Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Hehehe! I'm sure I'll still be preggo in the morning!

Yay to 1 more day!

Congrats, Jess! The pictures on Facebook of Sammy Jo were adorable. I hope you two are getting some well-deserved rest. :flower:

M2C, I'm still crossing my fingers that the full moon does the trick for you. Plus, you never know, I dilated to 4cm with my DD without feeling a thing, so for all you know, you may be right on the verge of labor and not even know it! :winkwink:
Hey girls thanks for the kind thoughts :)
Samantha Jo is here weighing 6lbs 13oz.
She was quite at birth and it scared me but the nurses said she was breathing but not screaming like most babies, i guess they need those big deep loud screams to carry oxygen all through out her system. Her lips were a little blue but she screamed some more and everything is all good :)
She's a super calm baby, i haven't heard her cry much. The nurse gave her 1st bath in the room with me and she didnt cry at all!! She just laid there!! :) even when she had her diaper changed earlier she didnt cry!! I've never seen anything like it lol

here is a pic from earlier
Congratulations Jess! She's a beauty! And I love that she's so calm. Hope you've been able to get some rest.

Cangaroo happy last day at work :)

Spiffy baby was right in my lady bits last night!!!! Real sharp pains for ages in my mini!!!! Ouch. I was 2cm at my sweep with indie so I'm hoping I've already dilated a little! Still think this bubba isn't come till after my due date though. My babies clearly make themselves far to comfy ;)

How's everyone doing?

M2c, maybe you just have 5 star accommodations in there:) So excited your turn should be soon!!!

I'm doing pretty good today! My stomach is so sore from my ultrasound the other day. I never got that with ds1 and this is the second time this pregnancy my tummy has gotten very sore from a long scan :( I'm doing fine otherwise, just thought I'd have a whine ;)

Canga, how are you?
Jess, I hope she continues to stay that calm for you! I remember thinking that Asher was pretty quiet because his cries the first few days were just little squeaks, but he's building up that lung capacity now. :winkwink:

M2C, hopefully all those sharp pains were causing some dilation or effacement down there! Hey, the full moon cycle lasts for three days (one before, during, and after) so maybe you'll see a little more progress tonight as well. :thumbup:

Cangaroo, I hope you enjoy your last day of work. :flower:

TTC, I've had soreness after a scan, too. Personally, I think it has to do with the sonographer and how gentle they are. But other than your discomfort, everything should be okay. They're pretty well-cushioned in there. :hugs:

So I don't want to jinx myself or anything, but I think Asher might be getting on a schedule. The last couple of days, he's been awake from 7pm-9pm, and then he sleeps from 9pm-12am, is back to sleep by 1am, and then wakes up around 3/4am (not sure because DH handles that one), and is up for the day at 7am. Even his naps during the day are starting to become predictable. I hope he's not leading me on, because this is pretty nice!
Spiffy that's great! He sounds like he's really getting the hang of things! Very exciting! :) I doubt you jinxed yourself :)

Funny you mention the squeaky cries! That's how my ds was too! Just the tiniest squeaks! .... until he was about 6 weeks lol :)
TTC, I wonder if the quiet, squeaky cries were due to them both being premature, because their lungs weren't quite as strong as a full term newborn?
Spiffy, the nicu dr told me that was it! Especially as ds needed a lot of help breathing at first :) I guess that's very normal!
No full moon action for me. But that's okay. My sister is having her baby shower tonight and I still need to get a lot done. But wow, was she pushing on my ribs hard last night! I seriously was like that's the wrong direction, go the other way. Haha!

And I don't know what the deal is but my 18 month old is going through an awful phase. He is so emotional! Fights getting his diaper changed and totally freaks out when it comes to getting dressed or anything to do with clothes. It took both me and dh battling him to just get him changed and dressed this morning. Hope this ends quick. He's normally the easiest and sweetest thing in world.
Luvy, maybe he's sensing something? I hope he gives you an easier time soon.
Luvymom, I'm sorry you're son is being difficult lately. :( My 2.5 year old is being a pill lately, too, especially with picking on my 16 month old. Thankfully she leaves Asher alone for the most part, but the constant pushing and shoving and hitting is driving me crazy! :growlmad:
Luvymom, sorry your DS is being difficult. He probably senses change is afoot!

I survived my last day of work. It was busy, buy I got everything done! It feels very strange to have finished. I still feel ages away from having this baby... I maybe need to get myself more mentally prepared in case she decides to surprise me and come early!
Congrats Jess!!

Spiffy Max had that quiet squeak cry when he was a baby I felt so sorry for him cos it was nothing in comparison to Arias full on screeching hehe
he had iugr and didn't grow as well as Aria did.

I have my dad staying, he goes home tomorrow :(
scaffolding is up for 2 more days thankfully they finished chainsawing trees on the property and putting the guttering up yesterday so im looking forward to a nice quiet weekend.

Hope everyone is keeping well!
Hi guys sorry I've been absent! I will have a read through and catch up in a min :)

Been a rubbish couple of days :( Corsten has decided he doesn't want to latch at all :(
So I'm pumping and cup feeding for the moment until my boobs settle down. They are SO engorged my nipples are flat and he can't seem to grip on. This has made everything a lot harder and I'm obviously worried about his weight. I've just been told to persevere but I am concerned about how to resolve it.

Hope all is good with you guys xxx
Sorry it's been difficult Veronica. :( Well done for persevering so far! Could you see an IBCLC to geta thorough assessment? I'll be seeing an IBCLC privately if I have any suspicion of a tongue tie (DD1 is tongue tied...). Lots of skin to skin and biological nursing. I hope he gets the hang of it soon! :hugs:
Zephyr, I hope you get to enjoy a nice peaceful weekend. :flower:

Cangaroo, I'm glad you survived your last day of work, and now you get to relax and await your sweet little bundle!

Veronicaco, I'm so sorry you've been having problems with breastfeeding. :( Things are already so tough right after having a baby (especially a C-section), it's hard to have BFing trouble on top of all that. I hope the engorgement goes does soon and that Corsten can get latched. :hugs:

Well, remember how I said I was going to jinx everything by talking about Asher's little schedule? Well, I did. Last night he was up every 1.5 hours. :(
Thanks guys - canga that's a good idea, he's finally fed from me again this afternoon but if we continue to struggle I will definitely be looking for more help.

I pumped myself dry first thing and then showered to loosen my boobs off a bit more. They were a lot softer by this afternoon and he was interested and went on with no fuss!! I hope we can keep it together and that he hasn't lost loads of weight for the 5 day check tomorrow!! Good news is I have a couple of bottles of milk in the fridge now just in case :)

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