nothing is difficult for me to understand, it is you who doesnt even WANT to TRY to understand others pov.
I understand your pov, I respect your pov, I don't agree your pov should apply to everybody. If you came here and said "I choose to nurse semi-privately because I am aware some people feel uncomfortable about nip which in turns makes me uncomfortable" that would be fine I would have had nothing to add to that, but you came here and said every nursing mother should make the attempt to be discrete, and then had the absurd notion to question people about their abilities to nip discretely not believing their difficulties. That is my difficulty, and no I will never agree everyone should do as you see fit, I think everybody should do what makes them comfortable.
WHERE did i say EVERY nursing mother should make an attempt to nurse discreetly? im being jumped on because i have a differing pov then everyone else. did it ever occur to you, you are making ME feel bad about how i choose to nurse! no, because you are the only ine that matters. (that was not directed only to you marine)
You came into this when you saw how many of us had this opinion if you read through the thread you would have known what you were getting in for. You aren't reading my posts properly, I don't care how you nurse, I care that you care how everybody else nurses. You have made it quite clear you do not agree with women 'unnecessarily' expose themselves (though haven't acknowledged not everyone can help this) and offered a list of ridiculous alternatives that suit you.
i dont think you are reading my posts properly.i never said i care how you nurse. i said the unneccessary exposure is from ladies leaving their breasts out AFTER feeding, nit while feeding! geez louise! and those where not ridiculous alternatives, it was very rude to said that since i use those alternatives. just another example of how others dont give a crap about others.
Why do you care?? How many times have you seen a woman leaving her breast out after feeding, and if she did do you think she was doing it for you to check her out? Make you feel uncomfortable? No, she was finishing feeding her baby! They were ridiculous because Tasha had said time and time again they weren't suitable for her, and telling us to go feed our babies in a toilet- that isn't ridiculous?!