Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Veronica, do you think maybe you're having contractions in your sleep? Maybe that's making you wake up achey?

M2c, good luck! I'd send you good-blood vibes but I'm afraid mine is crap right now. Don't want to send anything bad your way! I really think you'll be at least 10.5 fingers crossed!
Veronica maybe ttc is right..... Contractions?!?

Ttc thank you! I'm sooooo hoping all is well! Feeling a little unsettled about labour right now. Wanna know all is good for homebirth!!!!!!

I hope you definitely get your reassurance today! I can't wait to hear all about your homebirth!
M2C- hope your midwife appointment went well! I saw the midwife this afternoon. All well, measuring bang on 34 weeks and baby is head down. Bloods (from 28 weeks but only just got results) Hb 11.8, glucose 5.7 after glucose challenge. I need to do my birth plan for my next appointment in 2 weeks.

Hope you feel more comfortable soon, Spiffy!
Veronicaco, I agree with the others. Sounds like maybe you're having contractions at night, because I would wake up achy like that, too, and I know I was having contractions. However, if it's more like one spot, it's probably just baby kicking in the same place over and over, because Asher had a favorite spot like that, and it was always a little tender.

M2C, I hope you bloods come back great and you can have your homebirth!

Cangaroo, I'm glad your appointment went well. When is your next one?

Well, the boobs still hurt, but I was able to sleep through it last night, which was good. Unfortunately, Asher decided to be awake for a super long stretch last night, and after 3 straight hours of no sleep, I finally passed him off to DH for the rest of the night. Good thing he's so cute, or I might be annoyed. :winkwink: I know most of your see my facebook pictures, but I'll post the best ones here, too, for those of you who aren't on facebook. :flower:

Cangaroo glad all went well. I need to write some birth plans in my notes.

Spiffy glad your boobs didn't cause to much trouble. Not good about Asher being awake for a long stretch! He is yummy though!

So my midwife took bloods and I've gotta ring up mid week for results. If all ok I'll then book her in to come to me but if it's below the 10.5 then I'll go to her for my 38 week app. Measuring 34 weeks and she said baby is on the brim. All is well so it's just waiting for blood results.

Spiffy he's precious!!!!

Canga, your hemoglobin is a little low? Do you need to take iron or are they not worried?

Ugh ok. So i just don't know what to think today.... when i first got up, my bump seemed a lot smaller. My belly button is even in now when it's been popped out for weeks. I think maybe Jude went head down? He was laying straight across or diagonal these past weeks. So now I'm having very crampy back pain. I don't feel like I'm having contractions in the front, but my back really is quite crampy. Do you guys think it's baby's position? I also (huge tmi I'm so sorry) pooped a ton this morning! Like a ton! Most I've gone this whole pregnancy.

Obviously I'm very paranoid about preterm labor, but i just don't know what's going on. My bump is not getting hard with the back pain so that's reassuring. I don't want to call the ob because i was just there. I don't want to be charged extra for going in between appointments unlessit's very necessary.
M2c, glad everything is ok! I hope your results are good!!!!! :)
Spiffy, he's gorgeous!!!!!

Next appointment is in 2 weeks. I've written a few things for my birth plan, but it's basically just keep as mobile as possible and see what happens! I have written a little section about what I'd like to happen if I end up needing a c-section since I've been given at least a 50% chance of ending up with one (baby straight to me if all well, skin to skin in theatre etc).

Hb 11.8 is completely normal! Normal is anything over 11.5 for women, even when not pregnant. I'd decline iron unless my Hb was <11, and even then I'd want to know what my ferritin was before accepting iron. I've never taken iron, but I hear it's not pleasant! I don't envy you ladies having to take it.

Hopefully it's just baby's position TTC. Hope you feel more comfortable soon, but call for advice if you don't.
Hmm I am having quite a few Braxton hicks throughout the day so maybe its lying in the same position at night while having them? With dd I didn't have so much as a prelabour twinge until the day I went into labour so I think that's why I'm feeling confused this time as I'm having lots of twinges but nothing more. I get the feeling I'm effacing a bit but I think it's going to be a long slow build up rather than straight into rapid contractions like I had last time. Cm has increased A LOT and getting bum pressure so at least things are moving in the right direction :) I have mw and birth plan on wed pm so if I'm concerned I can ask then.

Spiffy that baby is too gorgeous!! Lucky you're so far away or I'd be over constantly for squishes!!
M2c - fx for the blood test results :)
Ttc- when the belly button pops in I think it often means baby is back to back as that happens a lot for me! You get a little flat bit over your navel too!
Cangaroo- glad all is good :)
Veronicaco, glad you have mw on Wednesday. Hopefully things will settle before then and you'll be more comfortable again!

