Breastfeeding - Why will/won't you?


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2009
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Hi all!

I don't want to spark of a war here and I know this can be a touchy topic. But I was wondering what arguments everyone has for why they want to or don't want to breastfeed their LOs when they come. I'd like it if we could talk about it without attacking anyone for going one way or the other, I'm just interested in seeing what everyone's reasons for or against are.

I've always assumed that I will be breastfeeding as I know it has benefits for health and I think it would be a lovely bonding experience. That said, I don't know what I'd do if I found out I can't. :shrug: I don't think I'd want to stress me or LO out too much about it. But I'd definitely still feed breast milk.

I know there's people who consciously decide to not breastfeed though. I was just wondering what your reasons for that are?
I definitely will - in fact, when I'm feeling very broody, its that which I think about most.

I breast fed by DD - for three years! And it worked well for us. Here are the reasons why I'd choose it again, for me..

healthier for me and baby
more convenient (no mixing bottles in the middle of the night!)
less chance of infection / stomach upset through improperly sterilised equipment
less stuff to carry when I'm out and about
can do it in a sling, leaving both hands free to get on with other things, should I want to
made me feel powerful and successful and like I'd really achieved something
incredibly bonding with my daughter - she remembers being breastfed and still talks about it fondly
excuse to buy lots of new shirts after birth!
gets your figure back more quickly
reduces risk of ovarian and breast cancer
breast fed babies have higher IQs (apparently!)
milk adjusts to the growing baby's changing needs
can still express, if desired, in order to give partner a chance to do night feeds
pleasanter nappy changes
incentive for me to continue living healthily and looking after myself
means I have the excuse to sit on my arse and have OH wait on me hand and foot a lot over the first few weeks!

For me, it was the right decision and I'd do it again in a heart beat. Some women can't or don't want to, and I completely respect that right. I'm just too lazy, at heart, to deal with all the palaver of making up bottles, I think!!

I will be breast feeding, for me thats just how you feed a baby.

Then there is all the added health benifits for me and for baby, fly has said them above to i wont repeat and its cheeper.

Its also something that only i can do so if every one is hoggin baby i know i can say, pass baby back, they are hungry and no one can argue.
can do it in a sling, leaving both hands free to get on with other things, should I want to

Really? Didn't know that! I always assumed baby will need a lot of support, i.e. both arms..
can do it in a sling, leaving both hands free to get on with other things, should I want to

Really? Didn't know that! I always assumed baby will need a lot of support, i.e. both arms..

I used an ellaroo wrap - and as long as I was wearing something unbuttonable and I could shove the boob in her direction, she was away. It was also fairly discreet, as I could move the top of the wrap over her face so she could concentrate and no-one knew what was going on... I did it this way around the supermarket pushing the trolley from when she was three days old (I was lucky though - she was a very easy-to-feed baby.)
I intend to if I can and can express milk easily for the first few months. Reasons as Fly stated. If I find it hard to express milk I may need to think again as I;d love OH to be part of the feeding routine too as it is essential bonding time.
I intend to if I can and can express milk easily for the first few months. Reasons as Fly stated. If I find it hard to express milk I may need to think again as I;d love OH to be part of the feeding routine too as it is essential bonding time.

I did find expressing very hard. It was painful for me, and I never got enough out to make it worth while. I think I'll try again next time, because I want to be able to work after six months or so without loosing my supply. But if it isn't possible for me again, I'll rethink that.
I'll be *hopefully* BFing my next baby for a year. I BFed Niamh for 6 months and we went through so many struggles but it was so worth it. Really amazing. I'm confident now I've got through that, that I can BF my next baby with more confidence :)
All this talk about breastfeeding is making me horribly broody again...
I'm SO getting one of them lol. And Lozzy21 I'm going to do that too when people hog the baby XD Yes I'm selfish, no I don't care!
I'm going to be breastfeeding, though I don't disagree with bottle feeding either. I'll be expressing milk so OH can do his share of feeds (he's not getting away that easy!)
I deffo will BF - i had to stop feeding my son after 6 weeks due to me contracting MRSA !! and it was not worth the risk of passing to my wee man !

But is sooo good for baby and mummy !!

