Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Veronica glad he had a feed earlier. Hope your feeling ok?

Now ladies did any of you have panicky feelings over labour? First two I never worried?! I also know I can do it without pain relief so I dunno what's wrong?! I keep getting waves of worry and feel sick. It's concerning me cause I don't wanna panick in labour!!!! Feel like I need a good cry! Wanna meet my baby but this worry thing is scaring me! Xxx
Veronica- glad he had a good feed. Fingers crossed for the weigh in! Well done for pumping. :hugs:

Sorry you had a bad night, Spiffy.

M2C, sorry you're worried. Have a good cry if you need to! It often helps. I think I'm still in denial that the whole labour thing's actually going to happen... And if I end up actually pushing I'll be amazed as I'm totally expecting another emergency c-section. I'm finding it hard to get my head around it. Maybe when I've had a few more days off work it'll sink in...

We went to some fireworks this evening. The baby wriggled like crazy while they were going off! I hope she wasn't too scared in there!
Veronica, sounds like you did all the right things to make latching easier for him! Fingers crossed for your weigh in! Even if he hasn't gained to their expectation yet he should do really well with what you've figured out now :)

Spiffy, I'm sorry :(

M2c, you sound like you're getting stressed! :hugs: I'm sosorry! I think the anxiety is normal and you've had a lot of changes to your original birth plan with your anemia and all! It's perfectly understandable! I really think everything will go great! Maybe you could do some positive visualizing? Imagine your perfect birth for a few minutes?

Canga, so cute about the fireworks! And yay!!!!! You're off work!!!! Hope you can relax this next few days :)

As for me, my rollercoaster of a week does not end! Last night, my hematologist called. Of course i wasn't there so he left a message. Apparently the blood bank has made a huge error and my titer is still 8 afterall. I don't quite understand the message because it mentions new blood work and i haven't had anymore done for that. ??? Also, how could the dr who redid my titer himself make the same mistake? How am I to trust any results at this point???? Ugh! So all of these extra appointments may be for nothing... the extreme stress I've been under all week certainly was! I've got my hematology and ob appointments Monday and i guess I'll see if I really need to go to all of this monitoring? So many questions right now. A lot of irritation on my end too!
TTC, wow, that's quite a serious mess-up on their end! How frustrating! :growlmad: Well, I'm glad that your antibody levels are actually okay, though, and hopefully you won't have to have all those extra appointments.

M2C, I'm sorry you're feeling anxious about giving birth. I've always kind of looked forward to giving birth (I think it's because it's like a huge adrenaline rush for me) but I can understand how you're feeling, because I get anxiety like that over other things and it makes me want to cry, too. I find that the best thing for me is a good distraction, usually a TV show or something, anything that gets my mind off of it, and then later I can usually look at things from a calmer perspective. :hugs:

Veronicaco, I'm glad you were able to feed Corsten and hopefully his weight will be decent at his weigh in tomorrow. :flower:

Cangaroo, that's cute that your little one was getting so excited by the fireworks. I'm sure she wasn't too scared because everything is pretty muffled in there. :flower:
I've always been excited about giving birth. When I went into labour with indigo I was a little bit like oh no!!! I remember this pain. Thing is I know I can do it. I done back to back labour and 4 hours of pushing Corban and an intense labour with indigo both without pain relief. I know the pain ends.... I don't think something bad will happen so I'm just confused. Maybe the extended sickness and whole anemic thing?!? Also worried about upsetting indigo I think?! Oh I dunno! All I know is I need to snap out of it as I don't wanna panick when labour starts. Gotta focus on the end result.

Cangaroo maybe she wanted to go to sleep but it was too noisy for her so she let you know! Corban was my tiny dancer as every time I had music on he would have a good wiggle.
Ttc what a whole lot of stress! My goodness! Like spiffy says hopefully that means less appointments. Good news all is ok though!

Jess hope your getting on ok?

Ladies hope everyone's getting on ok?

Whose next?!?!

TTC, that would explain it- it seemed so unlikely there would be a problem when your OH's genetics came back ok. It's annoying you have to wait until Monday to speak to them about it, though! I hope it will all get cleared up on Monday.

