Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Here is a bump pic!


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Jess, lovely bump! :flower:

Zephyr, I'm glad Annabelle is sleeping well in her hammock. We have Asher in a bassinet day and night right now, since its on wheels, so we can just roll it back and forth between our bedroom and living room. As he gets older and is less content during the day, we'll start using our swing. Thankfully, noises haven't seemed to bother him yet, which is good, because between DD and DS, there's pretty much constant yelling, laughing, or screaming going on. :dohh:

Veronicaco, any more signs of impending labor?

Hope everyone else is feeling well!
Glad you are getting into a good routine with Asher spiffy :)

I've had a quiet day as far as bh and twinges go! Also slept well 3 nights in a row which is amazing!! I normally wake for ages or really early and can't get back to sleep. Dh says my snoring is epic! Lol. I do want to hang on for a couple more weeks really as I know 39 is optimal but as long as he's healthy he can come when he's ready :) he just has this way of pushing his feet out of one side and his bum out of the other and it's getting sooo painful!!!

Any news from v.jean?
Veronica I get the same!!! Have a big butt lump one side then feet pushing the other side. Even me poking doesn't stop it pushing! Ouch!

Spiffy it sounds like you have a good routine going. It's really good Asher sleeps through the noise! Annabelle sleeps through most of the noise but if its a quiet period and suddenly one of the twins have a tantrum or they start fighting she wakes up.

I had plans on cleaning And getting back to being close to normal today haha im dreaming if I think I'm getting any cleaning done lol! Without a newborn its a battle to clean with the twins - I have to clean faster than they mess the place.
So uhhh day 1 of hubby at work ..... lets just hope no one surprise visits me :p annnnnd its probably going to be eggs on toast for dinner for everyone as I didnt start the slow cooker before hubby left.
Thanks girls :) the c section is most likely going to be Nov 6th. I have an appointment on Wednesday and it will be finalized then. Im ready now though lol
Having my bloods taken again today and should be seeing the dr for those results on Thursday. I think I'm gonna go to the supermarket to buy some bits to pack a hospital bag as I feel more like that's going to be my option so might aswell prepare.

When are peoples next appointments? I have 38 week midwife Monday xx
You may as well m2c, even if you are just prepared for a possible transfer from a home birth. I would hate to be half way through labour thinking 'I need to pack a bag' best to be prepared for all eventualities :)

I have specialist on Thursday and then midwife next Tuesday for my 38 week check up!

Jess how are you? I saw on fb that your cx were 10mins last night!! X
Glad your dd had a good birthday party veronicaco! I hope your specialist appt goes well!

Jess, super cute bump!

M2c, I'm sorry its looking like a hospital birth :( I'm hoping your appointment goes well Thursday!

Hi spiffy! Glad to hear Asher is sleeping a bit more :)

Zephyr, glad to hear Annabelle is doing well!

Canga, hope you're doing well :)

Thinking of you vjean!

I'm not doing the best... Ok so i have weekly blood draw appointments at a clinic where they weigh me every time. I'd been steadily gaining 1lb a week. On the 29th of Sept I was 138 (10 lbs up from starting). The 9th of Oct I was 145....a big jump for 9 days. I was concerned but thought maybe it was a fluke. I eat mainly the same everyday, but had a soda the day before. Well since then I had watched my eating carefully. Made sure to drink water or tea only and not overeat. Well yesterday I was 148.6 lbs. Another fairly big gain. I've also had a headache since Wednesday now (so nearly a week) and my hands are starting to swell.
I called my nurse concerned and she is also concerned that preeclampsia may be starting. Water weight gain followed by swelling then rise in bp is how it often starts. I've put on 20lbs total now, but have gained half that in 3 weeks. Seems kind of ridiculous especially as I'm eating very healthy since fast food makes me so sick! The nurse assured me I am definitely not eating so much as to gain all that.
So I'm on a strict low sodium diet this week. I have to make sure if my headache gets worse or i have vision issues that i go to the hospital right away. It's so gross i can literally feel myself retaining water. I kind of broke down yesterday because i just do not want to get preeclampsia again. It was a hellish experience last time. Today I'm feeling more positive though so I'm hoping everything will be just fine.
In good news, i got my glucose results back and i passed! I'm still very anemic, but hasn't gotten worse so I'm glad for that too!
TTC, I'm sorry you're feeling so awful! :hugs: I really, hope and pray you don't get pre-E again, especially this early. :( Remember, I said no more babies in the NICU! When did you start getting it last time around?

