Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

TTC, that still sounds like a lot of appointments, but I guess if you do start developing Pre-E again, they'll be sure to catch it a lot quicker with all the monitoring! I sure how you don't, though. :hugs:

M2C, I'm glad you had a good cry and are feeling a little better now. Hopefully labor starts soon and then all this worry will end, and you can enjoy snuggles with your LO. :flower:

Zephyr, that's great news! :D Hopefully the EPO will help with the pain. I also have a "bad boob", though not as bad as yours, and it has some pain, too, during and after breastfeeding. I'll have to try the EPO next time around. :flower:

Cangaroo, I'm so sorry you're sick. :( I really hope it passes quickly so you can be in good health when your little one arrives!
Hey girls how is everyone? Sorry I havent had time to properly catch up. Things have been crazy around here the last few days :( my c section scar has been terrible and getting to the computer has been quite challenging. My tablet is horrible for typing and trying to go back pages.

Hope all you prego ladies are doing good, I was hoping to see some new birth announcements here today when I got back on ;) soon I would imagine.

Hope all the little babies are doing great as well! And everyone is getting lots of sleep :)
Samantha kind of lept through the night last night, her first night home, but it was on me all night. Every time I tried to put her in her bassinet next to the bed she would wake up. As much as I love the cuddles I get really nervous about sleeping with LO.
Does anyone have any issues with LO sleeping in bed?
Jess, we sort of have the same issue. Sometimes Asher will sleep in his crib, but he usually wakes up soon after we lay him down. He'll happily sleep in our arms or on our lap, but with two other young kids, that's just not very practical. He definitely sleeps the best in the swing. We have one that reclines back fully, so I feel like it's safe for him to sleep in, but eventually it will be nice to have him sleeping in his crib.
I have a swing but I have yet to use it lol although I have only been back home 2 days.
She sleeps in my arms basically. Ill nurse her and we both end up falling asleep. She will use my boob as a pillow lol
I have a boopy pillow that I use, along with other pillows to keep me propped up. DH doesnt like the fact that I sleep like that with her, and neither do it. I am scared that something will happen, even though I know I wont roll over or anything. I will wake up with a terribly sore neck though :(
I am going to try my best to put her back in her bassinet tonight....we'll see how that goes :)
Zephyr, glad the appointment went well!

Jess- sorry ypur scar has been uncomfortable. DD would never sleep in her Moses basket. We embraced co-sleeping very early on out of necessity and I plan to co-sleep with DD2. If you make sure pillows and duvets are kept well away, keep baby between you and the edge if the bed (using a bedrail), the baby is breastfed, and you don't drink any alcohol before co-sleeping the risks are minimal. Co-sleeping can absolutely be done safely.

DD woke up and took ages to resettle. I can't get back to sleep as I feel so rubbish. :(
Zephyr I'm glad all is well.

Jess I've co slept with both of mine and will do with this one. Like cangaroo said aslong as it's done right it's safe. I'm sure if it's to much of a worry you'll soon be able to get her into her bed.... She just wants mummy snuggles!

Cangaroo sorry your poorly!

How is everyone today?

I felt awful thus morning, but felt better when our and about with DD. Feeling rubbish again now, so think I'll have an early night!
Cangaroo sorry your feeling rubbish again. Make sure you get an early one! Rest up.

So I had my midwife today. She took bloods again so the hospital will have acess to my latest levels so hopefully all is ok for midwife unit and maybe a waterbirth if I want one. Baby is roa and 3/5 engaged. Got a sweep booked for Monday if no baby by then. She said to make sure as soon as I think things are kicking off to call the hospital and if I'm at home when I feel pressure in my bum then to just call the midwives out and not attempt to try to make the hospital. Come on baby!!!!

Hope everyone else is doing ok?

Nothing new here. I felt so good yesterday I will probably be preggo forever. But ds is still sick. Up all night coughing. And still coughing lots today. Luckily his breathing has been okay but I think all this coughing has given him a sore throat. Poor little thing.
So exciting M2C! If your levels are up, would you reconsider home birth? Were you hoping for a sweep today? It's good you have one booked, though hopefully you won't need it! I had a sweep last time and went into labour within 48 hours (though DD didn't show up for another 3 days after that, of course...).

