It makes me laugh at how many people say 'if I went to live abroad I would live by their culture and rules'. Yes, maybe you would, but just look at how many don't. People in this country are always saying 'people who come to live here should learn to speak English', yet how many Brits who live abroad learn the ;anguage there? My MIL has lived in Spain for over ten years and speaks only a few words of Spanish, the same applies to almost every ex pat she knows out there. My Mum lived in Thailand for years, didn't learn Thai and again, no ex pats she knew out there spoke Thai either. Nor do any of these people follow the traditions of the countries they live in.
As for the protestors. Awful. My husband lost 11 men out of 120 when he was in Afghanistan, countless more injured, several friends are left with young babies, their husband's killed. That anyone could be so insensitive as to behave like this appalls me. However, they do not speak for the majority and in fact, the majority fo the Afghani people in Afghanistan support our troops being out there and actually help them where possible and are employed in British camps.
We are a multi-cultural society. One of the great things about our society, we embrace people of all cultures and races. We allow freedom of speech, we allow people to be different. There are of course, faults with the system, but I wouldn't want to change most of it.