Birthing Scar Pics!!! [May be graphic]

Here is mine almost 8 months on. I don't have any from the early days as I was too scared to look at my scar :rofl:

Also apologies for the flab and the stubble...i'm having a shower tonight :haha:


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I have a few crowning pics, I can't face posting them, between the flab and the hair you'd all be ill! But you should all try and get some if you go again, I love mine - they're the most amazing photos I've ever seen. I'm so proud of DH for getting over his squeamishness and taking them : )

I had a 3cm tear but it was internal, so it'd be a bit of a challenge to get a photo of it!
wow ladies your scars are all so neat!!!

Mine is not so... i have alot of overhang still. LO was a good size and i wasn't the biggest person in the world, however i now have a good belly dancing tum... its really depressing me though.

anyway my scar.

8w pp, sorry about the pubes
amazing photos of babies being born & you all have very neat scars too!!

I would show you a picture of Lyla crowning but the last thing we have is a video of me just starting to push and shouting 'Turn the f**king cameras off' :haha: regret it now though!
I didnt have a c-section but always wandered what its looks like after.

Wow its such a neat scar - you can hardly notice it !!

Original Poster; Sorry, so rude of me. I didn't take any notice of your username thingo- Edit* Cupcake. :D
your tattoo(s) are great! & your 4 month PP pic is amazing. No (visible) stretchmarks & flat tum! what's your secret? ;]

I have over-hang too; blek.
but what a fab idea for a thread! I've been curious about other c-sec scars!
i'll take & upload a picture IF i can take one that isn't horrible. lol.
Question: how was everyone's incision sealed? I had internal stitches and just tape on top for a few days; I've heard heaps of people who get outer stitches or glue get infections?


Thank you! Uh no secret really....lots and lots of cocoa butter. lol.
I also had stitches and glue. I didn't get any infections because I made sure it was always clean. I did have it rip open so it had to reheal (my 2nd pic) but overall wasn't too bad of a healing process.

I am jealous of everyones scars - they have all healed well :flower: Mine was a vertical one from belly button right down, and they made a mess so bad the midwives have told me to demand reconstructive surgery :cry: One spot hasn't healed at all cos I have a collection so its still oozy. I'm too scared to look at it let alone take a pic! But my little miss was worth it!!!!

I still wanna see woman! I'm so curious to see what it looks like. Why did they have to do a vertical one again?

the other pics are during the EMCS, of my LO being taken out (GRAPHIC!). First is to show how big the cut was stretched, then you can see my LO being taken out (with the cord around his neck & body :( ), and the last pic is the doctors unwrapping him...

I love these pics. Thanks for sharing! I'm glad your LO is okay. That must have been scary to see the cord wrapped around like that.

@ashley2pink- Your PP pics are amazing. Such a flat tummy!!!
@Ilikecake- What flab woman?!?!?!?!!!
the other pics are during the EMCS, of my LO being taken out (GRAPHIC!). First is to show how big the cut was stretched, then you can see my LO being taken out (with the cord around his neck & body :( ), and the last pic is the doctors unwrapping him...

I love these pics. Thanks for sharing! I'm glad your LO is okay. That must have been scary to see the cord wrapped around like that.

I didn't see anything at the time (not even my LO, as they took him away so quickly!), so I wasn't too worried as i didn't know what was going on!

I was really glad to be able to see the pictures afterwards though, especially once he was safe next to me and I could view them :flower:
all your scars are really good! i am gonna try and get a photo of mine in a bit, :(

i wish we could have had photos taken in theatre but the doctors wouldnt allow it :(
Thanks for showing all these pics! Very interesting...I'm mad that Sequeena's pic isn't available anymore (sicko that I am) I really wanted to see the crowning pic. They didn't even offer me a mirror when I was giving birth...but the again I went from 3 cm to 9 cm in an hour and we were all kind of caught off guard...and then LO got stuck on the way out
I will have to se if I can get a pic of my scar. I too have quite an overhang :( hate it! Cant wear pre pregnancy clothes yet because of it and it means Im a size or 2 bigger than before. My scar goes from hip to hip so its huge, I dont know why it is like that. It was EMCS so no pics of it or baby.
@ whit-- I can't believe they literally tapped directly over your wound! Didn't it hurt to take the tape off??

No. :flower: I thought it was normal for them to do that? hahaha, just goes to show how different every doctor is. I was told just to shower and clean it normally and it will fall off on its own and I think they all did but 1 or 2 strips and she pulled them off at my pp appointment.

All of these scars are beautiful, ladies! I wish I had pictures but I had to have an emergency c-sec too and be put to sleep, so there are none. Hubby didn't even get to be in there. :nope:

I loveee seeing the pictures though, I can't wait for someone brave enough to post their tear pictures. :haha:

I love the crowning picture. Hopefully going to try for a VBAC for my next one and get some pictures like that, or atleast not have to be put to sleep, but fear if I have to have another c-sec then I will. :nope:
it looks lovely hun!! mines from hip to hip as i had comps at my c-sec so had to have a few of my internal organs checked for cuts... yours is how they should look xxx
I loveee seeing the pictures though, I can't wait for someone brave enough to post their tear pictures. :haha:

Haha...I thought I was the only weirdo that wanted to see. I need to change the name of this thread.
Not sure if you ladies have seen this before, but I thought I'd post it here :) I know as women we'll never be happy with our bodies, but I thought this was beautiful! :cloud9:

"A mark for every breath you took, every blink, every sleepy yawn. One for every time you sucked your thumb, waved hello, closed your eyes and slept in the most perfect darkness. One for every time you had the hiccups. One for every dream you dreamed within me.

It isn't very pretty anymore. Some may even think it ugly. That's OK. It was your home. It's where I first grew to love you, where I lay my hand as I dreamed about who you were and who you would be. It held you until my arms could, and for that, I will always find something beautiful in it."

Alright. Just changed the name of the thread. Maybe we'll get more people who are willing to share. lol. Wow...I sound crazy.

Thanks again for all the ladies who posted or showed their pics. All are completely beautiful!
Have to agree, everyone's pictures are beautiful! :) xx
oh! I didnt see the crowning pic, it says its violating something?!

I didnt take any pics of my vaginal tear...I did take a pic of my enormous boobs when my milk came in. Anyone interested? LOL
oh! I didnt see the crowning pic, it says its violating something?!

I didnt take any pics of my vaginal tear...I did take a pic of my enormous boobs when my milk came in. Anyone interested? LOL

:haha: ah go on then - why not.

I wish I had pics of my LO crowning but as my OH was looking rather pale I didnt think it was a good idea for him.. we did get pics straight after though
Everyone has such nice scars, mine is dark and thicker in one part from where it was infected :cry:
Plus i have the overhang and coupled with a 5 months pregnant belly is not a good sight!
I'm hoping they'll cut the entire scar off with my next section, well i'll be asking the surgeon too anyway! Give me a nice fresh one :)

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