So honest question, what would be the best way to raise awareness in communities where there is a great deal of ignorance about breastfeeding and almost no one breastfeeds, without making those who have made an informed decision to formula feed feel bad?
Well, if that's one's perogative to increase awareness about breastfeeding in certain areas, surely they could contact LLL (La Leche League), and perhaps gauge the level of interest in starting a local chapter, or creating an outreach with local medical professionals to hold free classes to expectant mothers? Just a few ideas, really.
One thing I've been wondering about, is how this happens on the formula feeding board...
Do formula feeders parachute into the breastfeeding threads, and try to convince breastfeeding moms that we're really doing okay by our kids? Maybe this does happen, but it is an honest question. Do any of you feel the need as formula feeders to go into the breastfeeding forum, to convince the breastfeeders that for us, we ARE doing the right thing for our babies and families? I just think that it's interesting...and again, I do think it boils down to the original guilt and mom-shaming thing that fueled the original topic of this thread. Lactivists have "the right" to push the "breast is best" message on a formula feeding thread about guilt, but formula feeders wouldn't dare to do the same in a breast feeding thread. It's really predictable what would happen...the formula feeders would be served another hearty portion of the "you know you're not doing what is best for your baby and that's really why you feel guilty" message.
No one knows what is best for my body, my baby, and my family. There is no one best way to do anything parentally that works for EVERYONE. Why feel bad about doing what YOU do?