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Bikinis on Babies.

That is awful :nope:

I wasn't really keen on even ones like the mini mouse one before I had DD, however, onsie costumes are not an easy thing to get on/off with a wriggly wet baby kicking off on one. I am growing to like them more.

For those of you saying they wouldn't bother with a top half as they don't see a purpose. My LO had heart surgery and has a large scar on her chest. also her breast bone didn't heal completely flat. It doesn't bother me anymore as I have seen it at its worst and now its almost nothing but I feel very conscious of other people staring at her. So for me her having a top half on just makes me feel a little more normal and less like all eyes are on us. Just thought it might be of interest that some people have reasons other than fashion to bother with a top half.
It's vile, Niamh won't be wearing a bikini till she's old enough to buy it herself
Wow... a few judgmental comments on here!

My LO wears a bikini/tankini because swimming costumes just don't fit her right. She is very long in the torso so they all tend to cut her around the bum, and if she wears a larger size then it comes up all baggy. Funnily enough I have exactly the same problem with swimwear - must be a genetic thing!

Personally I don't like the one in the picture, it looks a bit mature to me. This is the one my LO wears...


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I'm not a fan of bikinis on babies but wouldn't judge anyone who decided to dress their LO in one. There are more important things to worry about than bikinis, after all! My mil brought my Lo a two piece costume which I thought was cute, but my DH didn't like it as it kept riding up and you could see her nipples. I didn't see the issue with people seeing her nipples, she's only a baby, but we bought her a one piece costume which we prefer as it looks more comfortable on her than the top constantly rolling up
I personally wouldn't dress my LO in a bikini but really don't care what anyone else chooses to do! If I saw a little girl at the pool/bach with one on I don't think I'd bat an eyelid! Each to their own! It's only a bikini at the end of the day!!
Both of my girls have worn two pieces. Some have tank tops, some traditional bikini tops, some the rash guard tops, some are a mixture. It's a baby and I don't know how anyone can look at them as sexual in nature and not just a little kid swimming.

Now girls that are 9 or 10 wearing skimpy little string bikinis at our local pool I think are in appropriate and I think their parents should not let them choose them. That being said I have seen some really skimpy one piece suits that cover less than my babies two piece suit. I think it's all in how it looks and what it covers
I actually have no idea what to think on that picture.
Its one of those things where I cant think of a logical reason for hating it but just do, I mean technicaly it is covering more then a swim nappy on its own would but still just seems wrong.
Maybe its the cut of it that suggests a mental image of being more grown up and a sexual tone to how adult would wear it.
That being said im not keen on the crop top style ones either (again cant explain why) but at least they are better then the one in the article.
Wow... a few judgmental comments on here!

My LO wears a bikini/tankini because swimming costumes just don't fit her right. She is very long in the torso so they all tend to cut her around the bum, and if she wears a larger size then it comes up all baggy. Funnily enough I have exactly the same problem with swimwear - must be a genetic thing!

Personally I don't like the one in the picture, it looks a bit mature to me. This is the one my LO wears...

I think that's adorable!
I don't really like them because on babies I see it as yet another unneccessary gender divide, though I am of the opinion that there should be no gender divide at all in children's clothes, and I know from another thread- the pink shoes one- that most people aren't on the same page there for various reasons. For three years and up, though, if my child wanted a bikini I'd let them have one. My mum used to push us in to only pants and I was incredibly embarrassed from a very young age, and damn it i wanted that flowery bikini! Kids have a very strong sense of self from an early age and once they start wanting to wear certain things there isn't much point in saying no unless it's something really worth the fight; like perhaps overly high heels, or highly sexualised or offensive clothing.
Its one of those things where I cant think of a logical reason for hating it but just do, I mean technicaly it is covering more then a swim nappy on its own would but still just seems wrong.
Maybe its the cut of it that suggests a mental image of being more grown up and a sexual tone to how adult would wear it.That being said im not keen on the crop top style ones either (again cant explain why) but at least they are better then the one in the article.

