"British soldiers burn in hell"

Yeah but also saying people should 'f off' is racism. And it is very hurtful to anyone who comes from a mixed heritage whatever that heritage is. Full stop people should be mindful of words that they bandy about and realise that its only adding fuel to the fire of racism. Thats my final word on the subject.
Makes me so angry!They have no right too!Jesus,they are taking over most of the country anyway-they don't like Christmas,councils rename it so not to offend....don't like it?sod off!we critise them and we are racist!Takes the wee wee......x

Wow, as a British muslim, what a highly, highly offensive post!!!!

Who exactly is taking over most of the country????? Muslims?? Britain has become multicultural, full of people of different races. I was born here and English is my first language. I am highly educated and pay high taxes. I have as much right to be here as you have!!! Don't like that I'm married to a muslim man and have a muslim daughter.... oh and God forbid, may have MORE muslim children!!!!!! Look away then.... we're here to stay.

Plus, I am a liberal muslim, and I don't agree with the extremists... what has happened is highly disrespectful, but that doesn't give you or anyone else the right to spout racial hatred....

Disgusting attitude.

I think Harveysmum's post might have been based on what some newspapers say, the changing of the word Christmas to Winterfest or whatever it was going to be.. After 7/7 everything that is suggest by a Muslim obviously hits the papers.. I dont agree with that but thats how it is.

Well then that's ignorance for you....

As Iraqi muslims (yes Iraqi) we celebrate christmas too, with presents, tree and all the usual xmas stuff.... if 'Harveysmum' is small minded enough to believe everything she reads in the paper.... then it's not worth even addressing her.

I'm leaving this as I'm too worked up now, and I'm late for work! (yes! i work too!)

But there are Muslims out there that dont like to celebrate Christmas and they are the ones saying these things. It works both ways, there are things Christian and Cathlolics dont agree with that Muslims do but its just not written about.. I work too, I dont think thats got anything to do with it..
Poppeteer I am really sad actually, that the first page of posts on here includes people swearing and telling people to basically get out of the country. Its sick really. I am very sorry that as a muslim you had to read such posts. People should be ashamed of grouping everyone together like everyone in a certain religion is to blame.

There was only one person who swore on here and the other people (including me) that said they should be thrown out the country was to the extremist terrorists and not to every single Muslim so please dont make it out like we are racist.

I think anyone no matter what colour their skin is or what religion they are should be thrown out of the country if they try to bomb people :shrug:
Yeah but also saying people should 'f off' is racism. And it is very hurtful to anyone who comes from a mixed heritage whatever that heritage is. Full stop people should be mindful of words that they bandy about and realise that its only adding fuel to the fire of racism. Thats my final word on the subject.

Well I am from a mixed heritage but thats not why I took offence to it. I took offence because its rude to even put it into a post when debating with someone.
I am in no way racist. I am, however, annoyed by how PC this country has become. If I went over to a muslim country, I would adere to their cultural rules. If I wanted to visit a mosque for example, I would remove my shoes. So why is it, when muslims come here, they decide they don't want to fall in line with our culture and start making demands they be changed? I don't necessarily blame muslims for that, I blame the government for not doing what a government in a muslim country would do, which is to tell them to like it or leave. Obviously the majority of the Muslim commnity are happy enough living in our society and not making a fuss, getting on with their culture and leaving us to get on with ours. But, like everything, the minority let them down as a group by taking the piss.
Poppeteer I am really sad actually, that the first page of posts on here includes people swearing and telling people to basically get out of the country. Its sick really. I am very sorry that as a muslim you had to read such posts. People should be ashamed of grouping everyone together like everyone in a certain religion is to blame.

There was only one person who swore on here and the other people (including me) that said they should be thrown out the country was to the extremist terrorists and not to every single Muslim so please dont make it out like we are racist.

I think anyone no matter what colour their skin is or what religion they are should be thrown out of the country if they try to bomb people :shrug:

Again, Picking.. Because in a previous thread I said that anyone who shows that kind of behaviour or does this vile things should be thrown out but I am just replying to what this post is about. Im not going to add in other things and make it bigger than it already is :shrug::shrug:
I am in no way racist. I am, however, annoyed by how PC this country has become. If I went over to a muslim country, I would adere to their cultural rules. If I wanted to visit a mosque for example, I would remove my shoes. So why is it, when muslims come here, they decide they don't want to fall in line with our culture and start making demands they be changed? I don't necessarily blame muslims for that, I blame the government for not doing what a government in a muslim country would do, which is to tell them to like it or leave. Obviously the majority of the Muslim commnity are happy enough living in our society and not making a fuss, getting on with their culture and leaving us to get on with ours. But, like everything, the minority let them down as a group by taking the piss.