OH has finally admitted he really doesn't like the name DD chose (Ruby). I would never have chosen Ruby, but I love the fact DD chose it. He loves the fact DD chose it, but says he would always think it wasn't his preferred name. She likes our favoured name, though, and does occasionally say she prefers it to Ruby, so I think we're back to Susanna Christine, or possibly Susanna Christine Ruby! We have around 6 weeks to convince DD...... We'd call the baby Suzie. Susanna and Christine are both loosely family names, and DD's names were chosen for family so it feels right. However, we're still considering other names!
Susanna Christine Ruby is a lovely way of including your daughters choice :) and its a great name x
So it turns out DD really is poorly as I suspected was the cause for her rubbish sleep lately. Finally bothered taking her temperature and it was 38.6C. Oops! She's not been too bad considering. I hope she's well enough for the child minder tomorrow!
M2c good luck with your test results! I really hope you get your home birth.
I managed to find a few 0-3 month things in amongst the older baby stuff I had packed away that fit but I've placed an order for some stuff that will hopefully arrive today or tomorrow. Sorting clothes in her first week wasn't something I imagined myself doing :haha: I guess having a yellow baby and wanting to hold off on gender specific clothing didn't help!

Things are still going well. Annabelle is still waking to feed often and is still feeding very well.
I'm really enjoying all the cuddles!
I have to leave her with hubby this morning while I go do the food shopping and I don't even want to go lol

I'm still very sore :( my back and upper abdominal muscles are very achy if I walk round for too long.
Can't your OH do the shopping? Or can you bring her with you in a sling? It's so hard being away from them while they're so little! Glad Annabelle is feeding well. How much did she weigh and what dies she weigh now? I can't remember what you said her birth weight was.
TTC, I'm sorry you're achy, but I'm extremely jealous you pooped! :rofl:

Spiffy, he is gorgeous! Makes me even more excited to see my little guy! Hope your boobs are feeling better!

Zypher, I'm so glad baby is doing well. I dread the day I'll have to leave my new baby, but lucky for us the dads are capable of doing a great job!

Canga, sorry your DD isn't feeling well! And I love that you are considering her name choice!

M2C, glad all is well!

Veronico, doesn't it seem like we feel every tweak and twinge now, than we did with first babies? I feel like I was so clueless back then! Can't wait to hear how your mw appt goes!
Veronicaco, I've had an increase in cm for two weeks before birth in all my pregnancies so far, so you may not have too much longer left to go! As for feeling like you're effacing, that reminded me about the night I went into labor. I was sitting on the couch wondering whether or not to go to the hospital, and during my contractions, I could actually feel my uterus pulling upward all the way down to my cervix, so I was actually feeling myself dilate! It was pretty weird!

TTC, I'm not sure if you remember, but I had a crampy back for a few days when I was about as far along as your are now, and I did end up calling my OB, because like you, I was concerned about PTL. Their main concern was whether the back pains were coming in timeable intervals. When I said no, it's kind of just a steady pain, they said than it was most likely baby's position, and that I could try getting on hands and knees and rocking to shift him.

M2C, I'm sure your bloods will come back fine. That's unfortunate that you have to wait a few more days to find out, though!

Cangaroo, sorry your DD is poorly. :( I do like your name choice, though. And that's good that your DH admitted he didn't really like Ruby, rather than going ahead with it and having regrets later.

VJean, not much longer left for you! :flower:

Zephyr, I'm feeling sore today, too. :( I think I felt better yesterday, and so I definitely over did it with the kids, and am now suffering for it.
Canga, i think either way you do the names will be great! I like Suzie a lot! And I'm sure it will grow on your dd the more you use it ;) Also here normal hemoglobin is considered above 12 so that's why i was thinking yours was a tiny bit low :) But no worries! No way I'd take iron either above 11!

Veronica, i forgot to say earlier you looked like you dropped for sure! I'm sure you're almost there :)

Vjean, thanks! You made me laugh :) Pooping was a relief lol!!!! :) Only a few days to go for you!

Zephyr, sorry you're so sore :( And sorry about your hassles with clothes :) It sure will be fun when the ones you ordered get here!

Spiffy, how is it with 3 kiddos? Sorry you overdid it yesterday! I hope the littles allow you to rest tonight :)
And thanks for your thoughts on my back pain! I was really hoping you'd have something to tell me :) I do remember you having a backache now you mention it! I probably should have called earlier today because mine did come and go in intervals, but i only felt a couple of contractions in my stomach and now after like 6 hours of aching, it's fine! I'll keep an eye but i do have an ultrasound and appointment in 2 weeks.
Cangaroo - Aw no hubby is fab with most things but unfortunately anything to do with shopping he sucks at lol
he will spend twice as much, forget half of it and fill the trolley with junk.
She was 9lb13 and will be weighed tomorrow afternoon.

Shopping is done, I didn't want to leave but it was good to get a bit of fresh air. She was asleep in daddy's arms the entire time and woke just as I got home so it worked out good.

Spiffy sorry you are sore too!
TTC- wow, can't believe you're supposed to have Hb above 12 there! I know lots of ladies who run at less than that even when not pregnant.

DD slept in our bed most of last night so I at least got sine sleep. She wasn't very settled, though, so I'm duper tired again this morning.

Zephyr, no wonder you're having clothes issues! DD was 8lb9 and was in mostly 0-3m stuff from birth.

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