BLW - Baby led weaning support thread

:baby:same here,my boy is 1yr and 2wks and still brestfeeding,eats very well though but cant do without brestmilk in the night,dont know how to stop him,please can someone advice,thanks
Halen's eating crumpets for breakfast, they are ok aren't they? He seems to really like them (or is it the soya butter he likes sucking off? lol)
Ruby ate no toast at all yesterday which is amazing for her! :) Porridge for breakfast, roasted veg and cous cous for lunch, and a crumpet and loads of greek yoghurt for tea. OH had been to the chippy later on and sat Ruby in her highchair while we ate and offered her a chip but she wouldn't touch it, lol!

I'm going to do us homemade pizza for lunch.
Jayleigh I give crumpets sometimes too - just watch the labels for nasties, some brands are better than others...
Well Freya has Norovirus, she has kindly given it to Jake and my mum too (I had it when preg so I think I may be safe :)). She hasn't kept milk down for 5 days now, only water. Poor thing, bet she can't wait to get back to her food, she was doing so well the last few weeks too. Hopefully back to normal next week.
Hi ladies,
just wanted to say hello, I never heard about baby led weaning except from Baby and Bump, it just makes so much sense to me, I definitely hope to do this with Thomas. I was trying to explain it to OH the other day but he didn't really get it and was worried about choking, I have instructed him to read the book, LOL. I also tried to explain it to his sister, she didn't get it at all and commented that 'you don't have to puree food for that long, you can just mash it up after a while', like I just didn't want to be bothered with pureeing. It's hard to explain it to other people isn't it.
I've read through quite a bit of this thread over the past few weeks, it is really inspirational to see how well your LOs are doing and especially to see some of the fantastic videos of mealtimes!
I know it's very early to be thinking about this as Thomas is not even three months yet but I already feel quite excited about it! I just hope I can resist the pressure from everyone to wean at 4 months. I am already getting comments about how Thomas is 'hungry' and will clearly need baby rice which is after all the panacea for all parenting problems, or so many people would have you believe.
Well Freya has Norovirus, she has kindly given it to Jake and my mum too (I had it when preg so I think I may be safe :)). She hasn't kept milk down for 5 days now, only water. Poor thing, bet she can't wait to get back to her food, she was doing so well the last few weeks too. Hopefully back to normal next week.

Oh no! :( :( Poor Freya, and Jake and your mum. Hope she is better soon, that must be awful for you. Thinking of you!
Hi ladies,
just wanted to say hello, I never heard about baby led weaning except from Baby and Bump, it just makes so much sense to me, I definitely hope to do this with Thomas. I was trying to explain it to OH the other day but he didn't really get it and was worried about choking, I have instructed him to read the book, LOL. I also tried to explain it to his sister, she didn't get it at all and commented that 'you don't have to puree food for that long, you can just mash it up after a while', like I just didn't want to be bothered with pureeing. It's hard to explain it to other people isn't it.
I've read through quite a bit of this thread over the past few weeks, it is really inspirational to see how well your LOs are doing and especially to see some of the fantastic videos of mealtimes!
I know it's very early to be thinking about this as Thomas is not even three months yet but I already feel quite excited about it! I just hope I can resist the pressure from everyone to wean at 4 months. I am already getting comments about how Thomas is 'hungry' and will clearly need baby rice which is after all the panacea for all parenting problems, or so many people would have you believe.

Glad to hear you're considering BLW! Honestly, I went through a stage of worrying at 4 months, Ruby was drinking so much milk, was like 19lb, everyone was telling me to wean. But it would have been totally unnecessary and I'm sooo glad I stuck to my guns, and had great advice from the ladies on here who helped to ditch the myths! Once I knew we were going to start at 6 months, BLW seemed the natural progression. If you have any questions I'm sure we'll all be happy to answer.
polaris - resist resist resist lol I know it's hard as people really push and make you feel you're starving your child! Very few babies need weaning at 4mo, if any at all. Babies have a huge growth spurt at 4m and need more milk, not more food
Hi ladies,
just wanted to say hello, I never heard about baby led weaning except from Baby and Bump, it just makes so much sense to me, I definitely hope to do this with Thomas. I was trying to explain it to OH the other day but he didn't really get it and was worried about choking, I have instructed him to read the book, LOL. I also tried to explain it to his sister, she didn't get it at all and commented that 'you don't have to puree food for that long, you can just mash it up after a while', like I just didn't want to be bothered with pureeing. It's hard to explain it to other people isn't it.
I've read through quite a bit of this thread over the past few weeks, it is really inspirational to see how well your LOs are doing and especially to see some of the fantastic videos of mealtimes!
I know it's very early to be thinking about this as Thomas is not even three months yet but I already feel quite excited about it! I just hope I can resist the pressure from everyone to wean at 4 months. I am already getting comments about how Thomas is 'hungry' and will clearly need baby rice which is after all the panacea for all parenting problems, or so many people would have you believe.

