Bright New Month, Bright New Cycle! Everyone's Welcome! :)

Hey everyone,
It is cycle day 2 for me today of cycle 14. I saw my husband for the first time in 4 and a half weeks yesterday which was super exciting - but it did mean that we literally did not see eachother for the whole of cycle 13!! CRAZY. I am looking forward to this cycle - hoping that the 5 weeks away from work with lots of good food and rest will really do the trick. I lost a bit of weight at the end of last month so I am trying to put that back on at the moment and get back into my healthy weight range so my target is lots of healthy food and another 2-4kgs by the end of December! My husband says he is happy to extra in support of my cause... such a kind soul :)
I am sorry to hear that AF has caught up with some of you. It has actually been kind of good to have a month off from TTC - just to relax and not be worrying and testing and journally everyday. Hopefully we can head into cycle 14 with some renewed energy. Also hoping that the testing goes well in the next couple of weeks so keeping my fingers crossed for that too.
Best of luck to you all x

good luck hun and enjoy ur time together :) :flower:
Hey everyone!! Doopers - sorry that AF got you, guess it means you can have a christmas drink or two.

Summer - awesome news that OH is around in time this month, i really want things to work out for you.

Jchic - I was crampy right up to my BFP and for weeks afterwards... you just never know :)

Nothing new here, just working away, sleeping and counting the days till I tell my family. I tell my dad on sat, and my mum next wed. I cant wait, its the hardest thing keeping it from them.

yes hun i will be having a few drinks im just gonna let December fly by without worrying to much about anything and if that dont work im off to my doctors. not long till you tell your parents hun they gonna be soooo happy :)
hello Ladies

sorry it has been so long - ive been so preoccupied lately. Im so with you Prepping on the time out thing - not that were not trying anymore - just that im taking a more laid back approach of Not trying not preventing.

I lost my job last week and Ive been feeling a little worthless....

This is why I have this gut feeling I wont conceive so easily! Im not one of these happy go lucky people in which everything just "falls perfectly into place" my dad actually says I'm one of the most unlikiest people he knows. And when i say "unlucky" I mean in terms of my professional career etc - I never seem to catch a break which is why I always get paranoid and think the whole TTC is going to follow the same path of doom!

anyway sorry to bum you guys out!

How is everyone? waiting how are you feeling?
Hey All,

Wanted to stop in and Say HIIIII! Hope you all are well. Really busy with holiday shopping, life, work, etc.

Winter - I am so sorry hun....what happened? Was it expected? Are you posting your resume? You will find something soon. My thoughts are with you!
Hey everyone!!

Winter! So sorry to hear about your job, thats horrible, not the best time of year to have that happen either. Hope you find something new easy as!!

How is everyone else doing?? Much happening?

I had my 12 week scan yesterday, and everything was great!!! will attach a couple of pics in case you are interested :)

1 week till xmas!! anyone in the TWW at the mo??


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Hi All!!!!
Been a while since popping in.... but life took a twist this morning!
This has been the first month of ntnp after being a couple days late last month. Really started to focus on other things in life and plans for a babe entering the picture were basically getting delayed by at least another year....

Life had another plan for us though!!!
I'm still in shock!!!!


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This is the best news I've had to wake up to in ages prep congrats you guys must be over the moon!!!!!!!! So excited for you
I still am having a hard time believing it! It was just very unexpected after 'trying' for 6 months with nothing and then intentionally not trying and having it happen. The powers that be really threw us a curveball!
I've been pretty queezy all day but I think that's mostly because of nerves. I'm very surprised/scared/happy/? ..... I'm not too sure how I feel tbh! LoL
Yup I remember that... All feelings in one day!!

I am over the moon for you!!
OMG!! prepping, that is soo fantastic!:hugs:

I can't believe it - how hard you "tried" and then bam - pregnant when you take a more relaxed approach! congrats!! H&H 9 months...

im curious...when you say you were putting your plans on hold - in what way, had you thought you needed to take a more relaxed method whilst still BD'ing aorund Ov time or were you consiously trying not to get preg so that you could enjoy the festive season etc?? Im mean obviously whatever you were doing you must have had sex just at the right time!! :winkwink:

I'm so happy for you - although a teeny bit jealous, not cos your pregnant but becuase I wanna be in the bump club with you and waiting also - along with all the other lovely ladies in this group! just goes to show I guess - life is what happens when your busy making other plans.

