Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

So I called for blood results and the receptionist said my levels are 9.9. That's what they were at 28 weeks?!? She said something about my ferritin levels and I need to see the dr. Unfortunately indigo was screaming so couldn't hear what she was saying. Gonna call my midwife once Corban is at playgroup and indigo is asleep xx
Lovely bump M2C! I hope the receptionist was reading your 28 week results by mistake. Hope your midwife gets back to you quickly and clears things up. Fingers crossed for good results!

Glad pediatrician went well, Spiffy!
Yeah hope those were the wrong results m2c!

Midwife went well, no sugar in urine and all checked out ok, head no longer engaged tho!! I could feel her wiggling it about but he's still head down which is the main thing. She wasn't concerned about the aches and said probably baby was in an awkward position but she's written it in my notes in case the specialist finds it relevant next week. We went over the birth plan and I was happy with most of it. She did say that I need a lot more monitoring this time because of my uterus and they seem to think it's a lot more serious this time than last. Although te specialist will tell me more next week. She emphasised the importance of me being at the main hospital and that they would have to ambulance me down if my labour was progressing really quickly as my risk of pph is a lot higher this time!! Which I wasn't aware of!! So cramping myself a bit more this time!! She also said that I would have to head for hospital when cx are 4-5mins but that specialist may just tell me to head down when things get regular so I can be monitored. So I will know more next thur. Hope I don't go into labour before then ha!!
Glad to hear your sweet babies are doing well spiffy and zephyr! :)

M2c, really hope your results aren't the same as 28 weeks! Update when you hear from your mw! Would you absolutely not do homebirth if it's that low? I mean i was 8.2 when i was induced with ds and i bled a normal amount. When i hemorrhaged it was a delayed hemorrhage 3 weeks postpartum due to placenta accreta. So really if it wasn't for that, I would have been ok. But i know you had a bad hemorrhage with your molar, so i would do what you're comfortable with. Just wanted to give that perspective.

Veronica, i hope you can hold out till Thursday! :) Seems you'll go soon!!!!

Cangaroo, is your dd better?

I'm doing alright here. Plenty of contractions, but back to the normal irritable uterus kind. No more back pain like the other day. :)
DD is much better today, thanks.

Glad you're feeling better TTC!
My last visit to the midwife I saw a different midwife and she said ultimately it's my decision but I'm not sure what my midwife would say. It's not like I think I'll bleed more as I only bleed normal amounts with Corban and indie but it's just put that what if to much into my head. If I go into labour during the day and something happens then I don't want the babies seeing it but then I want to be at home so indigo doesn't see us bring a baby in.... Homebirth it will kinda just happen. Oh I don't know! Midwife didn't call back so I'm not sure!!!!! In my understanding if my ferritin levels are low does that mean my iron reserves are low??!?

Veronica hope little man stays put for the time being. At least you have the consultant next week to talk about things. Bit scary about your higher risk of pph but at least everyone will be aware and ready if that happened.

Our thread was falling way down the list! How is everyone?

I'm feeling really good amazingly. I think the nesting energy has kicked in so I'm getting as much done as I can before it goes away. Also picking up the last little items. Quick question. I'm going to get a postpartum belly band this time. Have any of you ever used one? I'm getting mixed reviews on all brands so I'm having a hard time deciding which one to get but I want to make sure I have it before baby comes so I can put it on immediately after.
No I havent, I did wonder if it would help!

Had a crud day with dd down at a&e after she fell at soft play and now can't stand. Poor thing, she got the all clear but I'm hoping she's ok for her party on Sunday :(

Had loads of bh today and husband starts asking why I'm walking funny! I didn't realise I was lol. Lots of bum pain! But could be from spending half te day in waiting room chairs (not comfy).

How's everyone? Xxx
Oh no, your poor DD! Hope she feels better by the weekend!

I've had loads more Braxton Hicks in the last few days too. Quite distracting!
Your poor dd! Hopefully a few days rest and she will be ok for her party!

I've never had Braxton hicks! I'm hoping this labour will be clear cut like my last two. I take it there's a big difference between bh and contractions?

Yeah, BH just feel tight and if you prod your belly it's rock hard. They never hurt for me. Real contractions were completely different!

OH just pointed out my bump has dropped. I'm sure he's right, thinking about it, though I hadn't noticed until just now!
Eek! Bump dropped! When did it with dd? I'm so excited with all the labour spotting coming up!

Vjean is tomorrow the big day??

I think it dropped at 36 ish weeks last time. I certainly felt pressure low down etc from before 37 weeks, which I haven't had at all yet. I still didn't have DD until 41 weeks, so I'm well aware it means nothing!
I have a belly band! Well, it's technically called a postpartum girdle and it's made by Bellefit (I have the corset style). They're a little pricier than some others, but I'm glad I didn't cheap out. I love it! I feel so much more "put together" when I'm wearing it, like I actually have abs. :haha: Plus, my posture is better, and of course it also makes me look thinner because it holds in that saggy empty bump that you usually have for the first few weeks. Overall, I'm impressed with it, and wish I'd had it after my other two babies. :flower:

Sorry to hear that you're all starting to get more uncomfortable. As for BH, I've either never had them, or they feel exactly like my Irritable Uterus contractions, because before I was diagnosed, I thought they were just BH. :shrug:

Veronicaco, sorry to hear about your DD. :( I hope she's feeling better by the time her party comes around.

We're doing good here. Asher did a little better the last two nights, only having a hour and a half stretch of awake time in the middle of the night, versus the 4-5 hours he was doing before that. We're trying to wake him up more often during the day so that he'll switch over, but he still just likes to be awake late at night. I'm still dealing with uncomfortable engorgement, but I think it might be a tiny bit better today than yesterday, so hopefully I'm on the downhill side.
Yay you ladies are so close!

I've never tried a belly band either.

Annabelle is a week old today and has barely left my arms. I just can't put her down :p She is too cute and cuddly. I'm exhausted mostly because I'm trying to make the most of these newborn cuddles. I feel so sad that this will be our last time! Already shes more alert and looking round and growing bigger.
Hubby is back at work in 4 days. I have no idea how things will go but im hoping it goes well.

I'm starting to feel like I am more mobile, my muscles don't ache as much and im on my feet more and more each day.
Zephyr and Spiffy, I'm glad you are both enjoying your Littles. Sorry Spiffy about being engorged. That seriously is the worst! Can I ask where you got your corset from and how much it cost? I saw that one on amazon and the price took my breath away but I really want a good one.

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