I have a plan! My first sweep is next Wednesday at 39+6/40. I'm going to go into labour that night, labour at home until the morning, drop DD off at her regular childminder session on our way to the hospital, have a baby and be out in time to collect DD1 on our way home from hospital! :rofl: Of course, there is almost no chance it'll go like that, but it would be very convenient! I'm still worried about DD overnight if I end up in hospital in labour at night... Even if I'm in a night postnatally, it wouldn't be too bad as OH could be with her. She's never spent a night away from me, and has only fallen asleep for the night with him a handful of times and never with anyone else...
Luvymom your poor little guy!

Cangaroo I kinda hope she would suggest a sweep but said she can't until term +1. My drs only have the midwives in on a Monday and Tuesday hence my sweep booked next Monday. She said after that they would come to me then book induction. I had two sweeps with indigo and I went into labour the evening of the second sweep. I'm hoping to go before then but I feel like I may end up taking my 41 week bump picture!

I like the sound of your plan! Sounds good..... Hope it works out like that! My plan with indigo actually fell into place. It was the Friday of a bank holiday weekend and input Corban to bed like usual..... Few hours later labour kicked off. Had her and four hours later got sent home..... So Corban had just had breakfast with nanny! Chris got an extra day off at work because of the bank holiday!

I'm excited for you ladies! I keep thinking there's more baby news every time I sign in :p

we have the same sleeping issue she goes down in her hammock during the day but she does wake not long after. She will go back to sleep if I stand there and rock it and let it sway a bit but once it stops moving any loud noise wakes her sooo I've been letting her sleep on me which I bet isn't helping lol
She sleeps in her carrier for a few hours on me also and I co sleep at night.

She actually let's me know when it's bedtime as she gets grizzly and won't stop until I lay down in bed with her then she will go to sleep.

The last two days I've been potty training the twins. I must be crazy but 3 nappy changes, sometimes one after the other is doing my head in. So far so good!
Zephyr potty training twins must be pretty full on! I'm sure they will be fine! I can only image 3 nappy changes to be pretty constant! Hehe!

Hopefully one of us will have baby news for you all soon!

Ugh, I should take a picture of the diapers we go through in one day. Its sick. Unfortunately, I think I'll be changing three in diapers for a while longer because my DD still wants nothing to do with potty training. I'll explain it to her, and she'll be very rational and agree with me, but the second I ask her if she wants to try it, she yells, "No!" :dohh:

M2C, Cangaroo, and Luvymom, I hope at least one of you has a baby soon! Like Zephyr, I keep hoping to get on here and see some baby news. :winkwink:
Corban took a little persuasion when it came to potty training! I may have used a few sweet bribes along the way!

I'm hoping to give you ladies some news soon! I've no signs apart from baby being low! Next few days would be good..... Don't want Saturday night as I want to be home for corbans birthday!

Oh M2C I hope you don't go too far over!

Zephyr and Spiffy, I can't imagine 3 in diapers. I've had 2 at once before and this will be again. But I really like it when it's just one. Zephyr, you are one brave woman to potty train during recovery time.
I feel pretty good now. Back to normal really.
It's just my pelvis that hurts still.

Twins did wonderful no accidents and both weed a few times each. We did half a day with no nappies.
They are both very ready! So im going to keep at it.

Spiffy aww hopefully she is ready soon mine weren't interested for ages and just wanted to play with toilet paper. It is definitely a lot of nappies having 3 in them at the same time though.

m2c hopefully you have baby after Corbans birthday so you can be home for that :)

We had our plunket visit today and Annabelle is in the 98th percentile for weight, height and head circumference.
She has gained 1.2 kgs since birth.
She is a big girl.
We were lucky with DD. We'd been talking about using the potty etc for months, then one weekend her nappy was dry every time we took her to change her. We took her out of nappies the next day and she was dry from then on. That was last September, so 2 yrs 4 months ish. Nights are another matter, though. I can't get her dry at night. Initially, she was dry about 5 nights out of 7, but she's now wet most nights. We used pull ups as I thought it woukd be only temporary, but I got fed up of buying them so she's back in cloth.

Zephyr, potty training twins with a newborn at home is brave! Well done! Glad they're doing well. I can't even imagine 3 in nappies. Hats off to you and Spiffy!

DD woke up early this morning. Early for her is 7:10, so I shouldn't complain, but I was relying on more of a lie in!
Cangaroo Corban was about the same age but still has nappies on a night. His usually clean but we still use nappies until we have a spell of dry nappies in a row.

Zephyr so pleased to hear annabelles is doing so well.

Due date for me! Hoping this baby comes soon! My lady bits feel so bruised especially at night..... Every time I move my bits feel sooooooo sore!


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