Hi Ladies, hope you don't mind me joining in
I am doing a 52 weeks book challenge and need lots of ideas so this thread is ideal for me
Some of these may have already been recommended but I haven't read the whole thread yet so if I am repeating any I apologise,
I would highly recommend
The wool series by Hugh Howey, absolute fantastic read, the three books are called, wool, shift and Dust.
The girl with all the gifts by M.R Carey, I couldn't put this book down and had it read in about 2 days.
Revival and Mr Mercedes by Stephen King, being a big Thriller/horror fan and a massive Stephen King fan, I just have to recommend these, but if you don't like that type of writing then you probably wont enjoy them
Gone Girl and Sharp objects by Gillian Flynn, Gone girl was a fantastic read and had me captured from the very start, Sharp objects was a little bit harder to get into and may not be to some peoples liking but I really enjoyed one I got into it.
I have read the first few pages from this thread and I already have one book on my list, 'creep' a few of you ladies seem to have read it and really enjoyed it, cant wait to start it.
At the moment I am reading 'Us' by David Nicholls but I am not really enjoying it, I am forcing myself to read it as it seems to have really good reviews and I am hoping it gets better.
Sorry for the essay, got a bit carried away, I LOVE books