Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Aww spiffy! Terrible your dh now can't go :( I hope it goes great today!

Oh and i think they checked my cervix so much because my former ob is an idiot :) He was about everything! This time i don't want to be as worried with it if it happens again and i think my current ob is 100% more competent. Although I've only had a few contractions here and there...hoping it won't get bad this time!
Spiffy, I'm sorry your DH isn't going to make it! That really stinks! Hopefully you will be so excited to see the baby, you won't be too upset that he isn't there.

M2C, nice work getting a jump start on Christmas! I have tried to do the same. I got 2 presents in the mail for my DD and I knew she was just going to love one of them, so I gave it to her yesterday. :haha: I was right! She loved it! I'm clearly not really good at buying ahead and saving. :nope:

I had 9 ultrasounds with my DD...2 of those I paid for privately (gender at 15 weeks and 4D). With this baby I have had only had 6, and will probably have just 1 more to check size in a few weeks.

I'm jealous of you guys with cute popped belly buttons. Mine is just flat. Not an innie or an outie... I am way to huge so it's just flat. :rofl: At least it is all baby belly, and I am not huge elsewhere. I've actually lost 5 lbs this past month thanks to the horribly boring GD diet. I am fortunate that my numbers seem to be controlled well by diet, so no meds for me in the near future, knock on wood! But oh how I miss OJ!! My Dr is a little concerned about my weight loss, and has instructed me to stop eating low/non fat foods and to increase my calories. It's hard though, because I know that eatting a non-fat, plain greek yogurt and 4 strawberries for breakfast will give me a blood sugar level in the 90's, so I just can't make myself deviate from that, because what if makes my sugar spike? Then I'll be mad at myself. At least I only have 5 more weeks of this...or less!!! :happydance:

Happy Hump Day!!
VJean, do you tend to go a little early, or do you have a scheduled C-section/induction? (I'm sure you've probably said before but I've forgotten). I'm sorry you have to deal with the boring GD diet! That would drive me nuts! I've been on a bit of a sugar kick lately :blush: which is odd for me, because I don't really have a sweet tooth outside of pregnancy.

And yes, I'll be happy to see baby today even if my DH can't be there. Plus, it WILL be kind of nice to have the peace and quiet without crying babies in the room with me. ;)
Spiffy, I hear ya on the crying babies! My DD was fussy during our 4D scan and it really took away from the moment. I should have sent her to daycare instead of dragging her with us, but I don't like her in daycare unless I am working.

I will be induced at 39 weeks due to my DD's size (10lbs, 3oz) and her having shoulder dystocia during delivery. I didn't even have GD with her pregnancy (at least not diagnosed, but now I wonder). So with GD, I would not be surprised if this baby is up there in size as well. I'll get a weight estimate on the baby in a few weeks, but I know those things can't be trusted.

I'm not a very big person, so the risk of shoulder dystocia again is higher. They offered me a c-section, but the way I see it is if I was able to deliver my DD, I should be able to deliver this baby as well. Especially if my GD stays managed.

It's funny - I have had really bad food adversions this whole pregnancy, and one of those adversions was to sweet things! So that has been the easiest thing to go with out. I just really miss fruit! Oh, and regular soda. Diet soda tastes like crap. =)

Only a few more hours until your scan!
Wow, 10lbs 3oz??? :shock: Well, I can certainly see why you're getting induced this time! Hopefully everything goes smoothly this time around. I've never had shoulder dystocia (my babies are shrimps :dohh:) but I've heard that it's absolutely terrifying.

As for weight estimates, I think they can be way off, but I also think the margin of error can be greater or smaller depending on the tech doing the ultrasound and how thorough they are with their measurements. At my growth scan with DS, the tech said that she had triple checked her measurements, and based on what he weighed when he was born, the estimate was actually pretty accurate. So I'm excited to see what this one weighs at the same gestation, because then I'll at least have a guess about his size at birth.

Plus, DS was estimated at 5lbs at his 32 week scan, and it made me feel so much better knowing that he might come early, since he was already a good weight. (Only 7oz less than my DD weighed at 38+4!)
Spiffy good luck with your scan! Sad that your hubby can't be there though.

The scan place i went to has a seperate kids room with toys and a couch and they link your scan through to a TV in there so your family can watch but not interrupt.
I thought it was a wonderful idea, all places should do it.

vjean I don't have a popped belly button this time either! I'm not sure why.

M2c I organised waaaaay in advance and then sorta fell behind with it.
I was picking up xmas Club vouchers when I went shopping each week earlier on but then kept forgetting. I got $50 worth so that's better than nothing I suppose.
I also started a layby a few months ago for the younger 3 xmas presents and my son's birthday presents. Final payment next week so I'm picking that up on Monday.
Just need to sort the older two girls xmas presents and the oldests and hubbys birthdays which are both in December O_O
every year I say I'll be organised and this year I was definitely more organised than previous years lol
maybe I'll do better next year.