M2C, maybe it's because you had planned a home birth and have had to change that? I think the anticipation of not knowing when it's going to happen is hard. I think when it does start your body will remember what to do and will take over; I don't think you'll panic. :hugs:
Veronica glad to hear he managed to feed, those first few weeks are hard.

m2c I was very anxious before birth as well, its a big change in life so I think it is normal. Not a nice feeling though!
Has the anxious feeling just come on suddenly?
I reckon you must be pretty close, maybe baby news next time I sign in? Hehe

ttc im sorry you are having such a rough week. glad to hear its good news though :)

Not sure if you ladies remember but I finally see the breast surgeon today. I dont think there is much they will do because I am breastfeeding but at least im being seen finally! I dont think its anything serious, ive had this issue for years now and I think I would of gotten sick by now if it was. Hopefully they can figure out where all this pain ive had is coming from and what the lump is!
Annabelle has been feeding off the breast fine and ive had no issues with it.
Zephyr I was a little worried a while back but it eased off cause I decided I'd pack my hospital bag and forget about homebirth. This has just kinda come on.... I have that sick feeling! I think about it and I feel yuk! Shivery! Sicky tummy! Argh! I think it's made worse cause I don't exactly know why. I'm not looking forward to the pain but have done it before so know I can do it. I wanna be excited about meeting my new little person but because of this feeling I'm not getting excited.

So pleased you have your appointment! Let us know what they say. Always best to get these things checked out. Good you've been feeding ok from the boob too.

Zephyr, I had a lump in my breast right before I gave birth to my second. I had a biopsy a few weeks after he was born. I had to pump and dump for like a day or two. Everything turned out fine. But I'll tell you, that shot in the boob hurt! And sadly, that boob has never produced as much since. But it is always better to be safe and have it looked at than sorry. Let us know how it goes.

Ttc, sorry about all the tests and stress you are going through right now. I hope things can get better for you. It's so hard when answers keep changing.

M2C, I feel your worries. I get excited to go into labor but I also get quite anxious about all the what ifs, etc. I hope you feel better asap. And you'll be able to relax.

I've been so emotional today. It's been a day where I feel like a complete mom failure. Thankfully tomorrow is a new day. And hopefully it will also be a better one.
How is everyone today? Any signs M2C and Luvymom? Hope everyone is ok.

Luvymom, sorry you had a difficult day yesterday. :hugs: Hope today has been better!

Any news from the hospital today TTC?

I celebrated my first official day of maternity leave by going into work for a meeting... No more for a while, though! I also saw the midwife today. She says the baby is in a perfect position, engaged and ready to go. I'll believe it when I see it! This baby may actually be smaller than DD1 was (she was 8lb9oz) as I'm measuring 37cm at 38+4/40. I never measured behind with DD1. That's giving me a little hope! We'll see... I have a consultant appointment next week (the day before my due date) for a sweep and to decide how long I'll wait before having an elective c-section. I think they'll let me wait until at least 10 days overdue. I'm then booked for a second sweep 2 weeks today at 4 days overdue. I think I'm happy with all that!
Nothing here. But that's okay because my 19 month old came down with croup last night. And our humidifier broke leaking water all over the floor. I got a total of just over 3 hours sleep last night. When he gets croup he typically will struggle with his breathing so I would really like him to be better before he has to stay at my mom's while I'm in the hospital. Luckily it had only lasted a couple days in the past. I'm feeling pretty good which almost makes me feel like I'll be pregnant forever!

Anyways, here's to hoping at least one of us has a baby this week. :)
Oh no! I hope he feels better soon. I'm coming down with a virus I think. I have the telltale scratchy throat and slight headache... Hopefully it'll be gone by the morning.
Cangaroo, I hope you're not getting sick! Your plan for the next few weeks sounds good, although hopefully you won't need both of those sweeps. :winkwink:

Luvymom, I'm sorry things have been so difficult lately. :( I have those "horrible mom" days too, where it seems like nothing goes right. I hope your DS gets better quickly and that you can get more sleep. :hugs:

M2C, how are you feeling today? I hope you feel calmer about birth. :hugs:

Zephyr, I hope your appointment with the breast surgeon went well. That's great that you haven't had any issues with breastfeeding off that side.