Well as for me, Me and th OH have also been NTNP the last couple of months. Im still making sure we do BD around the big O of course but Im just trying not to count cycle days, over analyse things too much! we haven't been doing it as much as usual either.

As for my job...I kinda had a feeling it was coming, basically i got let go as the role is not suited so much to my working style - they need someone who is very loud and overly confident and im more the "quiet confident and gets on with work type" I feel a bit unfairly treated tbh... I dont think they know what they want. anyway - I have a temp to perm job lined up for the new year and its actually in something that I want to be doing and related a lot more to my university degree. I still cant help but feel though that my seemingly constant run of bad luck will continue into the whole TTC thing. Ive started to feel a bit down about it if im honest - I dont know why but I have this weird feeling that it just wont happen for me - not easily anyway. I have no medical reason (that I know of) to think this I just do. :nope:

I hope I am wrong i really do - all I want is to be a mom, I cant imagine getting my BFP but ready stories like yours prepping makes me more hopeful! anyway - im on CD27 (i think) checked on my calendar today. Have had all sorts of "symptoms" but these are the same so called "symptoms" that I have had before and havent got a BFP. This will be cycle 6 of TTC.

hope everyone else is ok - it has got very quiet on here lately
wow prepping thats awsome im so happy for you :)

lovely pics waiting2c :)

wintergirl -- big hug sent to you :) everything will work out eventually

afm --- i have got the worst cold ever im hoping its a good sign but i doubt it im trying not to get to over excited about symptoms hence the reason i not been on here.
WOW! I missed a WHOLE LOT around here! Prep, I am SO SO happy for you!!! That is such great news! When its meant to be, its meant to be. You must be so happy :) Best wishes to you and your DH. You have so much to pray and be thankful for this Christmas!
Waiting - what a GREAT picture. WOOHOO!!! That little baby is growing big and fast!
Winter - Chin up! You have a new job lined up and life is good :) You will get your BFP too, I promise :)
AFM - I am CD13 and think I will be ovulating within the next day or two!
Wow Prepping - I am so, SO excited for you!!
Waiting - your baby pics are super cute - makes me hopeful to read your updates - particularly when others are getting their BFP in the meantime!
Winter - so sorry to hear about your job and your TTC blues. I can totally relate; in my family I am also the one every thinks has the worst luck and after 13 cycles of TTC I have days where I think that we will never have a baby - and maybe that is true, but I can't let that bring me down because there are so many things in my life to be thankful for. Its hard to stay positive and keep trying but groups like this make it easier.
AFM I got a VERY positive OPK yesterday. It was a relief because we had BD'd every second day until we had to travel home and then missed two days in a row and I was worried that I may have O'd while we were on the road so those two dark lines were a welcome sight! Hopefully we get that egg this month.
Anyway - baby dust to everyone and all the best for christmas!
thanks girls - it makes it easier talking you all of you! Im on CD29 today! I have an awful cold but I doubt its a symptom as I have lots of colds during winter. My boobs are a bit sore which is always a sign that AF is on her way!

Mcquade - I hope you caught that Eggy and get your BFP!

jchic - get ready for lots of xmas bd'ing

doopers - how you getting on in the 2ww

Im off home today for xmas! going to my parents 1st then going up north to spend xmas day with OH parents before going bk to my parents for boxing day

everyone have a fanstastic run up to xmas - prepping - if you are worried about people wondering why you are not drinking, a good thing to do if offer to make everyone cosmopolitans - except you leave the cointreau and vodka out of yours - it will look like you are still drinking, even though it will just be cranberry juice - lol! :) of course you can do this with any cocktail

waiting - bet you cant wait to announce your news to your family - what a lovely xmas pressie for them
thanks girls - it makes it easier talking you all of you! Im on CD29 today! I have an awful cold but I doubt its a symptom as I have lots of colds during winter. My boobs are a bit sore which is always a sign that AF is on her way!