The baby isn't allowed to come anytime soon, I'm so sick :( I have a terrible cough and I can't cough properly unless I'm laying down cos it hurts down below when I'm standing.
Baby has definitely got its head in the right place now! So I guess those inversions helped.
I've had clusters of strong bhs, strong enough for me to whip out a timer but then they fizzle out.
Wonder how long this will go on for?
Zephyr, I'm sorry you're feeling so sick. :( I remember with DS, I had a cold a month before he was born and the stupid cough didn't go away until he was born. Coughing when you're that pregnant just sucks. :nope: However, I'm glad baby has finally got their head in the right place! I may have to do some of those inversions, myself. ;)

As for Christmas shopping, I haven't even thought about it yet! Thankfully Alia and Liam are still really young, so they don't have a wish list yet. I think for me, the hardest part of Christmas shopping is figuring out what to get my 3 brothers and DH's brother. All four of them are single and spend a lot of time playing video games in their spare time, but we don't want to encourage that by buying them more, so what do you get teenage/young adult guys for Christmas?
I would probably just get something edible for boys lol
I struggle buying for teens. I dont even know what to get my teenage daughter for both xmas and her birthday eeek.
totally understand the not wanting to encourage the gaming.
My hubby is a gamer and used to play all the time, it was really quite sad. Thankfully he only has a gaming morning one day a week now.
I startedy Christmas shopping really early for the same reason and am pretty much done already! Just a few presents for adult family members to sort. The problem now is stopping rather than keep buying things when I see them!

Looking forward to hearing about the scan, Spiffy. Sorry your OH can't be there. That's so annoying!

Hope you feel better soon, Zephyr.
Scan went great, except he had his hand and feet shoved up by his face, so no cute pictures and no 3D face shot. :( But he's measuring a 1-2 weeks ahead and weighs 5lbs (exactly what Liam weighed at this point, so that's good). They measured my cervix and it was 3.2, which is a great length. However, my OB checked my cervix and I'm a fingertip dilated, which isn't bad, but more than last time, when I was closed up tight. But overall, everything's looking good! :flower:
Glad it went well spiffy :) It's ok to be dilated a little bit early with subsequent babies right? What did your ob say? Do you have to be super careful with contractions?

Too bad no pictures :( Did you ask them to confirm boy?

Aww so glad you're doing good Hon :)
Spiffy what a cheeky little monkey! Seems like he was doing great. Yay for that! Like ttc said did they confirm his a boy? Happy 32 weeks.

Few more Christmas presents purchased last night! Hehe!

Yep, in fact, they gave me a picture of his goods, so he's definitely a HE. :haha:

TTC, yeah, I'm not too worried with the dilation, especially because I figured it might start happening around now anyway, considering that I was 2 and 1/2 cm dilated at 35+6 last time around, so to be a fingertip 4 weeks earlier kind of makes sense. Based on all this, I'm expecting to be 1-1.5cm dilated at my 34 week appointment. We'll see.

My OB wasn't too concerned either. As for the contractions, she just said to watch for any signs that they were changing or getting more painful. In fact, when I told her about the ones I was having last Thursday, she said, "Well, looks like we'll be doing a fetal fibronectin today!" However, DH and I had DTD the night before :blush: which would have made the test come up positive regardless.
Spiffy that made me giggle! A boy for sure then! Hehe! It's crazy it really could be soon for you!

Zephyr any signs?

Lol!!!! Glad they confirmed :)

So they couldn't do the test? The rules for ffn are so crazy! I had them every week from 25 to 33 it was crazy! But considering after 32-34 weeks they're not as accurate I'd say you'll be fine :) i do hope your baby stays in and doesn't come early. Nicu isn't fun and i don't know how the moms with older kids at home did it. :(
I still feel like he'll come a little early, but I don't think (or at least I hope) that he won't need any NICU time. On the ultrasound, the tech said he was practice breathing very well, and the fact that he's already 5lbs right now, gives me hope. :flower:
You all are going to be long gone with your adorable little babies before I even find out what im having lol Cant wait to see all the adorable little pictures
Mo2P, don't worry, I think I'll be hanging around in this thread long after baby comes for the support! :winkwink:

Okay, question ladies, do any of you know if a "fingertip" dilated means 1cm or .5 cm? I've only ever been checked at 36 weeks before, and by then I was at least 2cm, so I realized that I actually don't know what a "fingertip" means. :haha:
I thought it was less than 1cm. I was a fingertip at 33 weeks then my ob said 1cm at 34...
Okay, that's what I thought, too, but then I was curious and googled it and came up with both answers. :dohh:

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