Yeah it's extremely hard to make people understand BLW when they kinda have tunnel vision because TW is all they know. It's hard to make people understand that gagging and choking are completely different things and LOs will gag whatever weaning style you choose. A lot of us feel that BLW is actually a 'safer' approach in that aspect because they learn right from the start about food going too far back in their mouth, when their gag reflex hasn't moved back yet.

Just stick to your guns about when you want to wean. Milk (whether BM or formula) contains everything they need and they don't "need" food until 9-12months so that's plenty of time to start at 6m and for LO to actually start eating. You don't need to worry at all. A lot of "advice" on why LO needs weaning at 4months is either completely outdated or just myths and can easily be explained by various other things. If you wanna wait until 6m then don't let anyone stop you hun!

We're all here if you need any reassurance or experiences on how things have gone / are going for us x

It's an exciting time, I love mealtimes as does LO and it's sooo rewarding once you see it in action!
hey everyone :hi: glad everyone is doing so well. jayleigh halen is lovely! the twins have tried yellow peppers, melon, toast and apple so far. aimee loves it but phoebe never really seems interested :shrug:
I wouldn't worry about Phoebe not seeming interested. If you read some of our older posts you'll see that we all had stages where one minute they love food and the next they're not interested at all!

Only thing to do is to keep offering and she'll get there in her own time :hugs:
fsmummy, don't worry too much, Halen has days when he doesn't want any food, he just wants loads and loads of BM. They don't need food until their about 9-10mo, BM/F will give them all they need until then x
What time meals did your LO's first seem to be interested in.

I thought lunch would be the best timing wise for G coz he tends to BF about 11:30/12 and again at 3ish. I tend to eat lunch about 12:30-1:30. He's sometimes interested but only really on days when I've had a late lunch (after 2)

In the evening he tends to have BF sometime between 5-6pm; then bed about 7:15 and another feed. This week OH has been on early shifts so home about 5-5:30 just as G has been having his BF. OH tends to have fruit as a snack at this time and because G has enjoyed sharing it I have cooked early evening meals for us and G has really been keen and surprisingly large amounts have been eaten. I just thought this would be his least fave time coz he's often tired and wants so much BF - we sometimes have BF at 5, 6:30 & 7:30!

As for breakfast - so far he's been so uninterested except for 1 day when he had some peaar that I'm not worrying too much about offering it yet.
Joeyjo, ours went dinner, lunch then only recently breakfast. Dinner is still her most 'successful' meal.
kirsten: oh no. i have no idea what that is but it douns horrible!

polaris: i completely know what ur going thro...SIL, MIL, my mum etc all 'don't get' BLW and its frustrating. SIL quite often gives me the impression she thinks i'm just trying to b different or something, my mum gasps and says things abt choking all the time and MIL keeps trying to get it but i think TW is so stuck in the brain she can't quite grasp BLW.

I got OH to read the book and now he's a huge fan

as for pressure early...we got the whole 'hungry' thing and MIL kep sprouting something abt weaning once he got to a certain weight. Alot of these comments comes from outdated/ old fashioned advice. stick with ur guns and start when ready. I started a bit b4 6 months (as u can prob see from my ticker) but not because of pressure tho. i believe Kian is ready. He was born late so developemental wise i believe his insides r ready and for a little while now he's been trying to steal my food, he no longer has his tongue thrust reflex, he has good hand eye co-ordination so he is able to feed himself well and he can sit unsupported (all of the 'signs' from the blw book) one of the good things abt BLW is that because u don;t put food in their mouths- u just offer food 4 them to play with themselves then they can't really eat things b4 they r ready. i don't think i would b comfortable starting TW this early...i think Kian is ready to start learning to eat but not ready to be eating the amount he would b if he was TW!

Trust in ur instincts and if people r making u feel 'mean' for not offering solids at this stage remember that there r more nutirents/ goodness/ cals in milk than there is in the same volume of solids so ur LO will actually b getting more goodness from milk rather than just feeling full from solids.
does anyone know if tuna steak is safe for babies?

we had it last night and i let Kian have a little bit...mainly because i knew he wouldn't really eat much if any but i tried to find info online to see of it'd b safe for him to have when he's eating more. couldn't really find anything conclusive tho.

i know it can contain mercury and that its ok for adults (and even pregnant people) to have every now and does this apply to BLW babies too?

the only info i could find were threads on forums from TWers with most people saying that fish of any sort wasn't ok until a certain age which is moot advice for BLWers ?!

someone said its ok for toddlers in small doses so i guess its the same for babies? and is it the same advice for tinned tuna as it is for tuna steak (that might sound like a dumb question...i'm pretty sure its the same stuff in both?!)
Ruby has tinned tuna about once a week, but not much of it. I think for toddlers it's one whole tin max a week so babies must be less I guess. I don;t know if fresh tuna is different, I wouldn't imagine so though.

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