BLW - Baby led weaning support thread

In the book, doesn't GR talk about giving babies soups and such and no spoon? Just letting them slurp or use their hands for it?

That was one of the things I didn't agree with so much -- I DO want him to understand that table manners dictate certain things are just meant to be eaten with utensils.

Grr. Confusing. :wacko:
Honestly, even if it means I'm not considered to be doing BLWing properly, I'm not stopping the porridge as she loves it. I eat breakfast with a spoon so why can't she?!
Honestly, even if it means I'm not considered to be doing BLWing properly, I'm not stopping the porridge as she loves it. I eat breakfast with a spoon so why can't she?!

I agree, I use spoons when I give Olivia yoghurt. If I didnt, she would never get any in her mouth!!
Honestly, even if it means I'm not considered to be doing BLWing properly, I'm not stopping the porridge as she loves it. I eat breakfast with a spoon so why can't she?!

here here, sometimes people make life way to serious, enjoy it! Merry Christmas everyone.
Hey everyone, merry christmas! :)

Just for the record, IMO LO taking a pre loaded spoon off you and eating off it is still BLW. It's doing any spoonfeeding (which I take to mean loading the spoon and putting into LO's mouth yourself) that isn't.

Christmas dinner went BRILLIANTLY. Ruby sat at the table at my mum's for the whole 2hour meal without moaning at all. She tucked into starter (mozarella and cherry tomato salad) then the turkey dinner. We offered the turkey but she didn't eat much of it, but LOVED roast potatoes, parsnip, asparagus and broccolli and ate loads! She had banana for pud as xmas pud is unsuitable I think. She picked it all up herself too, nothing at all was handed to her which is a first :)
SUCCESS!! He's finally eating again :D He had Xmas dinner, all cooked by myself I may add :smug: first Xmas dinner as a family :D He wasn't too keen on a roast potato, loved the roast carrots and was a bit funny with the rest of the veg, sucked on the beef (I hate turkey so we don't have it) then chucked it down for the cats who were waiting at his feet lol but he demolished almost half a yorkshire pudding! He was sucking it like mad lol

Merry Christmas ladies, I hope you've all had a good one xx
dex ate loads today too, he seems to eat loads better when everybody is eating and not focusing there attention on him. he wont really ever take food from me when he is sitting in his highchair, i have to put it down otherwise he thinks it is a toy and waves the food about.

my mum is doing my head in at the moment. she constantly talks, looks at, plays with dex while he is eating so he is always distracted and sometimes you can tell he just want to eat but she keeps calling his name, kissing him etc. she really invades his space. i cant tell her to stop though as we live over 300 miles away so she only gets to see him like every 2 months or so but it is starting to really get on my nerves. It must be very annoying being poked and prodded when you are trying to eat. dont even get me started on when i tell her what dex can and can't eat. she is from the school of well you had that so it cant do any harm, umm i have every allergy under the sun and I was a very fussy eater until i got to about 22 and tried loads of the foods she made me believe i didn't like cause I refused them as a kid. most people say MIL are infuriating but it is the opposite for me sometimes,
oh and a heads up, i got this booster seat for dex as we have no high chair here and it is brilliant, he loves it more than his high chair. we have it in a high backed stool and it is the best £16.99 (from tk maxx) spent. it is very light too so i can take it out with me in the future. very easy to clean to. i'm off to go sleep off the copius amounts of food although i don't think i will get much sleep as dex has already been up 3 times tonight. my mum's house is way to hot and dex keeps waking up but she wont turn the heating down :-(
We gave LO sweet potato & carrot to play with to keep him quiet yesterday during xmas dinner. He sucked it and threw it around and it was all good fun. Anyway, this morning OH shouts me upstairs dramatically to show me that there's carrot & sweet potato bits in LO's nappy!! It's such a weird thing to be excited about but we both were, lol. We start proper blw on the 7th but I'm so excited about it now knowing he's actually swallowing stuff :D
Xmas dinner seems to have gone well for everyone so far! :thumbup:

It was pretty good for us too although with the timing of it, she'd had lunch just before her nap and woke up to have a bf and then xmas dinner so I couldn't blame her for not having a massive amount :lol: She had a taste of it all though and seemed to enjoy herself. By the time we got to the end of dinner, FIL's GF kept saying how much patience I must have to let her eat like that, that she'd have had it all shovelled in her mouth by now with a spoon! :shrug: I don't see why, she was eating her dinner for the same length of time as we were and by the time we were all finished she was obviously not hungry and was just playing with it.

Had some interesting times with dinner today though. The dog was lying beside her highchair (he's not stupid!) and she kept throwing food overboard for him! At first we thought she was just playing and finished eating until DH noticed that if she dropped some in her chair by accident, she'd carefully pick it up and lean over further and drop it on the floor beside him! :shock: At this stage I decided to put him out the back garden at which point she polished off the rest of her dinner!! :lol:
Lol my cats aren't stupid, they sit under his highchair gazing upwards waiting to be fed lol
Xmas dinner seems to have gone well for everyone so far! :thumbup:

It was pretty good for us too although with the timing of it, she'd had lunch just before her nap and woke up to have a bf and then xmas dinner so I couldn't blame her for not having a massive amount :lol: She had a taste of it all though and seemed to enjoy herself. By the time we got to the end of dinner, FIL's GF kept saying how much patience I must have to let her eat like that, that she'd have had it all shovelled in her mouth by now with a spoon! :shrug: I don't see why, she was eating her dinner for the same length of time as we were and by the time we were all finished she was obviously not hungry and was just playing with it.

