Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Zephyr your home birth sounds great! I so hope mine goes to plan! How are you and the little miss doing?

Spiffy Asher is yum! Anymore talk of you going home? What do your minis think?

Jess happy 35 weeks!

Aww, can't wait to hear how the meeting goes, Spiffy! When are you being allowed home?

DD1 is going to really struggle if I have to spend a night or two in hospital having DD2... She hates it if OH goes to her instead of me when she wakes up in the night.
Cangaroo my indigo prefers me to go into her at night than DH. I'm gonna make sure over the next few weeks he does a little more with her so if I'm tied up with baby she will go to him.

I got the crib out of the loft yay! Not that we really use it much! It gets used more as a bed guard when we co-sleep! Hehe! Car seat down to be washed too!

Glad those bubbas are doing well! :)

So excited :) labour watch for v.jean and Jess!! The 19th I'm 37 weeks exactly so I'm keen for baby to say put until then (plus it's Dd's birthday party)

Glad you're getting your stuff ready m2c! Ashers early arrival goes to show they can catch us off guard! I am pretty much all sorted. Hospital bag packed, cot ready, clothes washed etc. all I need is a new tyre for the pushchair, to find the baby bouncy chair in the attic and wash/assemble, and to have the baby lol!! I have no predictions for dates but I'm still guessing I will make it to November. :)
How's everyone feeling? X
Veronica I'm sure I'll make it to November too! Still just expect to be late. I'm now washing the car seat cover!!! Have you decided little mans name?

Well, Alia is happy about her new little brother, but Liam could care less. :haha: I'm not even sure he really realized Asher was even there. :dohh: Poor little Alia, though. When it was time for her to go home, she kept saying, "I want mama to go home with us." and "We'll take Asher home, too!" I had to keep telling her that we'd both be home tomorrow. Hopefully that's the case. I could have discharged today, but I'm going to stay one more night as a "hotel" stay, meaning I can stay in the room but I won't be a patient anymore, and as long as Asher continues to do well, he'll be discharged sometime tomorrow.


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That's super sweet! Bless them! Fingers crossed little man gets discharged tomorrow. Have you been able to rest?

Yes, Asher stayed in the nursery last night so I could try to catch up on some sleep, because I hadn't slept since Tuesday night. So I'm still a little tired, but much better than yesterday. :flower:
M2c you and I can hold out til the end lol ;)
Still bouncing between Heath/Corsten. Can't decide which we like more :/ and still open to ideas!

Asher is looking great Spiffy and the pics are lovely, I can't believe you will be taking him home tomorrow. Fantastic news :) xxx
Veronica I think you might be right! I'd be totally shocked to be in time let alone early! I like both of those names but like corsten more!

Spiffy I'm glad you got a bit of rest! Hopefully you get a bit more before you have to get home.

Aww, glad Alia was excited! Make the most of the rest while you can.

I'll almost certainly be the last of our batch to have their baby. I have the last due date and DD1 was a week late. It's even possible I'll have a December baby (just)!
Cangaroo I hope you don't get into December!

Is anyone drinking raspberry leaf tea? Or gonna try anything like that near due date? Or just leave it?

I was drinking raspberry leaf tea. ...... may of been why the last part of labour was so quick lol I dunno.

We are doing well. I've barely slept, just dozed here and there. Last night all she wanted to do was feed. Today she is doing much the same so Ive just been cuddling and feeding all day and nodding off when I can.
She is very quiet and her cry is quiet though I'm sure that will change!

I've also been trying to feed off my bad boob and its going so so, it is quite painful on that side so if I have to switch to one I will and if it doesn't work out then im okay with that. She is such a great feeder though so fingers crossed!

I have to do baby clothing shopping!! I have none of the twins nb to 6 month clothing and I only got nb unisex clothing thinking I'd have time to get the bigger boy or girl stuff haha. Not a chance, she is so big they won't fit for long at all. I may not even get through all the nappies I brought, I'm so glad I didn't buy too many
Zephyr, we have totally opposite problems! I had all of DS's newborn clothes ready to go, but they're going to be so big on Asher that I may have to buy a few preemie outfits just to get us through the next few weeks. Also, I had newborn size diapers ready to go, but will have to buy some preemie size on the way home from the hospital.

