Buddies for bubs due November 2009 - THIS GROUP IS NOW CLOSED

Sure, Lorrilou. Welcome! :wave:

Are they your kiddies in the photo??

Hopefully your ms passes soon. :hugs:

Jen. :winkwink:
thanks for the info I feel better about it now. it seems like they tell you to stay away from so many things.
welcome to the group.. when did your ms start?
Do any of you gals have a feeling of what gender your baby is going to be? do you have a preferance? when i was pregnant with my son i had a strong feeling it was a boy. now i don't feel anything. either way its a huge blessing and thrilled to have it.
Hi girls,

Yeah, their my little monsters my avatar.

I think my m/s started about 2wks ago cant be too sure though cos the first week we all had a sickness bug, so was probably abit of both.

I think this one could be another boy, i feel the same as when i was pregnant with callum. Would be easier if its a boy, still got loadsa boy baby stuff.

Hows everyone else feeling this morning? x
Hey there girls.

Well I got through the weekend with my parents. Told them I had given up drink for Lent and I don't think they suspected anything. My dad commented that it was a good idea to give your body a break from alcohol from time to time! I was very tired last night though, we were out for dinner and then stayed up chatting till about 1 a.m. - I was ready to drop! And I had had a nap during the day too.

Welcome to the group Lorrilou.

Liliana - I am thinking my baby might be a girl. My reasoning for this is that I was temperature charting so I know my Ov dates and we actually didn't time BD particularly well, so the little sperms would have had to have been hanging around for a few days. I've heard that female sperm are more long-lived so I'm thinking it's probably more likely to be a girl. I've no preference either way though as it's my first baby.

Hope everyone else is well.
Hey Girls,

We for sure seem to be due around the same few days. Im due Nov 5th. Polaris im glad you got though the weekend ok i know u were a bit scared of that. Yeah im for sure still feeling tired (nap all the time), still sore bb's, wee wee alot more, mild uturs cramping, no morning sickness yet:happydance: and i feel hungry all the time. Im not a big eater so i feel like i can eat everything in my way but when i start to do that it doesn't look or taste good anymore. :hissy: Other then that im feeling ok. I have my next doctors appointment on April 8th, then i get refered to another doctor for me and the baby because my family doctor doesn't deliver babies. By that time it will probably be like 2 more weeks before i see him. I hate waiting becuase i don't really feel pregnant. I think i need to see it or hear it to believe it. :blush: Im very excited though and also very happy for all of you. Keep me posted with symptoms.....:hug::hug:


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Thanks bourtonbaby, yes I am glad that the weekend is over although it was lovely to see my folks I did feel like I was deceiving them!! welcome to the thread, it's nice to be able to share experiences with others who are due at about the same time.

Well I have had a day of babies today - I went out to visit a friend of mine this afternoon who has a 3 week old baby, she's so adorable!!! It was so hard not to say anything about my news but I'm glad I kept it secret. And this evening we are going into hospital to visit OH's sister-in-law who just had twins on Thursday! Mad to think that I'll have a baby of my own soon!!!
Hi lovely ladies.

Welcome to the thread, bourtonbaby. :)

I have a slight feeling it may be a boy. A few reasons: with my daughter, I didn't have hardly any sickness at all but with this one OMG all the time!! :( also, we BD'd at the right time for a boy.

But who knows, really. And like someone else said (sorry, placenta brain pff), regardless of gender the little cherub will be most welcome. :)

Polaris, good job on the weekend with the parents!! What a genious you are - didn't even think of Lent! :dance:

Have a lovely day. :hugs:
Hey Girls,

Well I felt pretty good up until this morning. YUP morning sickness kicked in and it sucks!! :hissy: I don't think my body was very happy about getting up at 4am this morning to go to work. :blush: I was totally wishing that maybe i wouldn't get it like some people but boy was i wrong. Still also very tired and have sore bb's, but it feels very real now because of the morning sickness. So today up to date has for sure been the worse for me and i hope the days don't stay like this. :cry:

I hope everyone else is feeling ok....talk to ya soon:hug::hug:


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Hi hope ur all well.

Im just back from the hospital after having my early scan.
It was amazing, although not everything was clear. But, the heart was! the little heat was beating away. They said everything was perfect, in the right place, and the right measurements for my dates.

As for feelings of the babys gender, i have such a strong feeling that the baby will be a girl.
Hi Jennie, congratulations on your scan results. It must be so brilliant to see the heartbeat!!

Bourtonbaby - sorry to hear you are suffering today, I've been feeling pretty sick today too. It's not nice but at least it does feel more like I'm really pregnant!

