Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Happy due date M2C!!

DD would like to be out of nappies at night, but understands she needs to be dry 7 nights in a row before she can wear pants to bed. She got to 3 dry nights the other week, then lapsed back to wet every night!
Corban wants to be too but I said that I can't keep washing your bedding! They will get there!

Thank you! Can't believe I'll be meeting baby so soon xx
Happy due date M2c :) Hope it won't be too much longer!

Luvymom, hope your poor sick little guy is doing better!

Canga, sorry you didn't get to sleep longer! How are you feeling?

Spiffy and Zephyr, not sure how you do 3 in diapers. I've been getting overwhelmed realizing I'll have 2 in them!!!

I had a terrible night! my bump ached all night and my whole pelvis feels like it may fall apart! !!! I think is baby's position but ouch! !!!!!!
Happy due date, M2C! Your bump looks fabulous! I really hope it's your last picture, though. :winkwink:

Cangaroo, sorry you didn't get your lie in. :( I hope you're starting to feel better. :hugs:

TTC, sorry you had a rough night. Right around 28 weeks is when things really kicked up a notch for me and I started to feel really uncomfortable. :hugs:

Zephyr, I can't believe how fast Annabelle is growing! I haven't had Asher weighed since his circumcision at 3 weeks, but I'm sure he's still under 8lbs. My kids just start out small and stay pretty small. Even my DS1, who DH and I have always thought of as a pretty big kid, is only 29th percentile. :dohh:

Veronicaco, how are things going with Corsten?

Well, I had a pretty bad day yesterday, but DH took over last night so I could get a full 8 hours of sleep, which was awesome, so I'm feeling much better today. We've decided to try doing every other night, instead of splitting the night in half, so he took last night, and I'll take tonight, and so on, so that we're at least getting a full night of sleep every other night.

Oh, and my MIL was over yesterday and made a comment about how DH shouldn't have to help at night because it's important for him to get his sleep so he can work. Excuse me??? What makes his work any more important than mine? :growlmad: It made me so mad. Thankfully DH stood up for me and told her that she never had three kids so close in age, so she doesn't know what it's like for me, and she backed off a little.
oh gosh spiffy! I think i would have LOST IT at your mil! I'm sorry she said that :(
Feeling a lot better today, thanks! Phew! DD was lovely all day and went to sleep fairly early so that's made up for the early ish start. Tomorrow is my first day of maternity leave where she'll be at the childminder's. It's going to be so strange! I need to properly pack my hospital bag, sort the washing out, tidy, put some things in the attic and generally do some nesting! The health visitor called today and has arranged to cone for an antenatal visit tomorrow. They've only just started doing them in my area- anyone else had one? M2C? Veronica?

Sorry you had a uncomfortable night TTC. Has the pain settled today?

Spiffy, how irritating your MIL said that! It's not as if you can nap in the day when you have 3 under 3 so you get even less of a chance to catch up than your OH gets. I bet he has lunch breaks etc at work; your days must be much more relentless! Glad you got a decent and well deserved sleep. Also glad your OH stood up for you!

Veronica and, Zephyr and Jess, how are you all?

M2C, hope you've had a good day!
It's getting real now and I'm so excited! I'm dilaed to a 1 which sounds like nothing but that's huge for me as I usually am absolutely nothing until labor and delivery. And if nothing comes from it I am scheduled to be induced on Tuesday. I didn't want to so much but my son's birthday is on Wednesday and my Dr is leaving town on Thursday. He was fine with whatever. But I really want him there when I deliver and not someone else so I chose the induction. But really thinking and hoping I go before. But not tomorrow because we are supposed to get snow tomorrow and I really don't want to drive through the canyon in labor while is snowing. And I've had some bleeding which could be from the exam but I didn't bleed at the others. Sorry to babble but I'm just so excited! And dh is finally putting up the other crib!
In other news my SIL is sure on Saturday and my sister got her due date moved up to next week so the race in the family is on!

Cangaroo and M2C, I hope to see us all posting birth stories soon!

Spiffy, I'm so glad your dh stuck up for you. The whole let the man sleep only works with the first when you can take a nap when baby naps, after that, days at home are hard work! We never have chances to recover from lack of sleep either. I am the only to get up with ours on the night because I ebf so there's not much my husband can do anyway. And btw, your family picture on Facebook is adorable!
Luvymom exciting! Good to hear your 1cm! At least you know things are happening. Hopefully you won't make induction but you know bubs will be here soon. Are you ready to go?

Cangaroo any signs from you Hun? Is that the visit you get your red book from the health visitor? Or a different one?

Spiffy how rude of your mil! It's not her business how you look after your minis! She must realise how hard looking after kids can be when your not tired let alone exhausted! Go hubby for sticking up for you.

Ttc how you feeling today? Better I hope.

As for me not a lot us going on! Had a dream this morning I had a 10lb girl!!!! Eek! Washing all the bedding etc so I've not gotta do it over the weekend for corbans birthday. So hoping I'm at home when he wakes up Sunday! Wanna see his face :)

How exciting Luvymom! I hope you go into labour before your induction date.

M2C, I presume the HV will give me the red book. I got it after DDwas born last time so I'm not sure... No signs yet for me. The baby feels somewhat lower and I'm sometimes getting stronger and more frequent BH but that's it. I'm certain I have at least another week or two to wait.
I know baby is low as walking is really painful. Luckily this is corbans last day at playgroup today so not much walking over the weekend. I have my sweep Monday and midwife said induction 10-14 days late. The not knowing when is hard when you go over I think. Hopefully the sooner rather than the later for us all!

The health visitor has just been and gone. It was all a bit pointless! We talked about breastfeeding and co-sleeping, I did my well-informed, clearly fully aware of all the guidelines bit so she couldn't really say anything. She did tell me the official advice is not to bedshare but said I clearly know what I'm doing.

I've got loads done today. Feeling more organised!
Good for you! Always good getting bits done! I washed all the bedding.... Wahey!

All this prep work is so exciting! I agree the not knowing when you go overt is hard. I went over with 2 of mine. No. Fun.

Ds is still sick. Almost better but I'm still up most of the night with him. I'm so tired. And that makes me extra emotional. I really just want to cry today. My anxiety is up too because now I worry about baby movement as she was lazy yesterday and so far this morning. I know she is okay because she has had enough movement but I just want her here already! And then at the same time I really want a good sleep first. Ugh, these pregnancy hormones!
Happy 39 weeks ladies!!
Hope ds is better soon luvy!

I am thinking that baby will be here this week m2c :) xx
Strange to think today is my due date, seeing as Asher is 5 weeks old!

M2C, I hope you go into labor first thing, the day after Corban's birthday, so you're there to enjoy it with him. :flower:

Luvymom, I hope you beat your sister and SIL to it. :winkwink: And that's great that you're progressing this time! Maybe your labor won't be quite as long this time since you're body is already getting things started. I'm sorry your DS is still sick and you're not getting much sleep. :( I swear, sleep is the currency of moms. My whole day seems to depend on how much sleep I got the night before.

Cangaroo, you never know! You could go into labor tonight for all you know. But if not, that's great that you're getting some things done to feel more prepared for when it does happen.

Zephyr, I had a dream last night that I had twin newborns, and their names were Max and Aria (gee, I wonder where I got those names? :winkwink:), except really, they were basically Asher and Annabelle, because the boy was smaller and wasn't smiling yet, while the girl was bigger and smiling, and sleeping better. :dohh:

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