Jess, sorry your contractions died off, although you've still got another 10 day until Halloween, so no rush yet! :winkwink:

Zephyr, how did your first day without hubby go?

M2C, good idea packing a hospital bag. Hopefully you won't need it, but it will be nice to know you have it ready just in case.

Veronicaco, I wonder if you're experiencing the calm before the storm? The definitely had that this time around. Do you remember me talking about how all of the sudden I had less contractions than normal? That last right up until the day I went into labor!
Ttc! I hope you are ok, it must be quite worrying. Fx you manage to keep it at bay!

I wonder if you're right spiffy! I've been achy today but no bh to speak of, just so tired!! Just feeling a bit down and fed up, wishing that something would happen so I could stop feeling so rubbish but at the same time apprehensive of how labour will go this time. Felt so great til the day I went into labour with dd it's weird feeling so crap this time. Sorry - self pity moment. Need a kick up the bum today!
Thanks spiffy :) Last time I felt like I had it at 32 weeks but my horrible ob told me i was a first time mom and didn't know. But sure enough at 36 weeks i suddenly felt the most ill I've ever been...uncontrollably shaking, constant vomiting, pounding headache, unable to see....very scary. When the hospital ran tests my liver function was already severely affected. So technically i was diagnosed 36w but i knew I had it at 32. This time I have a great ob and it shouldn't get as severe (if that's indeed what's going on) with early treatment.

Veronica, I'm so sorry your feeling so awful :( I'm hoping labor is right around the corner and that's why you feel bad :(
Sorry you're feeling so awful TTC! Has your bp been checked recently? And your urine? I'd have thought they'd do those straight away if any worries about pre-E. Hope your headache settles.

I have 36/40 midwife appt on Monday. 2 more weeks of work after tbis week. Can't wait!
Ttc aw I hope everything is okay, I really hope its not pre e!

M2c good idea packing a bag! I started to but then unpacked it and I just kept everything I was using at home in one place and hubby knew to grab from that stuff if it was needed.

My first day at home went okay it was shopping day so after hubby got home I had to go to the fruit store etc.
The kids are usually in bed by 730 but last night they were up till after 9pm!
I got to sleep at 11, woke a couple of times to feed Annabelle then she fussed from 3am till 6am and I managed to get another half hour sleep in before hubby left so im pretty tired today.
Have my midwife appointment later.
hubby and I have taken our guesses at weight gain. He thinks 100 grams I think over 200 grams lol
Zephyr good news the first day went ok! Love that she's already a lovely 10lb 7oz! Hehe!

Cangaroo how exciting you finish work soon! Bring it on. Hope you get some rest before baby arrives.

Ttc I'm sorry you've not been feeling good. I guess your worry is amplified with what happened with your first. Also good you feel better about your ob this time too.

Veronica how are you feeling? At least your over the 37 week mark. Hope your feeling a little better.

Had bloods taken yesterday and I got the nurse to have a look at results.... She said no one had done ferritin levels since the last time I was anemic in 2012. The receptionist told me I had low ferritin levels so dunno were she got that from. The midwife has only been requesting a full blood count which was 9.9 last Monday. Same as my 28 week result. This time there doing ferritin so will get those results tomorrow if I get into the dr. I'm gonna pack my hospital bag in the next few days. I'm at peace with going midwife led now.


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