Had some interesting times with dinner today though. The dog was lying beside her highchair (he's not stupid!) and she kept throwing food overboard for him! At first we thought she was just playing and finished eating until DH noticed that if she dropped some in her chair by accident, she'd carefully pick it up and lean over further and drop it on the floor beside him! :shock: At this stage I decided to put him out the back garden at which point she polished off the rest of her dinner!! :lol:

today dex had the smelliest nappy yet, this food malarky is getting gross. haha
Just started BLW three weeks ago at age 6 mths. Saf is definitley interested and pics up food and puts it to her mouth but is actually 'eating' very little. Food gets sucked, played with and thrown on the floor mainly. 3 weeks in she is managing to eat some things e.g. banana, probably through practice but still it is more about playing than eating. However, she seems to be having a great time with it all. My instinct tells me that this is exactly how it should be. She is happy and healthyand enjoying life but she is quite well below the average weight for her age so I feel pressured into pushing more calories into her to get her weight up a bit and this isn't going to happen while she isn't rally eating much. Any advice would be welcomed please :)
Hi Missy! :hi: Glad to see Saf is enjoying BLW :D Aisling was also a low weight gainer and I have found that her weight really is picking up, especially in the last few weeks. She's finally starting to get fat little arms and hands etc :happydance: My only advice would be that as long as the nappies continue to be as normal and she's meeting milestones, is happy and active then try not to worry, the weight will come on as it's meant to :hugs:
Glad all the Xmas dinners are going to fabulously!! :dance:

Lu, I :rofl: at Aisling feeding the dog! haha!

Otter didn't get much for his Xmas dinner -- I was sad that there really wasn't anything appropriate for him at this early stage. :nope: I should have thought to take some steamed veggies that were size appropriate for him, but I didn't. :dohh: He gummed a bit of a roll, though.

Just as well, he hasn't been eating much lately (milk or food) as he was pretty bound up this week. :( I had to take some drastic measures after it became clear that he was uncomfortable (5 days of no poo, which is AAAGGGGES for him). He got some prune juice and I had to break down and feed him some pureed prunes. :( I felt terrible for breaking the BLW rules, but i felt worse for him!

They worked, though! Cleared him out good today! :happydance: So, hopefully we can go forward again.
Hon I wouldn't worry at all about breaking rules if it helped Otter feel better :thumbup:
Xmas dinner went okay for us to ... he had a suck on most things. He didn't eat very much though. He's hardly eaten anything the past few days!

Except if I give him toast... he will happily eat that! Lol The little monkey. Oh and I was over at my parents today for dinner and I knew we would have pudding but had no idea what it would be, so I took a popped into shop on the way and grabbed a jar of apple and pear pudding for Joshua so he wasn't left out. he bloody wolfed that down didn't he. he couldn't get the spoon in his mouth fast enough and then was shouting at us when we didn't reload it fast enough lol
Just going back to the porridge vs puree... IMO, that's completely different to 'mixing' puree with BLW. Porridge is food that you would eat, puree isn't. LO is still eating "the same food as you". Whether puree is loaded on a spoon and LO is 'allowed control', still isn't BLW imo. BLW cuts out puree, it isn't just about letting them have control of the spoon, it's about the texture and not going through the stages of puree. It's not like you start them off on really runny porridge and gradually build it's thickness up and then it turns into a solid finger food. It is what it is. :shrug:

Our Xmas dinner went really well.. There were 12 people in total (inc. V and 3 other kids) and the table my parents built was massive. But she sat in her highchair next to me & OH up against the table and wasn't phased at all by the amount of people. She ate well and joined in the conversation as well :lol:
We even had a cracker with a defected hat as it fit her perfectly, lol! She loved the roast potato and had the only parsnip that my mum didn't incinerate :lol:

Glad to hear lots of other dinners went so well :thumbup:
great to see everything is going great with you all. dex is now a fully fledged eater. i was really proud yesterday. i went to my aunty and uncle's house where there was about 15 of us (2 babies and 3 toddlers). dex was sitting on the floor in his booster seat shoveling in his food and everyone was amazed that he was just eating adult food as they would say. My aunty has a 5 month old who is on purees and she was saying how she cant wait until her little boy is like that too, which is gonna be a while if he is on pureed food.

he is coming on leaps and bounds, he now high fives, kisses and waves and for the last two nights i have gotten him to sleep from awake (without to much fuss) by jut patting and shushing him. I know that isn't him doing it by himself but it is such a big achievement from breastfeeding. I just need to cut out the night feeds now which are defo comfort eating. He has also started to let go of things when he is standing so I think walking is on the cards in the next 2 or 3 months. I'm so happy at how he is developing and I haven't pushed him into any of it, especially the eating. I think BLW has made him more independent as a whole and he is so happy at the moment.

Something funny for you as well. My boyfriend is very bad with smells, so much so that he retches, he even did in my labour (and nearly fainted) when he smelled the meconium in my waters. This week Dex had meat a couple of times and it has made his poo quite smelly. He was saying this morning how he was retching whilst changing Dex. haha

gushing over. lol

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