ahh Love looking at the tests!
@MrsKatie don't be silly!! That's a super strong line! Have you never had cramping in pregnancy before? It's super common. I had it pretty bad around 7/8 dpo which made me think I surely was not pregnant. It continued and I still get it now (21 weeks). Also the FRER suck now for reliable progression. At least that was my experience. Darker, lighter, darker, lighter....and I know
@3boys had the same issue.
@tdog not seeing anything but still early days!
@NightFlower definitely seeing it now, fx it just keeps getting darker! How many dpo are you?
@Beeka I love how you are like "9dpo is still early tdog, don't worry" and then also "here's my 7dpo test, I hope it's just too early..."

still plenty of time for that positive to show up! It's funny how we can give good advice but not take it for ourselves. I'm definitely the same way.
good luck ladies