You cant just deport people for not agreeing with a war or something else. That's ridiculous and once that starts, where does it stop? Would I be deported for saying I don't like the tories?

Im not talking about people who dont support the war. I dont support the war and I never have, Im talking about people doing what was done yesterday and people who stand in the middle of a packed area spouting hatred. There is a difference and I am not just talking about Muslims either, Just to clarify!

yes but if I said 'david cameron is a twat and the tories are evil' outside westminster I should be deported?

Do you seriously put that into the same category as insulting families of those who died in the war or died in 7/7?

Well yes, why not? It's still me expressing my opinions just like the extremists were expressing themselves yesterday. Now I don't think they went about it in the right way AT ALL and I don't even agree with what they say but I will support their right to have whatever opinion they want and to be able to voice it wherever they want in a PEACEFUL manner.

If it was in a peaceful manner this thread wouldnt exist..

But they weren't violent - the students in london were violent (the minority) Should they be deported? Where to?
You cant just deport people for not agreeing with a war or something else. That's ridiculous and once that starts, where does it stop? Would I be deported for saying I don't like the tories?

Im not talking about people who dont support the war. I dont support the war and I never have, Im talking about people doing what was done yesterday and people who stand in the middle of a packed area spouting hatred. There is a difference and I am not just talking about Muslims either, Just to clarify!

yes but if I said 'david cameron is a twat and the tories are evil' outside westminster I should be deported?

Do you seriously put that into the same category as insulting families of those who died in the war or died in 7/7?

Well yes, why not? It's still me expressing my opinions just like the extremists were expressing themselves yesterday. Now I don't think they went about it in the right way AT ALL and I don't even agree with what they say but I will support their right to have whatever opinion they want and to be able to voice it wherever they want in a PEACEFUL manner.

If it was in a peaceful manner this thread wouldnt exist..

But they weren't violent - the students in london were violent (the minority) Should they be deported? Where to?

Hmmmmmmm where in this post do we mention VIOLENCE????????? nowhere.. We are talking about being peaceful and maybe if you read back a bit more you might see my views on the whole students things... So please get it correct before posting...
I wish they'd do the white poppy still. Why don't they?! That was more for pacifists to wear in a mark of respect for people who have died in the war but also shows that u dont support current wars.

They do, there's a thread in the debate section about them:thumbup:
It makes me laugh at how many people say 'if I went to live abroad I would live by their culture and rules'. Yes, maybe you would, but just look at how many don't. People in this country are always saying 'people who come to live here should learn to speak English', yet how many Brits who live abroad learn the ;anguage there? My MIL has lived in Spain for over ten years and speaks only a few words of Spanish, the same applies to almost every ex pat she knows out there. My Mum lived in Thailand for years, didn't learn Thai and again, no ex pats she knew out there spoke Thai either. Nor do any of these people follow the traditions of the countries they live in.

As for the protestors. Awful. My husband lost 11 men out of 120 when he was in Afghanistan, countless more injured, several friends are left with young babies, their husband's killed. That anyone could be so insensitive as to behave like this appalls me. However, they do not speak for the majority and in fact, the majority fo the Afghani people in Afghanistan support our troops being out there and actually help them where possible and are employed in British camps.

We are a multi-cultural society. One of the great things about our society, we embrace people of all cultures and races. We allow freedom of speech, we allow people to be different. There are of course, faults with the system, but I wouldn't want to change most of it.
It makes me laugh at how many people say 'if I went to live abroad I would live by their culture and rules'. Yes, maybe you would, but just look at how many don't. People in this country are always saying 'people who come to live here should learn to speak English', yet how many Brits who live abroad learn the ;anguage there? My MIL has lived in Spain for over ten years and speaks only a few words of Spanish, the same applies to almost every ex pat she knows out there. My Mum lived in Thailand for years, didn't learn Thai and again, no ex pats she knew out there spoke Thai either. Nor do any of these people follow the traditions of the countries they live in.