Mcquade - I hope you caught that Eggy and get your BFP!

jchic - get ready for lots of xmas bd'ing

doopers - how you getting on in the 2ww

Im off home today for xmas! going to my parents 1st then going up north to spend xmas day with OH parents before going bk to my parents for boxing day

everyone have a fanstastic run up to xmas - prepping - if you are worried about people wondering why you are not drinking, a good thing to do if offer to make everyone cosmopolitans - except you leave the cointreau and vodka out of yours - it will look like you are still drinking, even though it will just be cranberry juice - lol! :) of course you can do this with any cocktail

waiting - bet you cant wait to announce your news to your family - what a lovely xmas pressie for them

Hey hun yea im gettin on ok not to positive tho i jus dont think its going to happen wit out help lets hope im proved wrong. I also have a cold atm. Hows u now? X
Merry Xmas everyone!!! I hope you have all had an amazing day! My xmas was great, I do love xmas day, catching up with family and all that. Cant wait to have a wee one for next xmas!

Happy Holidays to you all and hopefully will get to hear some great holiday sucess stories on here soon!!
Hey everyone - I hope you all had a fantastic christmas. It has been super hot and humid here today so my husband and I have spent the day hiding out downstairs in the airconditioning! I am on cycle 14, day 23 and I estimate 5 or 6 DPO. Nothing to report symptoms wise - not that you would expect anything this early. My iphone IP app predicts AF in 7 days which is 12 DPO so we will see what happens in a week's time. Not feeling too optimistic, kind of hard to after so many months, but we remain ever hopeful for a 2012 new years BFP.
I hope all is well with the rest of you girls.
Best wishes for the new years celebrations!
8 dpo today. not feeling very positive. Zero pregnancy symptoms to report at this stage and af due on January 3rd. We are already looking forward to next month - starting a new diet based on "The vegetarian mother's cookbook" by Cathe Olsen... we mainly need to get better with breakfast and lunches. I have a new job which will hopefully be less stressing as there will be less work to take home (fingers crossed) and that starts in January so I am keen for that and hoping it makes a difference. Also hoping that NOT studying full time while working full time may help with fertility too. I can't remember if I mentioned before, but I have been trying to put on some weight in the hope that it helps with fertility - I have regular cycles but I've been told that a little more weight might help maintain a pregnancy so I have been working on that and have gained 2kg in the last month which is a relatively healthy gain - so aiming for another 2kgs in the next couple of months.
Anywho - its not over till AF arrives - you never know, this might just be our month after all! Baby dust to everyone and all the best for your new year celebrations.
hey girls! hope you all had a fantastic new years!

Im now onto cycle 7! my cycles seem to be getting a bit more consistent now - being either 29 or 30 day cycles. last month was a 30 day cycle. Im now on CD11 so I think Ovulation is right around the CM has made an apperance and is getting a little bit EW like! so I made sure we BD'd yesterday, this morning and will continue doing so for the next 6 days or so to be on the safe side! :)

I hope I get somewhere this month - its all i can think about, i need to try and stay positive but it is hard when my AF keeps showing. I know we have all felt like that though!

Waiting - did you share the good news to the family at xmas?

mcqquade - thats great news that you are trying to put on weight - you never know, maybe that has been the reason you havent managed to conceive as yet - weight is a big issue as far as I know. Everyone thinkss being overweight will affect your chances but it works both ways. keep doing what your doing and try and stay positive, easier said than done but do try. symtoms does not mean anything at all. just look at prepping and waiting - they didnt have many symptoms at all!

doopers, jchic - how you all doing?

prepping - where are you? I wanna hear how you're getting on!
Hey guys.

Good news to hear your cycles are getting more consistent wintergirl. It can only be a good thing to have a more predictable ovulation process.

Prepping - how are things? Can't wait to hear your next update.

How is everyone else going?

Just found out a girlfriend is pregnant. We had discussed my fertility issues about 4 months ago and she said that her husband, and her, were thinking of trying for their second.... well turns out that they decided to start after our conversation - and got pregnant first try! - great - ..... hard to be excited for her, but I am doing my best. She is now 14 weeks.

I, on the other hand, am out again this month. Have just started spotting with AF.
We are thinking of trialing Soy Isoflaivons, I have heard that some women have had lots of success with these in the past - natures clomid or something? Has anyone heard about, or tried these before? I'd love any feedback.

Anyway - baby dust to everyone! 2012 is the year for babies - surely it is just a matter of time for us all now xxx

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