brown that faded within a few days to brown that was it. Stay away from google it drove me mad lol. Put your feet up this week and catch up on some tv or go to blockbusters that's how I got through the days before my scan. Oh and of course alot of positive support from these lovely ladies. X

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