I'm glad she's feeding so well for you, though that sounds absolutely exhausting! I will admit, I'm kind of enjoying not breastfeeding. :blush: But with him being so early, it has also worked out pretty well, because trying to figure out breastfeeding can be a big challenge for preemies, and now that's one less struggle we have to worry about. :flower:

Cangaroo, I hope you're not left waiting until December! But if you are, we'll all still be here excitedly waiting to hear about your birth. :flower:

M2C, I've never done raspberry leaf tea, but I did use Evening Primrose Oil in my first two pregnancies to help soften the cervix so it would dilate easier. I'm glad I chose not to use it this time around, because my cervix was already raring to go! :haha:
Spiffy and Zephyr how's it going? Hope all goes well and you take Asher home today spiffy :)

As for me I was woken up by Braxton hicks in the night and just couldn't get comfortable at all. Looks like my bump has dropped (will try to get a pic tomo) been having one ish an hour unless I move around all day but I'm too knackered after being up since 4am. Hopefully get a better nights sleep tonight.
My milk is coming in so she is sleeping a little longer. Hubby and I are still taking shifts and he will take her for an hour or two so I can sleep over night then he will go sleep a bit.

This morning was a bit cold and I asked him to bring me one of the woolen cardigans I crocheted.
Well. ....a few minutes later im calling for hubby to bring me the whole bag of clothing to find a bigger warm cardy because none of the nb ones I made fit lol
Need to get onto clothing asap I think. I just can't believe how big she is.

so far she is a wonderful baby. Only cries when she wants food and gets a bit impatient if she has to wait a minute or two but other than that she is really good and just sleeps.
Oh Zephyr, was going to tell you, but I forgot. It turns out Asher was a posterior baby, too! My OB had to turn him as he was being delivered. I guess that explains why we both had that "butt pressure". :haha: :dohh:

I'm glad to hear that she (Annabelle?) is doing so well! I still can't believe she was so big, either! I'm glad to hear your milk is coming in, too. Mine hasn't yet, but unlike you, I'm not looking forward to it, because it won't be doing me any good, and then I have to deal with engorgement while trying not to express anything, which would just stimulate more milk.

Asher is having his car seat test done right now, and assuming he passes, we'll be leaving the hospital right after! :flower:
I'm so happy the new babies are doing well! Hope you are about to head home, Spiffy!

I think it's funny you guys have to clothes shop! I'm terrified of that.... I don't know why and it's completely irrational. I have a few NB outfits, but didn't expect baby to fit in them. Now that he's coming two weeks early there is a chance he might. Hopefully it doesn't take long to get into 0-3 thou, and I just realized I bought him mostly 3-6 in holiday outfits, based of my DDs size. Now I'm worried he won't fit them yet! :dohh: Hopefully I can make them work. They are all planned for our trip to Idaho at Christmas. He won't really be needing these outfits in San Antonio. Obviously I'm stressing out over the most ridiculous things! :haha:

Cangaroo, I sure hope your baby doesn't decide to come in December, but we'll be here to cheer you on regardless!

M2C, I've never tried RLT but I've read some women swear by it!

AFM- my appt on Thursday was uneventful, except for there was a large chunk of town without power, including my drs office. I knew she was just going to use the Doppler and check my need for electricity to do that! What I didn't anticipate was having to pee in a cup, in a pitch black bathroom while balancing with a flashlight that was about to die! :haha: But, at least now I know I can do it! :thumbup:

I'm still on for induction on Friday. I have to be at the hospital at 5 am. :sleep: Yuck! But I'm sure I won't sleep a wink Thursday night anyway! Our plans for today were cancelled bc of rain, so DH has been helping me knock out my to do list. I am so grateful! My big sis is due on the 19th and posts like 8 status updates a day on Facebook. It's rather annoying. I don't post anything, and hardly anyone knows baby will be here Friday. I kind of like DH and I having it a secret. I know she'll freak out if I have my baby first, but she has all week to get it done. :rofl:

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

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