So my DS1 woke up last night crying, and when I went to soothe him, he started to really freak out. Eventually, he was in a full-on hysterical break down and nothing was calming him down. DH and I tried to hold him, but he would just thrash around and scream. The only thing that eventually calmed him down was watching a lullaby show on my lap for a little while. I have no idea what was wrong, but I really, really hope he doesn't do that again tonight, because both DH and I were getting really frustrated, and neither of us got as much sleep as we needed.
Luvymom, :hugs: I'm sorry about your rough day. I hope your ds feels better soon and that you get more rest tonight.

Cangaroo! I really hope you're not getting sick! I hope this baby is a little smaller and that you'll be able to have an easy vaginal delivery :)

Spiffy! Poor you!!! Sounds like a miserable night!!!! :( I hope it was a one time thing!

M2c, any news???

I had my ob appointment this morning... had trace protein in my pee :( My bp was fine, i always have a headache so nothing new there but I'm stressing it could be pre e starting! I know it's irrational and I'm fine right now, but I'm so so so afraid of getting it again.
Found out that the lab did in fact make an error! So good news there! My dr does still want me to go to all the monitoring as scheduled but she agreed to see me every 2 weeks for now.
So Friday i have monitoring, next Tuesday i have a scan and see the nurse practitioner at the perinatal, the next Monday I'll have monitoring, ob, and blood appointment, and the next Tuesday I'll see the perinatologist again. Then from there they may change the plan.
Thanks ladies! I had a chat with hubby last night and I told him things I thought that could be troubling me. Had a good cry and I think it's helped a bit. Today DH mum came over with a newborn she is fostering and I had snuggles which also helped too. Still a little upset over something but as a whole I'm feeling much better. Thanks for all your support.

Cangaroo good news with midwife today! Baby is locked and loaded! Corban from 30 weeks I always measured 1-2cm bigger than my weeks and he was 8lb 2oz. Indigo I always measured my weeks and she was 8lb 9oz. This time I measure 2cm behind my weeks so I'm curious as to babies size. Sounds like you have a good plan in place. Hopefully the first sweep works and you get to labour naturally. Have all crossed for you lovely.

Luvymom sorry you little guy is poorly. Hopefully doesn't last to long.

Spiffy your poor boy! Sounds like a long night for you both. I'm hoping you get some sleep tonight.

I have midwife tomorrow! Time to talk sweeps with her! I doubt she will give me a sweep tomorrow though!

Ttc sounds like your a whole lot busy with all those appointments. It's rubbish you had that worry but good news it was a error. I guess with the pre e your bound to worry about it happening again! Hugs for you xxx
TTC- I'm so pleased it was an error! That's fantastic news. Sorry about the worry, though. Sorry about the trace of protein, too. I understand why that would worry you, but I'm sure all is well and the protein will be gone next time.

Spiffy- sorry DS1 had a rough night! That's the last thing you need when you've got a newborn. Is he poorly, maybe? DD always turns out to be poorly when she's been sleeping badly.

M2C- Glad you were able to have a good talk with your OH and are feeling a little better. Fingers crossed you're not kept waiting too long!

I'm definitely ill. :( I've been feeling worse and worse all evening...
Thanks ladies just a quick update to say my appointment went well. Absolutely nothing I can do for the pain a small percentage of women get quite bad pains in their 'bad boob' but some find relief taking epo so im going to try that.

As for the lump it seems to have resolved itself, there is an area that is very tender and lumpy to feel but she had a quick look on her ultrasound and said everything looks good and had sent me for a more thorough ultrasound just in case. But the lump that was in that area is no longer there. Such a relief!
Zephyr, so glad to hear your appointment went well, the lump is gone and you have something to try for the pain. I've never heard of epo for that so I'm glad to learn something new. I hope it works.

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