As for the protestors. Awful. My husband lost 11 men out of 120 when he was in Afghanistan, countless more injured, several friends are left with young babies, their husband's killed. That anyone could be so insensitive as to behave like this appalls me. However, they do not speak for the majority and in fact, the majority fo the Afghani people in Afghanistan support our troops being out there and actually help them where possible and are employed in British camps.

We are a multi-cultural society. One of the great things about our society, we embrace people of all cultures and races. We allow freedom of speech, we allow people to be different. There are of course, faults with the system, but I wouldn't want to change most of it.

sorry about your hubbys tour hun :hugs: my ohs regt are currently out there :cry:
It makes me laugh at how many people say 'if I went to live abroad I would live by their culture and rules'. Yes, maybe you would, but just look at how many don't. People in this country are always saying 'people who come to live here should learn to speak English', yet how many Brits who live abroad learn the ;anguage there? My MIL has lived in Spain for over ten years and speaks only a few words of Spanish, the same applies to almost every ex pat she knows out there. My Mum lived in Thailand for years, didn't learn Thai and again, no ex pats she knew out there spoke Thai either. Nor do any of these people follow the traditions of the countries they live in.

As for the protestors. Awful. My husband lost 11 men out of 120 when he was in Afghanistan, countless more injured, several friends are left with young babies, their husband's killed. That anyone could be so insensitive as to behave like this appalls me. However, they do not speak for the majority and in fact, the majority fo the Afghani people in Afghanistan support our troops being out there and actually help them where possible and are employed in British camps.

We are a multi-cultural society. One of the great things about our society, we embrace people of all cultures and races. We allow freedom of speech, we allow people to be different. There are of course, faults with the system, but I wouldn't want to change most of it.

I suppose you do make a valid point, I wasnt the one that said it but I suppose when you look at it your correct. :thumbup:
It makes me laugh at how many people say 'if I went to live abroad I would live by their culture and rules'. Yes, maybe you would, but just look at how many don't. People in this country are always saying 'people who come to live here should learn to speak English', yet how many Brits who live abroad learn the ;anguage there? My MIL has lived in Spain for over ten years and speaks only a few words of Spanish, the same applies to almost every ex pat she knows out there. My Mum lived in Thailand for years, didn't learn Thai and again, no ex pats she knew out there spoke Thai either. Nor do any of these people follow the traditions of the countries they live in.

As for the protestors. Awful. My husband lost 11 men out of 120 when he was in Afghanistan, countless more injured, several friends are left with young babies, their husband's killed. That anyone could be so insensitive as to behave like this appalls me. However, they do not speak for the majority and in fact, the majority fo the Afghani people in Afghanistan support our troops being out there and actually help them where possible and are employed in British camps.

We are a multi-cultural society. One of the great things about our society, we embrace people of all cultures and races. We allow freedom of speech, we allow people to be different. There are of course, faults with the system, but I wouldn't want to change most of it.

this is a great post, i totally agree
It makes me laugh at how many people say 'if I went to live abroad I would live by their culture and rules'. Yes, maybe you would, but just look at how many don't. People in this country are always saying 'people who come to live here should learn to speak English', yet how many Brits who live abroad learn the ;anguage there? My MIL has lived in Spain for over ten years and speaks only a few words of Spanish, the same applies to almost every ex pat she knows out there. My Mum lived in Thailand for years, didn't learn Thai and again, no ex pats she knew out there spoke Thai either. Nor do any of these people follow the traditions of the countries they live in.

As for the protestors. Awful. My husband lost 11 men out of 120 when he was in Afghanistan, countless more injured, several friends are left with young babies, their husband's killed. That anyone could be so insensitive as to behave like this appalls me. However, they do not speak for the majority and in fact, the majority fo the Afghani people in Afghanistan support our troops being out there and actually help them where possible and are employed in British camps.

We are a multi-cultural society. One of the great things about our society, we embrace people of all cultures and races. We allow freedom of speech, we allow people to be different. There are of course, faults with the system, but I wouldn't want to change most of it.

