Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Well, based on my description of the pain, my doctor actually thinks it's more likely that baby is in a position that's causing he ache in my lower back, since the pain isn't time-able in any way. So they don't want me to come in today after all. Oh well. She's probably right, especially because it actually doesn't feel too bad anymore.

Well, I went ahead and took my 26 week bump pic, even though I'm not 26 weeks until tomorrow. My bump actually looks a little lower today, so maybe baby really is just low down right now.


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Spiffy you look fab! Hopefully it is just the way bubs is laying. I think it's always best to be safe with these things!

Glad you are feeling a bit better spiffy! Sometimes I think the stress and worry makes it a lot worse!
It's amazing how they can get themselves into these weird positions, I think mine is transverse at the moment as I'm getting kicks out to the sides and it's uncomfortable to sit up straight. I have a 50/50 chance of a breech baby with my bicornuate so I'm going to have to pay more attention to his position this time. But I will all to te specialist about that tomorrow. They can't turn the baby if you have a bi as there's too much risk of rupture. I'd like to avoid a c-section if poss.
Spiffy last week I was relaxed and got up quite fast and almost right away it was agony. I could barely walk but ignored it for about 2 or 3 minutes. In the end I said to hubby nup somethings wrong I need to go sit down and as soon as I sat I felt the baby jerk quickly and move around a bit and the pain instantly went away so those babies definitely can cause some pain :p if baby hadn't of moved I would of panicked.

Ttc I don't think I will go early.
The earliest I've gone is laboring on my due date and delivered the next day.
I'm hoping I go over, but I'm hoping it's an average sized baby if I do :haha:

Is funny how you don't think about things like how the pool stays warm huh. I guess I will have to have a long think about it. I do want a water birth but I don't think we could keep it comfortably warm.

Was probably a bit early, I wanted to wait till about 37 weeks but I washed all the babies stuff yesterday and picked out the first outfit. I'll just wash them all again if it's needed :p it was pretty cute going through everything. Turns out I accumulated more nb sized stuff than I thought.
Veronica hope your appointment goes ok. Let us know how it goes.

Zephyr I like the idea of a water birth but the thought of being in warm water and not hot water is a bit rubbish! I like a lovely hot bath! Hehe! Maybe at hospital I'd have one but I'm not gonna bother with a pool if I have a home birth. I was all the mini clothes the other day as I couldn't help myself!

Spiffy how's things today?

Veronicaco, I hope your appointment goes well!

I'm doing fine. I've noticed that the contractions have ramped up a little, but still not to an alarming level. Yesterday afternoon they were coming every 6 minutes for a while, but then they faded away. And some of them have been quite strong. My OB said to call if I have more than 6/hr and they don't go away after drinking 32 oz of water, but honestly, after my previous experience with DS, I'm not going to call unless they're every 2-3 minutes and feel particularly strong.
Thanks guys! It did go well :) the specialist was lovely. She explained that as I've carried a full term baby there's no reason to think that I couldn't carry another and that it doesn't matter which side of my uterus he is on! Which is great news for me. He's head down at the moment which dd never was at all until 37 weeks so I'm hoping this bodes well for my vaginal birth :). I'm measuring spot on at 26cm. She's also booked me for a growth and presentation scan at 34 weeks so that's something to look forward to :) unless I have urgent problems I won't see her again til 38 weeks. The only problem is that my urine sample displayed 3+ leukocytes so they are sending my sample away for further testing. This is new to me ....I guess I may have a bladder infection :/ but that's not a disaster and I'm going to drink a lot more water just in case :)
Spiffy - how are you doing? Xxx
Thanks, Veronicaco, I'm doing well. Back to normal, minus the increase in contractions. But like I keep saying, I know it will get worse later, so I'm still not complaining. :flower:

I'm glad your appointment went so well! As for the leukocytes, I've had that and it ended up being a UTI. A week of antibiotics cleared it up just fine. In fact, I'm kind of surprised that I haven't had one yet this pregnancy, since I had one in both of my others.

So funny moment. I weighed myself last night and was apparently 7lbs lighter than I was a few days before! I got all confused and excited at the same time, but when I weighed myself today I was back to normal. So it was a fluke reading. Stupid scale. :haha:
Spiffy, sorry you have to deal with those pesky contractions. And boy you are a brave woman to weigh yourself!!! I only allow it at the appt and even then I hate it. Oh, and funny thing, my next appointment is on the 20th too! Seriously would be so funny if we run into each one of these times.

Yay for all of us getting closer to the 3rd tri! And congrats to those already there! and too all the others in the first and second trimesters! So many fun times. :)

I've been reading from my phone but not posting because posting from my phone sucks. So, sorry for not chiming in on everyone's goings on.

As for me, I've been sooooo exhausted. Saturday was the worst, I could barely get myself to get up to walk around. I'm thinking maybe low in iron, so I realized I wasn't drinking my usual awesome healthy drink (we'd only been juicing). I added that drink back in to my day and boom, I have some energy back. Not great energy, still have the preggo fatigue, but at least I can function and do things again. I mentioned my tiredness to my husband last night and he sarcastically said, "I wish I knew how you felt". Meaning he's tired and fatigued too! (given he has been sick) but I really wanted to slug him! this kind of fatigue/exhaustion of growing a BABY is completely different! OR maybe that's just my hormonal pregnant way of thinking. Either way, some days I wish men really knew of all that we go through.