This exactly. that's exactly the reason I don't like it. I have no issue with a baby/child wearing a two piece suit, but I don't like it to look adult in style. That just seems wrong to me.
I had bikinis like this as a kid in the 1980s, never felt like I was being sexy. It was just the 'in thing' at the time. So not it doesn't worry me.

Yep, we did too.

I can't understand the "sexualisation" aspect. Do women who wear bikinis only wear them to appeal sexually to men? Do they do so to enhance their sexuality? Or do they do it because they like they way they look in it? (I ask because I haven't worn a bikini in decades!!)

I see it no different to any other type of swimwear. Babies don't need swimsuits so why do we put them on? Would it be acceptable to have a baby/toddler girl topless in a pool?

I totally agree with the fact that a two piece is much easier to change in and out of - especially with a disabled toddler! The bikini in the picture just looks cute, to me. Not really to my taste but not abhorrent. But then, I choose not to buy in to hysteria about children growing up too fast.
I think that's how I feel Foo. Bikinis arent sexual in any way to me (or to anyone else that sees ME in one :rofl:) I just don't make that connection. Its just a two piece to me. Not my style but then again neither are Juicy tracksuits or Dior baby bling or whatever, but I'd put it all in the same box ykwim
I don't mind a two piece i really don't I think that one though just doesn't look right?
Wow... a few judgmental comments on here!

My LO wears a bikini/tankini because swimming costumes just don't fit her right. She is very long in the torso so they all tend to cut her around the bum, and if she wears a larger size then it comes up all baggy. Funnily enough I have exactly the same problem with swimwear - must be a genetic thing!

Personally I don't like the one in the picture, it looks a bit mature to me. This is the one my LO wears...

Ones like this are cute though! I think when they're as young as the baby in the picture they shouldn't really be in a triangle bikini but its not a big enough thing to get judgemental about. It's just personal preference :)
Wow... a few judgmental comments on here!

My LO wears a bikini/tankini because swimming costumes just don't fit her right. She is very long in the torso so they all tend to cut her around the bum, and if she wears a larger size then it comes up all baggy. Funnily enough I have exactly the same problem with swimwear - must be a genetic thing!

Personally I don't like the one in the picture, it looks a bit mature to me. This is the one my LO wears...

See that's really cute...I'd actually prefer to wear that bikini myself ahah, I haaate how adult bikinis are so skimpy - makes small boobed girls like me look weird. It's just that I don't see a problem with a bare top half on a girl, rather than the triangle 'boob' coverings that seem to be on sale at the moment. Obviously, if you're swimming in the sea or a cold pool, a top half is ideal for warmth purposes. But I don't see how that first pictures bikini would help in that way at all.
See part of me thinks id rather see a baby in just a swim nappy as it just seems more innocent and natural for a baby where as that sort of thing just doesn't seem innocent or cute to me.
Claire has a two piece. I bought it for her from work. My hubby doesn't like it, but tbh I don't think he'd like her wearing a two piece regardless of what age she is. :blush:


I don't see it as sexual, maybe because it isn't a triangle style? :wacko: I thought it was fine now I'm not so sure ha ha ha. :haha:
Claire has a two piece. I bought it for her from work. My hubby doesn't like it, but tbh I don't think he'd like her wearing a two piece regardless of what age she is. :blush:


I don't see it as sexual, maybe because it isn't a triangle style? :wacko: I thought it was fine now I'm not so sure ha ha ha. :haha:

It must be something to do with the cut style of it then because that's fine to me, not something I would put my daughter in but not something I would think was wrong either.

To me bikinis (actual bikinis not 2 pieces) are adult styles, to me their purpose is to show off curves, tans and body shape weither it be for a sake of showing it to others or just for your own sense of pride I still see them as a sexual pride type of garment so maybe that's part of why im not keen on them on children because a young child shouldn't be concerned with showing off curves and tans (I know they have no idea about these things but the parent does) so to see something like the article picture on a young child just seems a bit odd same as some of the stuff kids are put in for beauty pagents with some of their bikinis it just comes across as making them appear mature and like a mini doll adult.

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