I was the one that posted that. And yes it's a valid point. But how many of us would go and live in a Muslim country and demand they start changing things? Yes, maybe you wouldn't make much of an effort to learn the language, but you would know enough to get by. I wouldn't go over to India for example and start demanding they change the way they celebrate Diwali because it wasn't in my culture to celebrate it iykwim? Like I said, MOST Muslims in this country cause no trouble, they respect us as a seperate culture and leave us in peace. But some don't. Not being allowed to have "Happy Christmas' lights up incase it offends anyone? How ridiculous?! Now we have to say "Seasons Greetings" instead. Things like that aren't just down to a minority of the muslim community though, that is mainly PC gone mad and people being so desperate to 'please' other cultures that they are willing to give up on their own ideals
Makes me so angry!They have no right too!Jesus,they are taking over most of the country anyway-they don't like Christmas,councils rename it so not to offend....don't like it?sod off!we critise them and we are racist!Takes the wee wee......x

Wow, as a British muslim, what a highly, highly offensive post!!!!

Who exactly is taking over most of the country????? Muslims?? Britain has become multicultural, full of people of different races. I was born here and English is my first language. I am highly educated and pay high taxes. I have as much right to be here as you have!!! Don't like that I'm married to a muslim man and have a muslim daughter.... oh and God forbid, may have MORE muslim children!!!!!! Look away then.... we're here to stay.

Plus, I am a liberal muslim, and I don't agree with the extremists... what has happened is highly disrespectful, but that doesn't give you or anyone else the right to spout racial hatred....

Disgusting attitude.

British muslims have lived here for years,but it seems in the last few years that it's been all over the papers(not just the daily mail) that councils have changed the names of things,like christmas celebrations so they don't offend-Every religion is entitled to celebrate in their own way-so why are christians penalised?

I'm not saying British Muslims need to 'go home' I'm sorry,if it came across like that.

My point was that people come here from other countries and then seem to throw their weight around so that we fit in with them.

If we were to go to another country we would conform to the way the people there lived,whilst still following our own religion,so why can they not do that here?
Most of these 'PC gone mad' stories are proven to be either false or totally exaggerated by people like Richard Littlejohn, who is a complete joke to the world of journalism.
Makes me so angry!They have no right too!Jesus,they are taking over most of the country anyway-they don't like Christmas,councils rename it so not to offend....don't like it?sod off!we critise them and we are racist!Takes the wee wee......x

Wow, as a British muslim, what a highly, highly offensive post!!!!

Who exactly is taking over most of the country????? Muslims?? Britain has become multicultural, full of people of different races. I was born here and English is my first language. I am highly educated and pay high taxes. I have as much right to be here as you have!!! Don't like that I'm married to a muslim man and have a muslim daughter.... oh and God forbid, may have MORE muslim children!!!!!! Look away then.... we're here to stay.

Plus, I am a liberal muslim, and I don't agree with the extremists... what has happened is highly disrespectful, but that doesn't give you or anyone else the right to spout racial hatred....

Disgusting attitude.

I think Harveysmum's post might have been based on what some newspapers say, the changing of the word Christmas to Winterfest or whatever it was going to be.. After 7/7 everything that is suggest by a Muslim obviously hits the papers.. I dont agree with that but thats how it is.

Well then that's ignorance for you....

As Iraqi muslims (yes Iraqi) we celebrate christmas too, with presents, tree and all the usual xmas stuff.... if 'Harveysmum' is small minded enough to believe everything she reads in the paper.... then it's not worth even addressing her.

I'm leaving this as I'm too worked up now, and I'm late for work! (yes! i work too!)

But there are Muslims out there that dont like to celebrate Christmas and they are the ones saying these things. It works both ways, there are things Christian and Cathlolics dont agree with that Muslims do but its just not written about.. I work too, I dont think thats got anything to do with it..

How dare you call me narrow minded!!The OP posted for people to give their opinion!I didn't pick you out personally did I???So how dare you do it to me!
Most of these 'PC gone mad' stories are proven to be either false or totally exaggerated by people like Richard Littlejohn, who is a complete joke to the world of journalism.

The whole saga about changing Christmas to another name was on the news and our local paper had a whole page on it.. There was never any retraction from that so I am assuming that that wasnt rubbish.. Yes some of it is exaggerated but bottom line is it is said for it to be exaggerated.
Most of these 'PC gone mad' stories are proven to be either false or totally exaggerated by people like Richard Littlejohn, who is a complete joke to the world of journalism.

Some of them aren't though. My sister's primary school didn't have a nativity play last year because they now have one muslim student, for example

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