Speaking of, have any of you seen that video of 2 men from (I can't remember what country) who did a labor simulation? There are 2 different videos out there and one is way better than the other but if you haven't seen it, I'll try to find the link to share. It is hilarious!!
Luvymom, it would be so funny if we ran into each other! Problem is, you'd have to approach me, because I've never seen what you look like! :haha: My appointment is at 2:50pm and I'm doing the glucose tolerance test this time so I'll be there for a while.

I know what you mean about men. They have a way of saying things sometimes that make you see red for a moment. Whenever my DH mentions not getting enough sleep, I happily remind him that he isn't waking up with a 13 month old all night long, and that usually shuts him up. :haha: I think I have seen the video you're talking about and it is funny. My DH doesn't find it so amusing though. :winkwink:
Spiffy- Sorry the contractions have been bothering you again! Hope they settle again soon.

DD napped yesterday for the first time in ages as she wasn't well. She woke up bright as a button and was wide awake until very late. I was exhausted and had a headache and just wanted to sleep! Well, it proves we were definitely right to let her drop her naps! She was exhausted tonight as I was late home from work so she went straight to sleep. Phew!
Cangaroo, my DD doesn't nap anymore either (well, she might fall asleep once in a blue moon) but because she's still so young, we still make her take a "nap" which is basically just time in her room where she plays with her stuffed animals and who knows what else. The funny thing is, on days where she doesn't get her quiet time, she's more fussy, just as if she'd missed an actual nap! So I guess she just needs that time to wind down. But hey, I'm not complaining. :winkwink:
DD still needs quiet time too, but this is usually some time watching tv or having stories.
Okay, so you're all around the same gestation as me. Have any of you had days where you didn't feel your baby moving very much? Normally my little guy is kicking up a storm throughout the day, but yesterday I had to actually stop and think about whether I'd actually felt him all day, and it was the same last night, and this morning. So to clarify, I am feeling tiny subtle movements occasionally (like he's just shifting in his sleep), but it's definitely a lot less than normal. The thing is, I really don't want to call and have to talk to that same nurse again if I don't have to! :dohh:
Can you do a kick count spiffy? Drink some really cold juice or even a soda then lay on your left side. Baby should kick or move 10 times in an hour.

Don't hesitate to call your ob. Even though the nurse is rude, it's still her job to answer your questions. You're not calling for something stupid! You have a real concern. If there's one thing i learned from my first pregnancy it's don't hesitate to call. Insist on going in if the answer over thephone is not satisfactory. You're baby's advocate!

Reduced movements is the first sign of fetal distress. If you notice a difference in yourbaby's pattern, call. What's the worst that can happen? If it were me I'd call today since its almost the weekend.

Sorry I'm just so passionate about women not feeling they can't call their doctor because of a rude nurse or rude staff etc. My dr made me feel so stupid several times last pregnancy and guess what? I was right!!! So please call if you need to :hugs:
Thanks, TTC. I've actually felt him moving a bit more since I posted that, but the movements feel weird, not like kicks, but more like a giant gas bubble forming in my stomach, and then going away, so I think maybe he's facing away and I'm just feeling his back pushing against me.

If I'm not satisfied with the amount of movement by this afternoon, though, I'll call before the OB's office closes.
Spiffy - I've been feeling similar recently. I am finding that as he gets I to funny positions his movements change a lot more. I didn't feel him for a while this morning and then I ate and had a lie down and he had a good wriggle. I guess there's just a bit less space in there so movements change a bit. But I agree if you have genuine concerns f@ck that rude nurse (pardon my language) and call for advice. You know your body and baby best. X
I had an evening this week when I felt loads fewer movements, and the ones I did feel were smaller. I went to bed a little concerned, but things were back to normal the next morning. I think she'd just turned so was kicking inwards for a while. If it had gone on the next day I'd have probably gone to get checked out.
Well, it's nice to know that it seems pretty normal for babies at this stage to give us a little fright! As for me, I've been feeling those same broad movements throughout the day, so I'm definitely not worried anymore, since it's obvious that he's just flipped around and is kicking inwards right now. :flower:
Glad everything is ok spiffy :)

Speaking of not feeling baby i haven't felt mine really at all for a couple of days. I think it's a mixture of my uterus moving up and being so constipated!!!! I'm thinking when baby was more squished down low i felt a lot more. Now my uterus moved up, i feel way less. I do remember the same thing going on with my son so not too worried. Still very nauseous (though no longer all day), boobs actually started hurting now, and no bad symptoms like spotting or cramps...

Oh! I was getting ready to call my ob this morning to see if there's anything i could take for constipation. Umm right in the packet of papers from my first visit was a paper saying milk of magnesia and colace are fine to have! What an idiot i am! Suffering for no reason because i don't read my!!!!

How's everyone else feeling?

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