Its the most amazing thing in the world!
I'll definitely breastfeed my next baby. He is the main reason I'm not TTC at the moment - I'm waiting till he self-weans from breastfeeding before I try. Some ladies lose thier milk in pregnancy and I don't want to stop BF'ing before he wants to stop.
I've heard that. I've also heard that it is harder to get preg while breastfeeding because it surpresses ovulation, and that being pregnant makes the breast-milk taste different so the baby might not want it anymore :cry:

How old is your lo now?
I shall be breastfeeding (I am being positive and don't want to say, I am trying, as I am 100% sure it's what I want to do so feel the PMA will help!). The reasons are that breast is best and also cheaper! I shall be expressing a bottle for hubby though as it's something he really wants to do so shall do that probably for the feed before bed.

I however, have no problem with how anyone wants to feed their baby. The main thing is that they are being fed. It's just that this is what I want to do for me and my baby and have always wanted to do :D

I am quite shy though and I think I will find it hard to breastfeed in public, so will probably get cover ups for then x
I've heard that. I've also heard that it is harder to get preg while breastfeeding because it surpresses ovulation, and that being pregnant makes the breast-milk taste different so the baby might not want it anymore :cry:

How old is your lo now?

He is 5 months now. I'll probably feed till he is 18 months, so I'm in for a big wait! I've not had any periods yet either. 100% breastfeeding is quite a good contraceptive.

We had quite a few problems with breastfeeding, but we got through them, and breastfeeding is even more important to me because of the issues we had.
I have tried to breastfeed both girls. With Morgan she had evil reflux and her latch wasn't right at all. So i would feed her in agony then she'd puke it back up and be starving again. On top of that we were living in a hotel where the windows didn't open and it was the hottest heatwave in london at the same time.
With Amelie i was going great! It was amazing and the latch was perfect and my flow was so powerful she'd have everything she needed in 7-9 minutes each feed but we both got a really bad chest infection and the antibiotics dried up my milk. I tried to get it going again but nothing worked.:cry:

I can honestly say i tried my hardest both times and will again. I don't understand mummys that refuse the little one their colostrum as it's liquid gold and only lasts 2-5 days. I think after the colostrum it's deffo what makes mummy happy will help baby too.
Definately breast feeding for me - I bf my last three babies and it is one of the most wonderful bonding times I have ever had with my babies, and I cannot wait to do it again. The thought of getting up in the night, to warm milk and cleaning and sterilising bottles all day isn't for me lol -anything for an easy life.

I do have friends who either didn't want to bf ( grossed her out -just the thought lol -don't know why?) and also who really wanted to bf, but couldn't and both their LO's turned out just fine and are healthy and happy.

I have tried to breastfeed both girls. With Morgan she had evil reflux and her latch wasn't right at all. So i would feed her in agony then she'd puke it back up and be starving again. On top of that we were living in a hotel where the windows didn't open and it was the hottest heatwave in london at the same time.
With Amelie i was going great! It was amazing and the latch was perfect and my flow was so powerful she'd have everything she needed in 7-9 minutes each feed but we both got a really bad chest infection and the antibiotics dried up my milk. I tried to get it going again but nothing worked.:cry:

I can honestly say i tried my hardest both times and will again. I don't understand mummys that refuse the little one their colostrum as it's liquid gold and only lasts 2-5 days. I think after the colostrum it's deffo what makes mummy happy will help baby too.

Aw - what a shame. I'm so sorry it worked out that way for you. I think we're so lucky to have bottles and forumula etc now, so that women have the option and babies who aren't able to learn the latch can still get good nutrition.
can do it in a sling, leaving both hands free to get on with other things, should I want to

Really? Didn't know that! I always assumed baby will need a lot of support, i.e. both arms..

THere are tonnes of baby carriers now designed to promote breast feeding, I have very large breasts and thought i would struggle but once i got the hangof it, it was brilliant. I have a sling with a hood so when i was walking around nursing i put the little hood up and you would never have known walked round the supermarket getting groceries like this when he was about 5 months old.
I've heard that. I've also heard that it is harder to get preg while breastfeeding because it surpresses ovulation, and that being pregnant makes the breast-milk taste different so the baby might not want it anymore :cry:

How old is your lo now?

He is 5 months now. I'll probably feed till he is 18 months, so I'm in for a big wait! I've not had any periods yet either. 100% breastfeeding is quite a good contraceptive.

We had quite a few problems with breastfeeding, but we got through them, and breastfeeding is even more important to me because of the issues we had.

You will be surprised at how quickly it will pass. As of tomorrow we will have been BFing for 16 months. It just flies.

Of course I will be BFing my next one. I have enjoyed nursing BRenn so much, I can't imagine not doing it again and again!

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