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone!
Bourtonbaby ...i know what you mean my ms kicked in yesterday in the middle of the day i was fine and all of the sudden i felt like crap and had severe back pain all night long im scared now of the coming weeks..with my son it just kept getting worse and worse everyday i think the peak was at 11 weeks then it was finally gone around 17 or 18 weeks :cry:

Jennie wow thats wonderful news congrats I bet it felt so good to hear that little heart beating. I cant wait for my scan it all seems so real after you actually see the baby on the screen.

Polaris..isn't it funny how once your TTC or actually pregnant you start seeing all of these babies and new borns...we had a couple come over to our house the other day and they have a kid our sons age and just had a new baby ..I felt so sorry for the mom she didnt sit the whole time she was either changing diapers or breastfeeding and telling me how hard it is!!
when they left my husband and I looked at each other and had an OH MY GOD look on our faces !! is this what we are going to go through in a few month?? :shock:
but once the baby is past the first year i think it just keeps getting easier.
I think im being extra paranoid due to an earlier miscarraige but im scared now!! my boobs were really sore for the last two weeks but today all of the sudden the feel totally normal and even the swelling feels like its gone!!! yesterday and this morning i had morning sickness but that too is kinda gone now!! and I dont have to go to the bathroom as often as i had to the last couple weeks. whats going on???
I find that my symptoms come and go. To be honest I'm just enjoying the days when I don't really have too many symptoms because they are generally back with a vengeance the next day! BB pain in particular seems to come and go. Try not to worry about it, I don't think it means anything.
Hey Girls,

I for sure agree with Polaris because yesterday was bad with morning sickness, but today i feel fine so i do think that they come and go. :happydance: I won't worry too much. My crazy symptoms didn't hit me until a bit over 6 weeks, but it could be different for you, you could get it earlier. So today so far so good with my morning sickness (mind you it's still 630am) I did get alot of extra sleep yesterday though and i think that helped. When i got home from work i took a nap from 4 to 7 then fell asleep from 9pm for the rest of the night. ( i recommend naps :sleep: ) LOL

Well i hope you are all feeling ok today! Talk to ya soon


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I'm right there with you on the sleeping lots, bourtonbaby!
Yesterday I felt really awful until about 2 p.m. I had a nap from about 4 till 7 as well and then went to bed at 10.30 and slept right through till 7 a.m. Feel rested today for the first time in I don't know how long and m.s. definitely isn't as bad. Still feel a little queasy but it's quite easy to ignore today. Now if only I didn't have to work and could just sleep for about 18 hours a day until after my 12 week scan at least!!

Got a date for my scan - it's not till 29th April, seems like ages away.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

I hear ya. My next doctors appointment is April 8th, then i get refered to another doctor that delivers babies and it will probably be around the same time for my scan too.....SO LONG!!...LOL But i agree sleep does wonders...i slept the same as you yesterday and i feel ok today...
Hi, gals.

Sorry I haven't checked in for a while. FLAT OUT!!

Not much m.s. for me as of yet, hoping it stays away! :)
As for feeling really pregnant some days and others not, I think it depends on just what's going on inside that uterus of yours. Some days the body needs more of particular hormones to support growing your baby. Some days it needs less. It certainly doesn't mean you'll miscarry if you're symptoms are less one day. The biggest indicator for a possible approaching miscarriage is blood, THEN cramps. But of course, some women get their periods right through pregnancy and end up birthing a healthy baby so there's no real indicator. Like Polaris said, try not to let it worry you. Your body is doing an amazing job of bringing into being a new little soul!! How exciting! :dance:

Well, take care all. Will check in again when I get another chance. :hugs:
Thanks for the lovely clear explanation of why symptoms can come and go, Jen - makes a lot of sense!

I am trying not to worry and just wait till the scan. I'm trying to take the attitude that what will be will be, hopefully everything will work out fine and worrying won't change anything anyway. I don't think I'll really believe it properly though till I see baby's heartbeat!

I had really bad wind pains yesterday, I never normally get these, they were really sore but higher up than cramps. I know they were wind pains because (TMI) releasing some of that wind helped relieve them a bit!! Apart from that I had a good day yesterday, nowhere near as sick as Tuesday.

Hope everyone is well.
Ooh, I just noticed - seven weeks today on my ticker, woohoo!!!!
Hey Girls,

Polaris were both at 7 weeks today!!!:happydance: very exciting. It seems like Tuesday was a bad day for both of us. Since then i feel pretty ok well atleast better than Tuesday...LOL Im still very tired and have sore bb's (@)(@) but again other then that going ok. I felt a bit sick after work yesterday but nothing too bad. Well im back at work again so i will talk to u girls later. I hope your all feeling good today!:hug::hug::hugs:


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