Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

I got my corset through Bellefit's website, so it was the same cost as the one through Amazon, but when I bought it, they had a $10 discount when you check out, so it was a little cheaper. We were also able to buy it with our health saving's account, so that was nice. But after reading reviews for a lot of other postpartum support wear, this one seemed to be the best quality, so I decided it was worth it.

Zephyr, I'm noticing that Asher is starting to be a little more alert now, too. Unfortunately his most alert time is at night. :dohh:
Happy 1 week to Annabelle and Asher :)

Having a totally exhausted day but still reading everyone's updates :)

I got my gestational diabetes test done today. I really really hope i pass because that nasty orange drink is nauseating.

Hope you're all well!
So ladies..... I'm having moments of worry about labour..... I'm not sure if it's because both my labours were so different that I don't know what to expect or if it's this whole homebirth thing. Thing is I know I can do back 2 back labour and a swift labour without pain relief so I dunno?! Oooooo! I've never worried about it before but here I am having little pangs of worry!

M2c, I'm so sorry! That must be a very stressful feeling!

First, you have many good reasons for wanting homebirth. Corban and Indigo will love being there as their sister or brother is born :) plus, you know you do great with no pain relief. I bet being at home in a more comfortable environment will make it even better.

Second, if something during labor scares or worries you, transfer is an option. It's not as if you can't change your mind during labor.

With that said, I'm a strong believer in intuition. If you don't feel comfortable with staying home, there may be a reason. Only you know if your apprehension is normal fear of a new experience or something more.

:hugs: Either way, i know you'll totally breeze through your birth! You are strong, you are smart, and you can do it! :)
Well said ttc!!

I think now is the point at which the worries start to appear! I always try to remind myself that before modern medicine and knowledge women still gave birth every day and how many women must have given birth with out assistance to get me here today!! Even if at the time you are set to have a home birth you can change your mind!! But after two good labours you know what you're doing and what feels right so you can make decisions as you go! I bet you won't regret it xxx
Thank you ttc!

I'm currently not booked for homebirth because of my levels. I'm still yet to speak to my midwife! She's not called back. Argh!

Thought I'd call the drs again to see if my results were wrong but she said she couldn't tell me numbers just that I've got to see the dr! Can't get hold of my midwife. Xx
Oh how frustrating m2c!! I hope you get an answer soon, although I guess it will be next week now before you hear anything!!

Been having quite a few tightenings again today, they are a little more uncomfortable than yesterday's and I'm just getting in the bath to see if they ease off a bit. Also just had a clear out ( tmi) despite having been the other way for weeks which has freaked me out a bit. starting to worry that he might try to put in an appearance and upstage his sisters party!!! But then I still think I will go overdue lol definitely need sleep before anything can happen!!!

Is it going to be like it was with zephyr? Lots of false starts and an overdue baby lol
How frustrating, M2C! And now it's the weekend so I presume you won't hear until monday. :(

I had dreadful day at work today. So so busy! Now desperately trying to get DD to sleep so I can go out to dinner at a friend's without having to worry about MIL getting her to sleep. DD hates anyone other than me putting her to bed, we've only tried a few times as it's usually such a disaster! I think I've succeeded....
Ok so I spoke to a midwife! I explained what's going on and she said get some floradax and get that into me. She said book with my midwife Monday or Tuesday to chat before my 38 week appointment (as my midwife is away) she thinks as it's 9.9 it will be fine by labour. She seemed more positive which makes me feel positive.

Veronica I wonder if so etching is kicking off for you? Hopefully he decides to stay put till after Sunday! When is DDs birthday?

Cangaroo enjoy your lovely evening out!

Yeah this midwife gave me hope. She spoke to an older midwife who said she thinks it will be fine too. Just nice hearing it! Feeling a bit more like homebirth is still possible.

Can't believe your 37 weeks Sunday! Xx
Neither can I!!

DH just saw my stomach tighten with one of my Braxton hicks and asked if I thought the baby would come soon lol!! I just don't feel ready yet if that makes sense. Plus my poor mum would be in a panic to get here!!
M2C, glad you were able to talk to someone. I take Floradax (when I remember). If you've never taken it before, I highly recommend mixing it with a little juice. And it can be pricey. But from what I've heard, It's the best stuff out there. My sister had a home birth in August low iron. I'm not sure how low, but things went well.
Veronicaco, I hope little man stays put until after your DD's birthday party. But hey, we all know what happened to Zephyr... :winkwink:

M2C, I'm not sure what my iron levels were when I gave birth, but I know they were low, because I would start feeling like crap if I missed a day or two of taking my iron pills, and it wasn't even that bad when they first discovered that my iron was low, so I know it had dropped further. However, my bleeding after birth was totally normal, and 8 days later, I'm barely bleeding at all and a light pad is definitely more than enough.

Cangaroo, I'm sorry you had such an exhausting day at work. I hope you enjoy your evening out!

Not much to report here. Asher is still doing well, and has sort of been doing better these last two nights. He's had a 2-3 hour stretch of awake time earlier on in the night (like 9pm-12am), and then another 1.5 hour stretch in the middle of the night (from 3am-4:30am), but then sleeps the rest of the time. It's not ideal, but it's better than the 12am-4am stretch that he was doing before! :flower:
I've been so nesty lately but no matter how much energy or motivation I have, I still cannot convince myself to get on my hands and knees to mop my kitchen floor. And boy does it need it!
Veronica I hope you don't get too much false labour! Mine was from babies position, once she turned it all happened with a bang lol which is how I felt those last few weeks, like labour was right there but something was stopping it.
I hope you don't get too much more but if you do, rest up! It can get tiring :p

m2c I hope you get your homebirth but as everyone else said you can always change your mind at any point during the labour.
there was only one time I asked hubby to call an ambulance and that was during my last few contractions because my midwife hadn't arrived yet and I didn't know how much longer I could hold off pushing for. The rest of the time I felt really good.
During the pushing stage it wouldnt of mattered where I was as I was focusing on only one thing, getting the baby out. Afterwards was amazing being at home.
I didn't even think about things going wrong during labour really when I had spent so much time before hand worrying.
I think you'll know at the time where you need to be :)

Cangaroo enjoy your dinner out! Sorry you had a long day.

Annabelle hit a growth spurt she feed non stop yesterday and last night she spent nearly 5 hours continually feeding alternating boobs and cat napping for ten minutes in between.
It was exhausting! She is still feeding a lot today but only woke 3 times between 1am and 9am Thank goodness! I'm not sure I could of continued that feeding stretch much longer.
Thanks everyone! Had a lovely evening out with no awnings from DD. A big success!

So glad you got to speak to someone, M2C, and it's soy ding positive.

Glad to hear Asher is sleeping a little better. Hope those awake at night times keep getting shorter! :hugs:

Those growth spurts are such hard work Zephyr! :hugs: Are you getting any chance to nap in the day?
Hi ladies,

I haven't read the past two or three pages, but wanted to give a quick update. Keegan Daniel was born at 1:28 this afternoon, weighing in at 8lbs 4oz, 20 inches long. Delivery went smoothly for the most part, but Keegan isn't breathing well and is in the NICU. Hopefully we'll know more tomorrow.....this just sucks.

I did have good timing this evening and was able to hold him for the first time while the nurse changed his blanket. And then the respiratory therapist came in and changed his mask so I got to see that he has hair!

Don't mind my messy hair in the has been a long day!

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